Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

And...? Your point is not going to function how you desire it to.

The vast majority of Native Americans did not see land as bounded, enclosed, or belonging to anyone. It was common. It was the colonists who enclosed the land and then treated the Natives as trespassing migrants. That's a salient detail.

And how'd that turn out for the red man? This is the same attitude the "illegals are ok" crowd has. Look at Huff's post above. He thinks it's impossible for them to adversely affect our culture.
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Persons in the United States and Europe like to think they are overwhelmed with aliens.

Hungarians think there is a problem if more persons who are not born in Hungary are living in the land enclosed by the imaginary lines called the border of Hungary. The land doesn't ****ing care, and there is enough of it to accommodate (I just learned this past week that we can erect structures that are basically vertical stacks with different things they call floors...these structures are apparently called buildings).

Xenophobia is a hell of a drug.

If the lines are imaginary then why not just make Mexico a state and the problem here would be solved? Same would apply to Europe.
Where's the deflection?

Basically, you said something analogous to, "I bet the rape victim regrets wearing a skirt". When the problem is not how she's dressed, the problem is the rapist.

Don't be an ass.

The Indians are a perfect example of why open boarders fail those who have them.
Pack 'em like sardines onto trains, lead them to believe they are being taken to somewhere desirable, and drive them to camps where they will be concentrated. Yeah, yeah, concentration camps, that's the ticket.

Or, of course, you could allow them to come in, either spend their money to rent flats or, lacking the money, set up their own living camps in public spaces, find jobs or create jobs that cater to this new influx of immigrants, and, ultimately, allow them to build new lives.

But, of course, that would be unsightly, and Hungarians would have to deal with darker skinned folks who speak a separate language, prepare different food, have different culture, etc. And, of course, we can't suffer to have our great western culture threatened.

What money? They are refugees. And if they set up "living camps" whose gonna provide their food and toilet facilities?
If it's one thing we had right in the cold war, it's that we accepted defectors.

The reason America has such an impressive history is that it was built by immigrants. Allowing people in creates new markets for ideas and opportunities. People don't even realize the many ways immigration benefits them (past, present, and future). I would bet a lot of money that our overall cost of living in the US would rise significantly if we we followed Trump's plan to deport. Forget about how the economy would tank.

Yeah there's a bunch of those "new markets" all up and down Nolensville Rd in Nashville..... Several used tire dealers.... Some taco trailers and what not too. It's really a lovely area if you're into Tijuana sheik
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Yeah there's a bunch of those "new markets" all up and down Nolensville Rd in Nashville..... Several used tire dealers.... Some taco trailers and what not too. It's really a lovely area if you're into Tijuana sheik

You're way too concerned with appearances.
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You know how wealth is created, right? It's not by the Fed.
It'a also not created by a mass influx of people that don't have a pot to piss in taxing the goods and services of people that are already economically strapped. But I guess most "folks" can give just a little more, right?
The problem is still the rapist. So, try again.

So I could just walk around with $100 bills sticking out of my pockets, in my hands, under my cap and etc. in a bad neighborhood..... and if I was robbed the problem is just the guy that robbed me?

I did nothing to contribute to my getting robbed?
So I could just walk around with $100 bills sticking out of my pockets, in my hands, under my cap and etc. in a bad neighborhood..... and if I was robbed the problem is just the guy that robbed me?

I did nothing to contribute to my getting robbed?

Yes, the problem is the guy who robbed you. Glad you are finally catching on. It's basic ****, but I guess some are slow learners.
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Why are the Syrian "refugees" passing all the way through muslim Turkey to reach non muslim Europe?...
Because dirtbag muslims don't want other dirtbag muslims in their country. Witness the "palestinians". Nobody can carve out a little piece of allah's bedroom for them? Why should they when they are basically homeless and they can cheer them on to do their dirty work against Israel without ever getting their hands dirty?
Yes, the problem is the guy who robbed you. Glad you are finally catching on. It's basic ****, but I guess some are slow learners.

You're right it's ****

The robber is the problem..... Being a dumbass.... And putting one's self in that situation is also a problem.
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That's fine. I'm not too concerned.

It wasn't meant as an insult. I've known guys that have similar views as you and they were well educated too. One in particular is probably the smartest person I've ever worked with or known on a personal level, but he was one seriously f***** up dude.

His common sense was non-existent. It was as if the human condition escaped him.
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