Merry Christmas from Gov. Abbott

Show me where I said it was the government’s job.
I said each of us as individuals should have compassion on such folks and not play politically motivated games with their lives.
Compassion like that time the rich lefties called the national guard, and had them shipped off to a military base the second they showed up in their neighborhood? You know good and well the left only wants them for votes, and don't give a crap about their lives. Now that they're starting to vote Republican, even LG started a thread wanting something done about them. The only reason you guys have cared is bec6of politics, I guarantee you don't go out of your way to help one of them.
It’s also not the government’s job
Question along the side of Devil's advocate/opposing view:

Joseph stored up grains in Egypt to prepare for the 7 year famine. When the famine came, his brothers came over into Egypt to eat from the grain that the country of Egypt had stored up. Then later, they were given land in Goshen.
So please tell would the "real Yeshua" you claim to know handle the oppressed and the neighbor in need?

Please spare us the faux pretending of religious high ground. No human is perfect. Since you are a liberal, you support abortion yes? You support the right for a woman to choose? If the answer is yes, then your whole caring about your fellow humans argument is like a Biden speech, full of BS and lies.
Question along the side of Devil's advocate/opposing view:

Joseph stored up grains in Egypt to prepare for the 7 year famine. When the famine came, his brothers came over into Egypt to eat from the grain that the country of Egypt had stored up. Then later, they were given land in Goshen.
Do you think this is an example of how government is ordered to behave by G-d or is simply a decision made by Joseph as part of an overall story?
Do you think this is an example of how government is ordered to behave by G-d or is simply a decision made by Joseph as part of an overall story?
I'm only asking your thinking on that. Like I said, it's a thought experiment if I were to try to argue the opposing side.
I'm only asking your thinking on that. Like I said, it's a thought experiment if I were to try to argue the opposing side.
Absolutely is not an assertion of law. Simply something that Joseph did out of the abundance of his preparation. I’d argue that the United States are/is not prepared. We’ve failed miserably at preparation and have no abundance to be generous from. Quite the opposite actually.
Absolutely is not an assertion of law. Simply something that Joseph did out of the abundance of his preparation. I’d argue that the United States are/is not prepared. We’ve failed miserably at preparation and have no abundance to be generous from. Quite the opposite actually.
But yet they send billions to Ukraine. Sorry but we need to take care of us like you said we can't help others. Everyone needs to work 6 days a week to make sure there home and family's are ok. We are heading towards a recession.
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Maybe one of the biggest POS moves I've ever seen from a politician. But he'll go to church tomorrow wearing his little wwjd bracelet and act like he loves him some Jesus because that's what's good for business and politics in Texas - the act, not the substance.

Those cockroaches are NOT migrants. They're INVADERS.
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I am sure you guys apply other Biblical principles to your philosophy, like welfare and others.

Have you ever noticed that people who tell us we should take care of illegals and others never intend to pay the cost themselves? I firmly believe that illegals should immediately be moved to locations where people and politicians claim to believe in open borders (especially the sanctuary cities) and to DC - the home of the problem. Maybe we should introduce a measure that allows citizens to directly write legislation that legislators have to vote for or against. My first would be that legislators have to sponsor five illegal families - ten more if a legislator votes for allowing illegals in the country - ten more if a legislator wants to rewrite immigration laws without forcing implementation of what we have in place.
But yet they send billions to Ukraine. Sorry but we need to take care of us like you said we can't help others. Everyone needs to work 6 days a week to make sure there home and family's are ok. We are heading towards a recession.
We don’t need to be sending money to anyone. We don’t have abundance to be generous from. And if we did we should take care of our own before we worry about anyone else.
So why didn't the illegals stay where the weather was warmer? Seems like a fitting dose of reality. Ever ask yourself who is recruiting these waves of immigrants and why?

The answer is simple:
Dim-0-Crats see Voters.
Republicans see Invaders.
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for half the money we sent to the Ukraine we could solve drought problems in this country forever. Build plants to remove salt from ocean water and pump it in pipelines all over the United States.

Agree, Slice. On the flip side of that coin, California and other western states refuse to construct new water reservoirs over “environmental concerns” like killing a few snails. Even if federal funds were diverted to these states, they would quite likely fail fantastically as they would likely divert funds to “climate change initiatives” or reparations instead of providing much needed desalination plants or reservoirs.

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