Megan Barry

Too good not to share..shamelessly stolen from Mr Anderson of Knoxville, TN:

It's being reported that the KFC's in the greater Nashville area are now offering a "Megan Barry Special". It features two fat thighs, two small breasts, and a left wing, all for $5. Sounds like a good deal!
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Too good not to share..shamelessly stolen from Mr Anderson of Knoxville, TN:

It's being reported that the KFC's in the greater Nashville area are now offering a "Megan Barry Special". It features two fat thighs, two small breasts, and a left wing, all for $5. Sounds like a good deal!

She'll even help make the gravy.
Since politics is a game, does Title IX apply? Time for some Nashville payback.

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I’m looking forward to the inevitable spin that she was slut shamed and bullied by the patriarchy and sexually harassed and she’s the real victim in all this.
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I’m looking forward to the inevitable spin that she was slut shamed and bullied by the patriarchy and sexually harassed and she’s the real victim in all this.

She appears to be already flipping it as roll of the victim and it in fact is her rights being infringed upon. Brilliant by Barry taking the offensive but she has not other card to play really. Her answers to whether or not those nude pics are her are interesting. She has never said nude pics do not exist only that she didn't consent.
ok you guys have heard that Barry and her man toy would meet in Nashville cemetery in the morning for fun time...... well.... apparently they went to Mt.Olivet cemetery in the evening for more fun time...99.7 Was all over it this morning.

Hog called it a long time ago..... she's a freak
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I imagine his trophy wife told him "now that we're married we'll have relations once a month on the last Sunday, lights out, missionary position. Do not sweat on me" and Barry said "if you see a hole, plug it. Lets go". His benefit cost analysis favored MB

ok you guys have heard that Barry and her man toy would meet in Nashville cemetery in the morning for fun time...... well.... apparently they went to Mt.Olivet cemetery in the evening for more fun time...99.7 Was all over it this morning.

Hog called it a long time ago..... she's a freak

Between GreveHaller and Hog I'd say they nailed pun intended.
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the worst part (from the Nashville perspective) is that the vice mayor will assume the duty of mayor. He's so liberal he makes Megan look like Donald Trump.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. He is abrasive and like you said far wacko left he just might poison the well. Plus that massive transportation boondoggle of Barry's should be dead.

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