Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

Warning that Channel migrants will 'overwhelm' Britain this summer, as ex-admiral says small boat crossings will get 'even worse this year' after 1,000 make journey in just one week

Britain will be 'overwhelmed' by migrants crossing the Channel this year, a former high-ranking naval officer has warned.

Dr Chris Parry criticised both the British and French governments for failing to crack down on people smugglers and those attempting to enter the country illegally.

He suggested bolstering the technology to identify when and where boats were leaving France from, and imposing 'political sanctions' on the French if they don't play their part.

More than 1,100 migrants crossed the channel last week, with more than 4,500 making the trip in 2023 alone.


A group of people thought to be migrants are brought in to Dungeness, Kent, onboard the RNLI Life Boat following a small boat incident in the Channel on April 4, 2023

Ex-admiral warns that Channel migrants will 'overwhelm' Britain this summer | Daily Mail Online
Mediterranean nation faces Cemetery Chaos as Hundreds of Bodies Wash Ashore

First 3 months of 2023 proved most fatal period to migrants fleeing Africa since 2017

Authorities in Tunisia are weighing the construction of new cemeteries amid a recent swell of migrants washing ashore after drowning in the Mediterranean Sea.

Local morgues and cemeteries are reportedly overflowing as funerals are held every day for the many bodies that have been found on the Tunisian coast.

Many of the dead are children and pregnant women whose boats wrecked during the treacherous trek to Europe, the Guardian noted.


Migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa sit in a makeshift boat that was being used to clandestinely make its way towards the Italian coast. (FETHI BELAID / AFP)

Mediterranean nation faces cemetery chaos as hundreds of bodies wash ashore
Syrian Migrant Arrested Over Planned ‘Bomb Attack’ on Swedish Church


Police have arrested a 24-year-old Syrian migrant on suspicion of planning a “bomb attack” on a church in Sweden.

The 24-year-old Syrian migrant is at least the second person to be arrested by German law enforcement in relation to the “bomb attack” terror plot. The agency also arrested the individual’s 28-year-old brother in relation to the allegedly planned bombing of an unidentified church in Sweden.

Syrian Migrant Arrested Over Planned 'Bomb Attack' on Swedish Church
Syrian Migrant Arrested Over Planned ‘Bomb Attack’ on Swedish Church


Police have arrested a 24-year-old Syrian migrant on suspicion of planning a “bomb attack” on a church in Sweden.

The 24-year-old Syrian migrant is at least the second person to be arrested by German law enforcement in relation to the “bomb attack” terror plot. The agency also arrested the individual’s 28-year-old brother in relation to the allegedly planned bombing of an unidentified church in Sweden.

Syrian Migrant Arrested Over Planned 'Bomb Attack' on Swedish Church

Europe is really benefiting from their diversity is seems!!!
Horror in France as Asylum-Seeker Caught on Tape Stabbing Children

A shocking video out of France has gone viral showing a reportedly Syrian asylum-seeker walking around a park and stabbing children and their caretakers. The 31-year-old man is now in custody, leaving several of his victims in serious condition.

I’m not going to post the video here because it’s just too graphic. If you really want to see it, it can be found, but as to a description of what it shows, a man is seen running around a grassy area wielding a blade. He then starts running up and stabbing children, some in their strollers. He also stabs two adults, who are assumed to be caretakers (this was a supervised trip to the park). Bystanders can be seen running away or trying to dodge his advances.

Horror in France as Asylum-Seeker Caught on Tape Stabbing Children
Italy is gripped by hunt for Five-year-old Peruvian Girl who was 'bundled into a suitcase and Kidnapped' from squat occupied by 140 Illegal Migrants in Florence

A desperate search for a five-year-old girl who has been missing for ten days continued today in Florence, as police seized control of the former hotel where she lived.

Kataleya Mia Chicillo Alvarez, five, from Peru, went missing on June 10 from the occupied Astor Hotel in Florence, Italy, where she was living with her family and 140 other people.

No traces of the five-year-old girl and her kidnappers were found in the area and the police's working theory is that she was bundled into a trunk or suitcase and taken out one of the two exits of the hotel - although one would have required kidnappers to carry her over a wall.


Kataleya Mia Chicillo Alvarez, five, from Peru, went missing on June 10 from the occupied Astor Hotel in Florence

Italy is gripped by hunt for five-year-old girl who was 'bundled into a suitcase and kidnapped' | Daily Mail Online
No Tragedy Seems Enough to Change Europe’s Migration Policy, Laments Hungary


Top Hungarian politician reflects on what he sees as weeks of tragedy caused by open borders policies, claiming events in France and the Mediterranean prove Hungarian voters are right to not want to participate in another migrant crisis.

No Tragedy Ever Enough to Change EU's Migration Policy: Hungary
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte resigns after almost more than a decade in office

The Dutch Prime Minister issued his resignation from office on Saturday, bringing an end to one of the country's longest-serving political leaders in decades.

Mark Rutte established his fourth and latest government in January 2022, following ten-months of negotiating measures surrounding the issue of immigration across four political parties.

“It’s no secret that the coalition parties think very differently about asylum policy and today we unfortunately need to draw the conclusion that the differences are unbridgeable,” Rutte explained Friday night during a press conference. “The fall of a government is never good. But it is sometimes impossible in a coalition country like the Netherlands to come to one agreement.”

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte resigns after almost more than a decade in office
‘Crooked’ Lawyers Who Aid Illegal Migrants Cheat Asylum System to Face Life Sentences


Home Secretary Suella Braverman has announced a crackdown on “crooked” lawyers who help illegal migrants game the British asylum system, saying that such unscrupulous attorneys will face “life sentences”.

In the wake of reports that pro-mass migration lawyers coached illegals on how to fraudulently increase their chances of being granted asylum, including making up fake backstories of horrors in their homelands to even making up false claims of being homosexual and leaving their country over fears of persecution, Home Secretary Suella Braverman said that the government has created a new taskforce to crackdown on such activities.

“Crooked immigration lawyers must be rooted out and brought to justice,” Braverman said per The Telegraph. “While the majority of lawyers act with integrity, we know that some are lying to help illegal migrants game the system. It is not right or fair on those who play by the rules.

Lawyers Who Help Migrants Cheat System to Face Life Sentences
Right-Wing Populists Set for Large Gains in EU Parliamentary Elections

Polling has projected populist and conservative-leaning blocs to make significant gains in the next European Union parliamentary elections, as support for centrist parties wanes in the wake of growing discontent over failures on immigration and the green agenda.

Right-Wing Populists Set for Large Gains in EU Parliamentary Elections
^^^ nationalist conservatives get a firm hold on power in either Germany or France, it will be the end of the failed experiment known as "the EU". Either of them leaves and its all over.

Of course, the damage is likely already done past the point of no return. Except for maybe the UK which got out early. These countries foolishly went socialist and then let progressives with their manufactured white guilt open the floodgates to muslim immigrants from northern Africa and the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and eastern Europe. Naturally these immigrants refuse to assimilate, most do not have any education or marketable skills, so theft, violent crime, rapes etc are thru the roof in all these formerly homogeneous countries. Also, while western populations are generally on the decline, these minorities average 5, 6, 7 kids per couple...so it doesnt take Nostradamus to see where Europe is headed. Thank God Almighty for the Atlantic (and Pacific) Oceans. Sadly almost half this country wants to make the exact same mistakes here with Socialism and open borders. Morons.
Still Queuing for the Dinghy Gangs: Just a day after six people Died crossing the Channel, Dozens of Migrants are seen heading for the coast in their desperate quest to reach Britain

  • Smugglers 'saturated' the French coast as migrants sought to cross the channel
Scores of migrants were seen heading for beaches in northern France last night, apparently undeterred by the deaths of six Afghan men in the Channel.

Within just a few minutes the Daily Mail witnessed three groups of up to 50 people, all laden with bags, emerging from the undergrowth beside the motorway near Dunkirk, and heading for a bus stop in the direction of the Channel coast.

A police van pulled up opposite the bus stop, but did nothing to stop the groups.

French authorities warned yesterday that people smugglers were 'saturating' the coast of Northern France with migrants desperate to reach Britain.


Migrants undeterred by the drownings in the English Channel queue for a bus in Dunkirk to take them to their launch site along the French coast

Around 1,000 migrants were said to be waiting to cross the Channel in small boats despite the latest tragedy in which six people died and more than 50 had to be rescued after their overcrowded boat sank off the French coast.

Still queuing for the dinghy gangs: Just a day after six people died crossing the Channel, dozens of migrants are seen heading for the coast in their desperate quest to reach Britain | Daily Mail Online
English Channel Migrant Crisis to Last At Least Another Five Years, Admits Leaked Govt Document


The waves of illegal migrants pouring across the English Channel is likely to last at least another five years, according to a leaked memo from the British government.

In a repudiation of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s pledge to “stop the boats” carrying illegals from the French coasts, an internal document drafted within the Home Office on potential sites to hold migrants instead of continuing the exorbitantly expensive Covid-era policy of putting them up in hotels across the country tacitly admitted that the government is expecting the crisis to continue for five years, or perhaps longer.

English Channel Migrant Crisis to Last Another Five Years: Govt Doc
Four 'people smugglers' are charged with Manslaughter after at least Six UK-Bound Migrants Drowned in the English Channel

Four alleged people smugglers have been charged with manslaughter after at least six UK-bound migrants drowned in the English Channel, it has emerged.

The defendants are said to have been involved in the disaster last Saturday morning which saw a punctured dinghy overturn in the sea, flinging some 60 people overboard, close to Sangatte, in northern France.

The accused have not yet been identified by name, but are described as two Iraqis, both aged 43, and two men from Sudan, aged 29 and 17.

They were indicted for ‘manslaughter’, ‘participation in a criminal association’, and ‘causing unintentional injuries.’

Four 'people smugglers' are charged with manslaughter after at least six UK-bound migrants drowned in the English Channel | Daily Mail Online
Revealed: Britain's 'soft touch' approach to assessing Asylum Claims with officials told They Can't Reject the Testimony of Migrants Who Are Caught Lying

Britain's extraordinarily 'soft touch' approach to assessing asylum claims by illegal migrants can be revealed by The Mail on Sunday today.

This newspaper has obtained a copy of official guidance issued to Home Office staff tasked with handling the backlog of 170,000 applications to stay in the UK by foreign nationals who arrive here in small boats or are smuggled in the back of lorries. Government documents reveal:

Revealed: Britain's 'soft touch' approach to assessing asylum claims with officials told they can't reject the testimony of migrants who are caught lying | Daily Mail Online
Revealed: Britain's 'soft touch' approach to assessing Asylum Claims with officials told They Can't Reject the Testimony of Migrants Who Are Caught Lying

Britain's extraordinarily 'soft touch' approach to assessing asylum claims by illegal migrants can be revealed by The Mail on Sunday today.

This newspaper has obtained a copy of official guidance issued to Home Office staff tasked with handling the backlog of 170,000 applications to stay in the UK by foreign nationals who arrive here in small boats or are smuggled in the back of lorries. Government documents reveal:

Revealed: Britain's 'soft touch' approach to assessing asylum claims with officials told they can't reject the testimony of migrants who are caught lying | Daily Mail Online
how stupid..why is western democracies are all doing this? Is it to kill nationalism in favor of a world governance?
Belgian Boy Beaten to tears, Forced to Kiss Feet of Suspected Migrants in video sparking outcry

A boy was "humiliated" and beaten to tears by a "bullying gang" of youngsters – suspected of migrant origin – in Zelzate – a Flemish region in Belgium – according to a video that went viral on social media last week.

According to a video which circulated online, six young people surround a boy. The gang forces him to get on his knees and kiss their feet.

"Kiss, kiss," the gang demanded. After the boy complied with their requests by force, he was repeatedly punched in his head and face several times. The gang laughs and departs the scene.


Belgian boy beaten to tears, forced to kiss feet of suspected migrants in video, sparking outcry
Burned Bodies of 18 ‘migrants’ are Found in remote Greek area hit by Wildfires

The burned bodies of 18 suspected migrants were today found in a remote rural area in northern Greece where wildfires have been burning for days.

A series of ferocious wildfires are continuing to wreak havoc and incinerate homes across the nation and have triggered mass evacuations from tourist hotspots.

Authorities said they believe they have found the burned bodies of 18 migrants near a shack in the Avanta area north of the city of Alexandroupoli.

Officials believe the suspected migrants entered the region via Turkey, a popular route for those travelling to Greece illegally.

Burned bodies of 18 'migrants' are found in remote Greek area hit by wildfires | Daily Mail Online
Former Cyprus three-star Hotel Resort is left in Ruins after hundreds of Migrants are Evicted from complex 'following huge riots'

A once-thriving three-star resort in Cyprus has been left in ruins after hundreds of migrants were evicted following protests from neighbours.

The former St Nicolas Elegant Residence near Paphos was once a popular hub for tourists but has since become home for more than 600 asylum seekers.

Migrants will now be removed and rehoused following complaints from residents, which included allegations of electricity theft.

Drone footage of the hotel showed debris left all around the complex. Dried-out swimming pools are pictured strewn with rubbish from plastic bags to boxes, food and other personal belongings.


The Ayios Nikolaos apartment complex near Paphos was once a three-star resort but has since been used to house 600 migrants. Pictured: This aerial view shows an empty swimming pool filled with waste sits at the apartment complex


A refugee from Syria sits at a room in the the Ayios Nikolaos apartment complex, in Chloraka

Former Cyprus three-star hotel resort is left in ruins after hundreds of migrants are evicted from complex 'following huge riots' | Daily Mail Online

Channel Crisis: Over 20,000 Illegals Land on British Shores as PM Claims ‘Plan Is Working’​

The number of illegal migrants that have crossed the English Channel since the start of the year has surpassed 20,000 despite Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s insistence that the government’s strategy to stop the boats “is working”.

On Tuesday, six small boats carrying around 400 migrants were intercepted and brought ashore by the British Border Force, taking the total to approximately 20,200 since January.

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Good luck, Europe. We got our own problems. With any leadership at all, none of this has to happen.

I bet my bottom dollar that if you or I wanted to become a citizen of some of these countries in Europe we would have to jump through hoops. You know, kind of like if someone wanted to actually legally immigrate to the U.S.

This will have a boomerang effect I think. Eventually the streets will run red with blood, and the commies will be to blame. Sad.
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