Calcium score test is a scan and will show any plaque in the arteries around your heart. About. $150 out of pocket (insurance hasn’t covered it that I know of) is money well spent. Combine that with a nuclear stress test and those two paint a pretty good picture of where you’re at wrt any cardiac issues. You want to score a zero on the calcium score test. The higher the number may mean you need to start doing something soon.
The gold standard is an angiogram, but it’s difficult if not impossible to get insurance to sign off on that or the nuclear stress test and imaging unless you’ve had a heart event. It’s the dumbest thing in the world how insurance approaches heart health, particularly with men over 40. Other than that, once a year physical and run blood labs a couple of times a year. A supplement or compound called Bergamont (sp?) has helped my wife drop the bottom out of her cholesterol. Lots of “good fats” help as well.