Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

I don't buy it.

No way he lives like he's suggested here. Both he and his wife are well educated. He's talked of eventually starting a family.

Dink on the other hand, I can see "slumming" it. No responsibilities. Traveling and seeing the country. End up where you may.

But even he has a "new" love, and I'm sure she wouldn't want to slum it.

She lived there with me and she routinely travels to the most undeveloped areas of India and Sub-Saharan Africa.
CAD sounds like the answer to your woes in college. I'll put it bluntly... get the grade with CAD, and draft your passion by hand.

That's what I do.

Renaissance man? Is that synonymous with dinosaur now? Ha! :p

Well played.
I see the US wants to take 8000 middle eastern "immigrants" because you know, that's our "responsibility". I'm sure the pro immigrant crowd will welcome them into their homes with open arms right?
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I see the US wants to take 8000 middle eastern "immigrants" because you know, that's our "responsibility". I'm sure the pro immigrant crowd will welcome them into their homes with open arms right?

Trut and Huff would be more than happy to accommodate them.
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Absolutely. But what about your precious third world? Clean water is the biggest problem in those areas. Or should it just be given by those that can "afford" it to those that cannot?

The free-market makes things better off for the poor. Moreover, I think a convincing argument could be made that if marketing water as we market every other commodity was accepted as legitimate across the globe, there would be no water problems in Africa and India.

In fact, there are places in India where locals have established wells with sophisticated filtration and purification systems, marketed this water to locals, and then faced sanctions and were closed down by the local Mandel officials. The results have been predictable: the most in need ended up with less access to clean water; the well to do (which, surprisingly, includes the Mandel officials and their families) keep their water and continue to have western style irrigated lawns and gardens, at little to no cost.

When talking about water as a marketable commodity that is unsubsidized by government, we are talking about the price of water increasing to a point in which using a lot of water for aesthetic or luxury purposes comes with a significant cost which, in practice, entails an actual decision must be made, and some will still decide to bear the extra cost. Yet, the price of water will still be affordable enough that persons who need drinking water will have the means to have access.
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Those situations are not going to change. Ever. Sorry trut, but somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. I admire your magnanimous attitude towards those less fortunate, but I do not share it completely because many of them will come here and bring the squalor they are escaping right along with them. I was lucky to have been born here, and I will not apologize for it, nor willingly send myself into poverty just to assuage your inner demons by supporting less fortunates for their entire lives. That is what is wrong with this country right now. Hand ups have become hand outs, and that sucks the life out of success because somebody has to pay for them. I am tired of paying for people that do not appreciate it and think I owe it to them because I am successful.

1. Nobody is asking you to apologize for being born here.

2. You continue to make this ridiculous leap that is: because you support unrestricted migration you must support BS welfare programs. But, I don't support BS welfare programs (I don't even support publicly funded schooling). The welfare-state problem can be distinguished from the immigration problem. Further, we can easily assert that migrants coming for work are not privy to certain welfare programs, nor are they guaranteed a minimum wage.

3. Squalor is connected everywhere to economic status. If you think that by allowing the free-market to actually function as a free-market will increase overall squalor, then your understanding of the free-market is radically different from that of Adam Smith, Ricardo, Mises, Hayek, Friedman, etc. In fact, it would align you with Marx, Keynes, Krugman, and Piketty, who are all vocal proponents of the welfare-state. That is, there is a severe disconnect in your thinking.
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I see the US wants to take 8000 middle eastern "immigrants" because you know, that's our "responsibility". I'm sure the pro immigrant crowd will welcome them into their homes with open arms right?

Sweet, the US has signed up to help less than 1% of refugees who are fleeing their homes and ancestral homelands because they very much felt they and their family would be brutally killed if they stayed.

As for the BS 'argument' regarding your private homes, this retort would only make sense if the US was forcing US citizens to accommodate them on their privately-owned property. But, this is not happening.

In fact, if history tells us anything, then the US will be incredibly selective in picking their 8,000 migrants, just as they were incredibly selective when they decided in the build-up to WWII to accept only 27,000 (?) Jewish refugees and then made sure they only took the best and the brightest. The 8,000 refugees the US takes will be more than capable of providing for themselves and their families shortly after stepping foot on US soil.
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The fall of rome had nothing to do with immigration. It was all about expansion of the empire and devaluing their money.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I know i am way behind but I don't know if this has been addressed but you guys need to look at the fall of the West and then fast forward to the End of the East as well. Immigration was a huge part of the downfall of the West. Huns invaded a lot of homelands, displaced people tried to move in Rome, Rome couldn't support anymore so started using the tribes there to keep out the other tribes. They started using these "immigrants" to fight their battles, because Rome wouldn't/couldn't. The Ostrogoths and Lombards say hello to your immigration is great talk. They moved into the Empire, worked for the Empire and later took over. And those are just two that settled Italy. Plenty of other tribes moved in and kicked out the locals. The immigrants were exactly the cause of the fall of the west. The East suffered the same way, they just survived the Hunnic Nomads. But plenty of other people moved in and disrupted things further down the road.

and i liked how Truts post "immigrants" were other Italians and other Greek like peoples from Spain. and from the very early stages of Romanization after Rome had conquered those people. not apples to apples
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The reason for my confusion is that Trut shows his date of birth as Feb. 26, 1945, which would make him 70. I am fairly new here, and don't know much about him, but thought that he was a young guy. I couldn't understand how he could have recent military experience. That is why I assumed you were talking about Huff instead.

I think that Huff, Trut and Dink are all well educated, Huff and Dink only lacking much real life experience. Trut's military experience would necessarily make one mature quickly.

Lol. Ok. You want to know about my life experience? I gave up 2 years for my church to learn a new language and help poor immigrants. I got my wife thru stage 3 colon cancer. 15 days in hospital, 6 months of chemo, and a mountain of debt.

You don't know me.
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I think the two things that can be taken away from this thread are as follows:

1. Some people are more concerned with what they have and the perceived threat of losing out than they are of the welfare of their fellow humans.

2. TrUT has a unique ability to thrash his objectors to the point where they know they're getting whipped - but they still come back for more. Folks that's not easy, you can't teach this. Masterful work in this thread sir.
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I think the two things that can be taken away from this thread are as follows:

1. Some people are more concerned with what they have and the perceived threat of losing out than they of the welfare of their fellow humans.

2. TrUT has a unique ability to thrash his objectors to the point where they know they're getting whipped - but they still come back for more. Folks that's not easy, you can't teach this. Masterful work in this thread sir.

2. not so much.
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1. Nobody is asking you to apologize for being born here.

2. You continue to make this ridiculous leap that is: because you support unrestricted migration you must support BS welfare programs. But, I don't support BS welfare programs (I don't even support publicly funded schooling). The welfare-state problem can be distinguished from the immigration problem. Further, we can easily assert that migrants coming for work are not privy to certain welfare programs, nor are they guaranteed a minimum wage.

3. Squalor is connected everywhere to economic status. If you think that by allowing the free-market to actually function as a free-market will increase overall squalor, then your understanding of the free-market is radically different from that of Adam Smith, Ricardo, Mises, Hayek, Friedman, etc. In fact, it would align you with Marx, Keynes, Krugman, and Piketty, who are all vocal proponents of the welfare-state. That is, there is a severe disconnect in your thinking.

I have no idea who any of those people are with the exception of Marx. Keynes and Friedman I have heard of only on here. But as far as I can tell, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all thinkers and not doers. It is all well and good to come up with a study or proposal or theory when you do not actually have to see it function in reality. I don;t care who you align me with in your catagorization, I know what I know and I see what I see. I travel to a lot of third world countries, and I know what is going on there and nothing is going to change it no matter how much you romanticize it. The third world sucks. Period. It is not a good place for myriad reasons only one of which is clean water. Our boy king with his propensity to dumb everything down and socialize everything will turn this country into one of those. Congrats all who voted for him. Dakar is our future.
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I have no idea who any of those people are with the exception of Marx. Keynes and Friedman I have heard of only on here. But as far as I can tell, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all thinkers and not doers. It is all well and good to come up with a study or proposal or theory when you do not actually have to see it function in reality. I don;t care who you align me with in your catagorization, I know what I know and I see what I see. I travel to a lot of third world countries, and I know what is going on there and nothing is going to change it no matter how much you romanticize it. The third world sucks. Period. It is not a good place for myriad reasons only one of which is clean water. Our boy king with his propensity to dumb everything down and socialize everything will turn this country into one of those. Congrats all who voted for him. Dakar is our future.

You still in mother Russia?
I think the two things that can be taken away from this thread are as follows:

1. Some people are more concerned with what they have and the perceived threat of losing out than they of the welfare of their fellow humans.

2. TrUT has a unique ability to thrash his objectors to the point where they know they're getting whipped - but they still come back for more. Folks that's not easy, you can't teach this. Masterful work in this thread sir.
1. I will to help on MY terms, not the government's. MY plans and ways of charity are infinitely more efficient than the government's. I do not want to be forced into donating thru taxation and theft of monies that I worked for and of which only pennies on each dollar stolen by that same government will actually make it to their "intended" recipients. Government is the wrong way to do these things. You disagree. Fine. You win because I cannot do it my way.

2. lol.
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I have no idea who any of those people are with the exception of Marx. Keynes and Friedman I have heard of only on here. But as far as I can tell, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all thinkers and not doers. It is all well and good to come up with a study or proposal or theory when you do not actually have to see it function in reality. I don;t care who you align me with in your catagorization, I know what I know and I see what I see. I travel to a lot of third world countries, and I know what is going on there and nothing is going to change it no matter how much you romanticize it. The third world sucks. Period. It is not a good place for myriad reasons only one of which is clean water. Our boy king with his propensity to dumb everything down and socialize everything will turn this country into one of those. Congrats all who voted for him. Dakar is our future.

Thinkers and not doers? Look at Chile's economy. Their corrupt government created a brilliant economy by following Friedman's advice.
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You still in mother Russia?
Yup. Fly out tomorrow. I found a Matrushka today that is of the VOLS. Peyton is the biggest with Reggie White, Majors and Lauricella as the ones inside. I wish they had more and I would have bought them all for my VN buds.... I will figure out how to put a photo on here and show you. It's pretty cool actually
Yup. Fly out tomorrow. I found a Matrushka today that is of the VOLS. Peyton is the biggest with Reggie White, Majors and Lauricella as the ones inside. I wish they had more and I would have bought them all for my VN buds.... I will figure out how to put a photo on here and show you. It's pretty cool actually

That sounds neat as hell.
I have no idea who any of those people are...the one thing they all have in common is that they are all thinkers and not doers.

"I have no ****ing idea what I'm talking about, but I'm right".

Stockbrokers, businessmen, engineers, financiers...not doers, right? Only thinkers.

Also, I'm sure you could explain the 'doer v thinker' dichotomy, right? I mean, after all, you are placing all of your marbles in such a dichotomy.

Also, as someone who 'does' his whole life for the government, I doubt you know much how to operate efficiently and effectively. So, your 'doing' is problem bat**** ****ed up.
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