God bless Old Pirate. Here’s a few for us to remember you by.
“Any stuff on that is so closely guarded. I don’t know if you saw Harry Potter, but in the basement of this building, it’s guarded by serpents and wild dogs and things like that, and you can go try to find the secret to that, but chances of survival ... always a risk. Heck, it took until movie five before he got it done himself, and he had magic powers.
Anyway, [QB Connor Halliday] is doing just fine.”
“I’ve specifically concentrated on not concentrating on this, and up to this point, I’ve done a really good job.”
“If you get into a fight, don't take your helmet off. We're looking for smart football players, not dumb ones. In the interest of time, don't get into any more fights today.”
“There’s all these goths, there’s like six goth people. Well, they’re more like between I’m gonna say 20 and 30-year-old goths. You know, they didn’t have school its not like they were skipping school. And who knows, I don’t know what they’re going to do — ‘Hey how you guys doing, great cemetery up here!’ — and they just kind of gave me a frowney goth look, and just sort of nodded.
Because goths aren’t in good moods anyway, I mean everything’s about spider webs and black hair, black this — really white faces.
So anyway, hopefully I made about six new friends, but they didn’t speak much, so.”
“A cougar obviously kills a duck and a beaver.
A cougar against a husky, that's pretty well a massacre.
A cardinal or whatever: I don't know exactly what ... a cougar would either climb it, or I wouldn't want to think of what else he'd do on it.
Now golden bears could be kinda tough. I think you'd want to be a little fast and loose with them. You don't want to get caught by that bear.
The Ute ... you gotta dodge some arrowheads, but I still like the Cougar.
Buffalo ... I think the buffalo would be pretty tough to beat.
Wildcat: Cougars are bigger than wildcats.
Sun Devils, that's mythical anyway. Trojans, they may be as well.
The golden bear, bruin, and buffalo .. I think those are the tough ones.
You know, buffalo are significantly bigger than elk. I grew up near Yellowstone, so I've been near buffalo. Buffalo are huge. And then the other thing I've always gotten a kick out of: when you play Colorado, there's those buffalo dragging those six handlers around. Those handlers aren't dragging the buffalo. The buffalo's dragging him. Ralphie's not even a big buffalo.”