Michelle's $375,000 vacation courtesy of the American Taxpayer

Actually most of Bush's vacations were to Camp David or his ranch. If anywhere else it may have also been the Bush family retreat in Maine. All of these locations were already set up for security and none cost anywhere the level of Michelle's comforting a friend over a loss of a loved one.

If you want to get down to it, Obama has W beat in the vacations and cost categories. And LG, you can harp all you want and be the Obama apologist but it shows just how pathetic Obama is to 1)pretend like he is the 'common man' who relates to us 2)tell us to go to the Gulf when he himself waits until the 'all clear sign' is sounded to go himself and 3)while people are suffering because of hard times, job loss, home loss, etc. he chooses to go jetsetting with Hollywood and big global names on weekly vacations most people couldn't even dream of. So while you still pine for the W days in criticisms we can really look at just how smart the gifted one really is on making such stupid choices that demean his own image.

Well, in 8 years Bush's trips cost over $20 million and that is not including Laura's own trips.

In two years, so far as I can see Obama has spent less than a half a million, and a significant part of that was paid for by the Obamas, themselves.

So good job getting your facts as wrong as you possibly could.
Well, in 8 years Bush's trips cost over $20 million and that is not including Laura's own trips.

In two years, so far as I can see Obama has spent less than a half a million, and a significant part of that was paid for by the Obamas, themselves.

So good job getting your facts as wrong as you possibly could.

1 1/2 years to 8, give him time!
Well, in 8 years Bush's trips cost over $20 million and that is not including Laura's own trips.

In two years, so far as I can see Obama has spent less than a half a million, and a significant part of that was paid for by the Obamas, themselves.

So good job getting your facts as wrong as you possibly could.

Care to source this info? HuffPo doesn't count. Not sure how you can come up with less than half a million on a trip every week. Those books must be providing an amazing source of income to be paying for these trips. An 11 day trip to Hawaii and an extended weekend rental on the Vineyard is pretty steep.

And on that point, don't you find it interesting that after one week scrutiny, the White House finally came up with the story that it wasn't all of those people and it wasn't as much as claimed and it was paid out of pocket? Amazing how the story finally came together after a week's worth of brainstorming. An inconvenient truth?

Not touching the part about their stupidity for such trips? What about all of the ranting and raving about lavish trips on the part of the CEO's receiving bailouts? Running up bills and taking these 'retreats', etc. made Barry all upset but yet Michelle and girls just got back from Europe in June. And now she's back with this Spain trip.
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Care to source this info? HuffPo doesn't count. Not sure how you can come up with less than half a million on a trip every week. Those books must be providing an amazing source of income to be paying for these trips. An 11 day trip to Hawaii and an extended weekend rental on the Vineyard is pretty steep.

And on that point, don't you find it interesting that after one week scrutiny, the White House finally came up with the story that it wasn't all of those people and it wasn't as much as claimed and it was paid out of pocket? Amazing how the story finally came together after a week's worth of brainstorming. An inconvenient truth?

Not touching the part about their stupidity for such trips? What about all of the ranting and raving about lavish trips on the part of the CEO's receiving bailouts? Running up bills and taking these 'retreats', etc. made Barry all upset but yet Michelle and girls just got back from Europe in June. And now she's back with this Spain trip.

President Bush took 149 trips to Camp David, 77 visits to his Crawford ranch, and 11 trips to his father's Kennebunkport mansion. Since Air Force One reportedly cost $56,800 per hour to operate in 2004 (which Bush used to get to Crawford), and the plane can travel up to 630 miles per hour, it cost at least $259,657 to get the 2880 miles to Crawford and back, each time Bush went, or roughly $20 million dollars just for taking the plane on the Crawford trips alone. Add in the cost of putting up Secret Service and other staff for the ranch trips, as well as the Kennebunkport and Camp David trips, and you get, well, a lot.
we all get that operating a jumbo jet is expensive, but Obama recently flew in Marine One to an event 6 miles from the White House.
Is that a copy and paste job? From where?

And you do know Camp David is an official location right? Going there does not always imply vacation. And if we're to use Obama's methods for determining vacation days, since he "did work" while he vacationed in MA, not all days counted. Same went for his 11 day Hawaii trip. I'm sure if we applied Obama's logic to Bush's trips, it's not nearly the level you made it out to be. And do you know if those were paid for by the taxpayer or not? Or are you assuming again?

Let's not forget the 'local' golfing trips...you know the ones while the Gulf was painted black. Pictures of Obama having a good ol' time on the golf course while crises develop?
let's also not forgot Obama's lavish White House functions, you know, the ones featuring Paul McCartney and other luminaries.
Is that a copy and paste job? From where?

And you do know Camp David is an official location right? Going there does not always imply vacation. And if we're to use Obama's methods for determining vacation days, since he "did work" while he vacationed in MA, not all days counted. Same went for his 11 day Hawaii trip. I'm sure if we applied Obama's logic to Bush's trips, it's not nearly the level you made it out to be. And do you know if those were paid for by the taxpayer or not? Or are you assuming again?

Let's not forget the 'local' golfing trips...you know the ones while the Gulf was painted black. Pictures of Obama having a good ol' time on the golf course while crises develop?

I was speaking only as to the ranch. The Camp David trips don't bother me nearly as much.

And when I say bothered as to the ranch trips I mean that only with respect to the cost of the trip and really only in relation to the feigned outrage we hear today from the right wing Obama-haters about this trip by the First Lady.

George W. spending at least $20 million just on the trips to the ranch -- which was over 40 days of his 8 years in office -- is remarkable if for no other reason than I don't recall Boorts, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox, and their minions on here syaing word one about that when it happened, but they are all over Obama's case about this one.

Tends to prove that in fact their outrage and claim that it is about the expense is purely feigned and that this is just the usual political (and poorly thought out or researched) drivel from them.
I hate republicans and democrats equally.......... Bush or Jesus Christ Superstar shouldn't be spending our money like fools!

Though, most of you vote to keep these fools in power!
Wasn't CBS the ones who broke the Bush service record? How that turn out? Real reliable reporting from them with absolutely no bias!

Interesting. You think the representation that he made 77 trips to the ranch is actually objectively wrong?

That seems unlikely.
In short, you could care less that W and Jesus Christ Superstar has spent 21 million on non sense.............
Wait, wait, wait.

How does AF2 cost about 11.5K/per hour to operate versus AF1 cost 56k per hour?

I know one is a 767 and 747, but come on. Also, The numbers have to be skewed. A trip to Crawford, TX simply cannot cost close to a trip to Spain. (250K vs 300k) And I doubt Bush is taking 70 security personnel to his ranch in the middle of nowhere Texas.
I have my own issues with Obama, and there is plenty to be worried about. But this isn't one of them.

It cost money for the president and his family to travel. I don't care if your name is Obama or Bush. Comparing dollars spent is silly. This is feigned outrage, if Mitt Romeny or whoever were president it would be the dems doing it. This is the kind of crap that gives American politics a bad name.
I have my own issues with Obama, and there is plenty to be worried about. But this isn't one of them.

It cost money for the president and his family to travel. I don't care if your name is Obama or Bush. Comparing dollars spent is silly. This is feigned outrage, if Mitt Romeny or whoever were president it would be the dems doing it. This is the kind of crap that gives American politics a bad name.

I agree. We have much more to worry about than Michelle's travel expenses.
So when the rest of the country has to tighten their belts, you have no problem with the President and First Lady taking advantage of the travel?

And when the President forces the firing of heads of companies receiving bailout money for extravagant travel but then does it himself, you don't have a problem?

The hypocrite acts as if he is one of us. He acts as if he is Clinton, feeling our pain. He tells us of the sacrifices WE have to make while making none himself. This is not only hypocrisy and irresponsibility but the worst move in PR he could possibly do.

LG can sit here and bring up Bush all day. 1)Bush is not in office 2)the economy was not in this shape and 3)Bush did not make it his focus on changing the culture of DC and cutting spending like this. Move on from Bush and deal with the one in the White House now.
Has anyone mentioned to LG that he's comparing the president's travel to a president's wife's travel. There is no doubt that Bush worked while in Crawford. Mrs. Obama has done nothing but spend our money. If she has worked on behalf of the people, I don't care. It's not in Amy official capacity because she's not our representative.

So much for the comparison.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Has anyone mentioned to LG that he's comparing the president's travel to a president's wife's travel. There is no doubt that Bush worked while in Crawford. Mrs. Obama has done nothing but spend our money. If she has worked on behalf of the people, I don't care. It's not in Amy official capacity because she's not our representative.

So much for the comparison.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Excellent points. Seeing how she just got back from London and Paris with her daughters in June, a "comfort a friend for a recent death" trip on the taxpayers' dime seems a little excessive. Perhaps her husband can demand her firing as well.
Has anyone mentioned to LG that he's comparing the president's travel to a president's wife's travel. There is no doubt that Bush worked while in Crawford. Mrs. Obama has done nothing but spend our money. If she has worked on behalf of the people, I don't care. It's not in Amy official capacity because she's not our representative.

So much for the comparison.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The attacks on Michelle are not about her. Its a proxy for criticizing Obama.

The attacks on Michelle are not about her. Its a proxy for criticizing Obama.


It's about profligate spending and wasting money. She clearly has an entitlement approach to the gig and her bullshiz comments about "first time I've ever been proud..." engendered a very strong dislike. She's elitist in populist clothing. Eff her and her Jay Leno looking chin.
The attacks on Michelle are not about her. Its a proxy for criticizing Obama.


You sound like a conspiracy theorist here. Bush was criticized for his many trips away from the white house while the country was facing problems.

Again we have the same issue, Obama's go romping around the country, and world after criticizing big business for their lavish bonuses and trip perks handed out at tax payer expense. Let us also factor in that many Americans are tightening their belts, trying to make ends meet, the fact that these two seem to be so ungrounded and out of tune with the problems the average citizen is facing, it's horrible PR and they deserve the criticism now as much as Bush did when he was in office. It's valid criticism and well deserved IMO.

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