Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

‘Punishing the Countryside’ Macron Plan to Move Migrants to Rural Areas Divides France


France’s Emmanuel Macron is moving to redistribute migrants to rural areas, an idea which has divided opinion and right-wing politicians say is a punishment for people living in conservative-voting areas.

The CSA institute poll was released on Thursday and shows that a slim majority of 52 per cent of the French public are in favour of President Macron’s proposal, while 48 per cent say they are against the idea.

'Punishment' Macron Plan Moving Migrants to Rural Areas Divides France
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‘Punishing the Countryside’ Macron Plan to Move Migrants to Rural Areas Divides France


France’s Emmanuel Macron is moving to redistribute migrants to rural areas, an idea which has divided opinion and right-wing politicians say is a punishment for people living in conservative-voting areas.

The CSA institute poll was released on Thursday and shows that a slim majority of 52 per cent of the French public are in favour of President Macron’s proposal, while 48 per cent say they are against the idea.

'Punishment' Macron Plan Moving Migrants to Rural Areas Divides France

Like a global plan..
‘Punishing the Countryside’ Macron Plan to Move Migrants to Rural Areas Divides France


France’s Emmanuel Macron is moving to redistribute migrants to rural areas, an idea which has divided opinion and right-wing politicians say is a punishment for people living in conservative-voting areas.

The CSA institute poll was released on Thursday and shows that a slim majority of 52 per cent of the French public are in favour of President Macron’s proposal, while 48 per cent say they are against the idea.

'Punishment' Macron Plan Moving Migrants to Rural Areas Divides France
Wonder if Macron is betting on “people disappear without a trace” in rural areas
France in Shock: Algerian Migrants Charged for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-Year-Old Paris Girl


Two Algerian migrants have been indicted for the rape, torture and murder of a 12-year-old girl named Lola who was discovered dead on Friday in the courtyard of the building where she lived.

The body of 12-year-old Lola Daviet was found at around 11:20 pm on Friday after her parents had reported her missing to the police in the afternoon when Lola had not returned from school to her home in the 19th arrondissement (district) of Paris.

A passerby discovered Lola in an abandoned packing case in the courtyard of the apartment complex where she lived, with the child showing a deep wound on her neck and her body marked with some sort of inscriptions, Le Parisien reports.

Algerians Arrested for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl in Paris
French girl Lola, 12, is laid to rest after 'extreme evil' murder as fury grows over Algerian woman charged with killing her while in the country illegally

A 12-year-old girl, whose murder shook France and sparked political controversy, was laid to rest this afternoon, after an Algerian woman who was in the country illegally was charged with her killing.

The killing prompted conservative and far-right critics to accuse his government of not doing enough to prevent illegal migration, while ministers shot back that such rebukes were inappropriate.

But the profile of the suspect - an Algerian woman named only as Dahbia B. who was the subject of an expulsion order - has prompted stinging criticism from the right and one of the most bitter political debates since Macron's re-election in May.

She had overstayed a student visa and had failed to comply with a notice issued in August to leave France within 30 days.

On Monday, the 24-year-old was charged with the rape and murder of a minor aged under 15, along with torture and abuse.

In an at times rambling interview, the woman confessed that she had 'committed harm of a sexual nature and other violent acts against (Lola) that caused her death, and hid her body in the trunk', prosecutors said.

Eric Ciotti, MP from the right-wing Republicans (LR) party, had accused the government of 'criminal... laxism' over migration, while extreme-right figure Eric Zemmour, an unsuccessful presidential candidate in May, had even described Lola's killing as 'Francocide'.

French girl, 12, laid to rest after 'extreme evil' murder as Algerian woman charged with killing her | Daily Mail Online
Schoolgirl Killed in Knife Attack in Germany

A 14-year-old girl has died and another, aged 13, has been seriously injured after they were attacked by a man with a knife while walking to school in southern Germany.

Police say the suspect came out of a refugee shelter in the village of Illerkirchberg on Monday morning and attacked the pupils.

The older girl later died in hospital.

German police have arrested a 27-year-old man, who they say is an asylum seeker from Eritrea.

In a statement, police urged the public not to use the incident to stoke suspicion of foreigners or asylum seekers.

Schoolgirl killed in knife attack in Germany
EXCLUSIVE: More than 40 Albanian criminals and migrants who tried to enter the UK via boat arrive back in their home country aboard a Home Office removal flight after being deported

More than 40 Albanian criminals and migrants who tried to enter Britain by boat have arrived back in their home country after being deported from the UK.

A Home Office removal flight containing 42 people was seen landing at Tirana International Airport Mother Teresa in the Albanian capital, after leaving the UK earlier today.

They included 32 criminals who had been sentenced to a combined total of 89 years in prison for offences including supplying class-A drugs and facilitating illegal entry into the country.

Also on the plane were six failed asylum seekers and four other immigration offenders, such as those who had overstayed visa or those who had previously arrived in Britain illegally. Three of those removed had originally arrived in this country by small boat from northern France, sources said.

More than 40 Albanian criminals and migrants arrive back home after being deported from the UK | Daily Mail Online
This whole mess might have been avoided if Western nations had stayed the heil out of intervening in other nations' business. If the people of a country won't get rid of their tyrants themselves, let them be. All westerners do is come in and make a bad situation worse. And here we are. If he isn't already, Putin will weaponize migrants, both overtly and covertly. Using them to overwhelm the west, a cover to insert spies and sabotage teams. Set off forest fire, blow up substations, fuel lines, hack traffic signals, anything to create repetitive acts for chaos’s sake. Overextend a country's ability to financially handle so many whack-a-mole disruptions. Diverting money away from military spending, basically weaken the west bit by bit. I f it isn't happening already, it will. Massive migrant infusions are the perfect cover to insert such agents.
This whole mess might have been avoided if Western nations had stayed the heil out of intervening in other nations' business. If the people of a country won't get rid of their tyrants themselves, let them be. All westerners do is come in and make a bad situation worse. And here we are. If he isn't already, Putin will weaponize migrants, both overtly and covertly. Using them to overwhelm the west, a cover to insert spies and sabotage teams. Set off forest fire, blow up substations, fuel lines, hack traffic signals, anything to create repetitive acts for chaos’s sake. Overextend a country's ability to financially handle so many whack-a-mole disruptions. Diverting money away from military spending, basically weaken the west bit by bit. I f it isn't happening already, it will. Massive migrant infusions are the perfect cover to insert such agents.

I agree with the last half of your post. However the migrant crisis would still be a crisis. Migrants all over the world are seeing that wealthy countries lack the will to turn them away, and are no longer shy about coming into these countries and taking advantage of what ever they can because it's sure a heep better than the sh!t hole they crawled out of.

I think that it leads to civil war eventually in Europe, and we will see migrants heading the other way.
I agree with the last half of your post. However the migrant crisis would still be a crisis. Migrants all over the world are seeing that wealthy countries lack the will to turn them away, and are no longer shy about coming into these countries and taking advantage of what ever they can because it's sure a heep better than the sh!t hole they crawled out of.
I think that it leads to civil war eventually in Europe, and we will see migrants heading the other way.

At least we have half of an agreement. I suggest doing serious reading about the long history of western nations destabilizing nations' governments and cultures via colonization, invasion, introducing financial corruption, excuses for military intervention and occupying, and other exploitive ventures. Then, basically, leaving ruin. No doubt some level of immigration would occur, but nothing like the massive movement of people we these days, nothing like it at all. The only other catalyst for something like this would be a gigantic natural disaster. Such as a few decades ago, when a huge volcanic eruption (Vanuatu Island?) forced the entire population to permanently move elsewhere. The west wishes to see themselves as fault-free in current immigration reality, but it's a lie.
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At least we have half of an agreement. I suggest doing serious reading about the long history of western nations destabilizing nations' Governments and cultures via colonization, invasion, introducing financial corruption, excuses for military intervention and occupying, and other exploitive ventures. Then, basically, leaving ruin. No doubt some level of immigration would occur, but nothing like the massive movement of people we these days, nothing like it at all. The only other catalyst for something like this would be a gigantic natural disaster. Such as a few decades ago, when a huge volcanic eruption (Vanuatu Island?) forced the entire population to permanently move elsewhere. The west wishes to see themselves as fault-free in current immigration reality, but it's a lie.

Well, those places would have likely sucked anyways to be fair. Invasion has worked in all sorts of ways throughout history to cause people to move around, this is true. Corruption, payoffs, minions....that hearkens back to the days of Rome. Still continues. People are more mobile now more than ever. What is also the fault of western nations, and the main problem is the lack of any stones to protect their lands. Many, including us, just let them in. If the door gets slammed in their face the river of migrants would slow to a gentle babbling brook.
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Well, those places would have likely sucked anyways to be fair. Invasion has worked in all sorts of ways throughout history to cause people to move around, this is true. Corruption, payoffs, minions....that hearkens back to the days of Rome. Still continues. People are more mobile now more than ever. What is also the fault of western nations, and the main problem is the lack of any stones to protect their lands. Many, including us, just let them in. If the door gets slammed in their face the river of migrants would slow to a gentle babbling brook.

All well and good, doesn't change the fact one should mind own dayum business. Rather than creating a mess and then painting themselves as fault-free the good guys, rather than their being the villains. But nevermind, I'm done with this. You see, I learned long ago that people, no matter who they are, the truth isn't welcome except when it flatters them and/or denigrates someone else-usually an opponent. Such as it is, such it will always be. Over and out.
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Italy: Illegal Migrant Landings Pass 100k For First Time Since 2017


The number of illegal immigrant landings in Italy has pushed past 100,000 for the first time since 2017, as the Italian government under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni struggles to deal with waves of boat landings.

Italian Interior Ministry statistics claim that this week the number of illegal arrivals stood at 100,354 since the start of the year, a number that has greatly surpassed last year’s total of 64,055 as Italy has seen a relentless number of migrant boats land on its shores.

So far this year, Egyptians are the largest single nationally represented among the migrants arriving in Italy, with Afghans closely behind them. So far, the number of Egyptians arriving in 2022 has reached over 20,000 compared to last year when 8,352 arrived.

Italy: Illegal Migrant Landings Pass 100k For First Time Since 2017
Paris Police Express Concern over Soaring Number of Crimes Committed by Minor Migrants


Paris police are concerned over the growing problems with allegedly underage migrant criminals, who, despite being a small population, account for a significant source of many crimes in the French capital.

Around 2,000 supposed minor migrants, many of which are debated to be underage, live on the streets of Paris and have been behind a disproportionate number of crimes in the city in recent years, including 30 per cent of burglaries, 44 per cent of pickpocketing and 32 per cent of robberies with violence in 2020.

The Paris police prefecture has expressed concerns about the rise of minor migrant criminality in the city, noting that in 2016 minor migrants represented just three per cent of burglaries and had reached 29 per cent by 2020, a tenfold increase, the newspaper Le Parisien reports.

Paris Police Concered over Growing Issue with Minor Migrant Criminals
Pamela Mastropietro’s mom Wears Shirt showing teen’s Dismembered Body to Killer’s Hearing

The mom of an 18-year-old Italian woman who was raped and murdered by a Nigerian drug dealer wore a T-shirt showing the teen’s dismembered body in court to protest his appeal of part of his conviction.

Pamela Mastropietro was raped and butchered by 32-year-old Innocent Oseghale in the central Italy town of Macerta in January 2018.

Oseghale — who stuffed the teen’s mutilated remains inside two suitcases and dumped them in a ditch — was sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of murder, rape and destruction of a body.

On Wednesday, the brute appeared in court in Perugia to appeal his rape conviction, claiming he did not sexually assault Mastropietro in a bid to shorten his sentence, the Italian news outlet ANSA reported.

The victim’s mother, Alessandra Verni, attended the hearing wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with harrowing images of her daughter’s remains — including her decapitated head lying on a pathologist’s table.

The anguished woman and Oseghale nearly came to blows and had to be separated as he was led away shouting: “Enough judicial oppression!”

“I wonder what is the point of re-prosecuting Oseghale, questioning sexual violence and opening up the possibility of a sentence reduction,” she told the Italian news outlet.


Oseghale is appealing his rape conviction, claiming he did not sexually assault the teen.

Pamela Mastropietro's mom wears shirt with daughter's remains to killer's hearing
France Sees Near-Record High 137,000 Migrant Asylum Claims in 2022


First-time asylum claims rose to near pre-pandemic highs in France in 2022, with over 137,000 migrants applying for international protection in the country that year.

Other EU countries have reportedly seen considerable spikes, with Germany seeing its highest number of asylum claims since the 2016 migrant crisis, while even Ireland — an island nation to the far west of the European continent — has struggled to deal with the wave of foreign arrivals.

France Sees Near-Record High of 137,000 Migrant Asylum Claims in 2022
‘Too Many Muslims’ — Ukrainian Refugees Fleeing War Scared of Living in Multicultural England

Ukrainian refugees displaced from their war-torn homeland have said that they feel scared in England as there are “too many Muslims” in multicultural cities like Birmingham.

An exposé report released this week from the British state-owned Channel 4 broadcaster on the status of the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the UK revealed that some of those forced to flee their country as a result of the war with Russia were shocked and even frightened by the ethnic makeup of the parts of England they found themselves living in, namely the paucity of native English people.

'Too Many Muslims' -- Ukrainians Scared of Living in Multicultural England
French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying ‘Immigration Kills’

Populist French Senator Stéphane Ravier faces a criminal trial after publishing a tweet in January of last year in which he stated that “immigration kills the youth of France.”

Ravier, a former member of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) who joined political pundit and writer Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest party last year, faces trial on March 9th in the criminal court of Marseilles on charges of incitement to discrimination, hatred, or violence.

French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying 'Immigration Kills'
French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying ‘Immigration Kills’

Populist French Senator Stéphane Ravier faces a criminal trial after publishing a tweet in January of last year in which he stated that “immigration kills the youth of France.”

Ravier, a former member of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) who joined political pundit and writer Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest party last year, faces trial on March 9th in the criminal court of Marseilles on charges of incitement to discrimination, hatred, or violence.

French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying 'Immigration Kills'
Arrested for a tweet.

WhY cAn’T wE be MoaR LiKe EuRopA????
French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying ‘Immigration Kills’

Populist French Senator Stéphane Ravier faces a criminal trial after publishing a tweet in January of last year in which he stated that “immigration kills the youth of France.”

Ravier, a former member of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) who joined political pundit and writer Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest party last year, faces trial on March 9th in the criminal court of Marseilles on charges of incitement to discrimination, hatred, or violence.

French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying 'Immigration Kills'
Apparently the French are bigger poons than I thought
EXCLUSIVE 'How was this allowed to happen?': Mother of student, 18, stabbed by an Iraqi immigrant who wanted to commit a crime so that he could be deported demands answers after criminal was able to get back into Britain despite assault conviction

The mother of a student who was stabbed by an Iraqi immigrant who wanted to commit a serious crime so he could be deported has today hit out at Britain's 'broken' asylum system.

Mother-of-two Corisande Wheeler, 51, said her son Ellis Wheeler, 18, was lucky to be alive after he was knifed in the back as he walked home from a computer science lecture at Solent University, Southampton, last year.

She spoke out after Rebaz Mohammed - who came to the UK illegally on a small boat - was jailed for six years over the horrific attack which was captured on harrowing CCTV footage.


This is the shocking moment Rebaz Mohammed stabbed Ellis Wheeler in the back last December

Mother of student, 18, stabbed by an Iraqi immigrant demands answers | Daily Mail Online
Channel Crisis Continues as 4,500 Illegal Boat Migrants Land on British Soil So Far This Year

The total number of illegal boat migrants that have crossed the English Channel so far this year has reached 4,500 after over 500 arrived this week, despite yet another deal with France to step up patrols.

Amid a series of measures announced by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the people-smuggler-facilitated illegal boat migrant trade has once again ramped up this week, with 437 migrants being brought ashore by UK Border Force on Wednesday.

An additional 77 illegals were recorded reaching British beaches on Thursday, taking the total for the year to 4,498. Last year, a record 45,755 boat migrants crossed the busy and often dangerous waterway. While crossings have been down compared to last year, they are expected to rise once again as warmer and calmer sea conditions roll in, Sky News reported.

4,500 Illegal Boat Migrants Land on British Soil So Far This Year

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