Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Biden's Migrant Crisis: Illegal Border Crossings Have Jumped 277% from Trump's term - with overwhelmed Border Patrol struggling to cope with influx from Mexico, Cuba AND Canada​

Migrants continued to enter the US illegally in near-record numbers last year, in a trend that will weigh on President Joe Biden as he defends his record against his likely 2024 election challenger, Donald Trump.

The US Border Patrol recorded 2,063,692 encounters with undocumented immigrants in the 2023 fiscal year, down just slightly from the record high reached in 2022.

Over Biden's first three years in office, Border Patrol recorded a total of 5,940,511 encounters, a 277 percent increase from the same period during Trump's term, from 2017 to 2019, according to US Customs and Border Patrol data.



Senate GOP Border Deal Leaked: Migrants to Get Work Permits, Lawyers, Green Cards​

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The Senate GOP leadership’s draft border deal with the White House would reward illegal migration and encourage more foreign graduates to take jobs from American graduates, says the Immigration Accountability Project.

“There’s nothing in there that [restricts immigration], in fact, it’s just going to encourage more people to come,” said Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project, adding:

Border deal would:

1) Increase green cards by 50,000/year

2) Work permits for adult children of H-1B holders

3) Immediate work permits to every illegal alien released from custody

4) Taxpayer funded lawyers to certain UACs and mentally incompetent aliens

5) Expulsion authority for a limited number of days ONLY if encounters exceed 5k/day over a seven day period

Democrats have won support from GOP leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) by threatening to cut off money for Ukraine’s war against Russia, Paul said:

Democrats have won support from GOP leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) by threatening to cut off money for Ukraine’s war against Russia, Paul said:

The deal expands the narrow parole loophole that Biden is improperly using to reshape the nation’s labor market by importing roughly 1 million parole migrants per year, said Chmielenski.

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Don’t Give Medicaid To Illegal Immigrants​

California just became the first state to offer taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegal immigrants. As of Jan. 1, every adult in California, regardless of age or legal status, can apply for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program.

Democrats claim the law is about human rights. But taxpayer dollars are finite — something California should understand as it grapples with a budget deficit that is projected by the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office to be $68 billion. Enrolling even more people in Medi-Cal will make it harder for the program’s legacy beneficiaries to secure care.

California has been steadily enrolling more illegal immigrants in Medi-Cal. In 2016, the Golden State allowed undocumented children to sign up. Then, illegal immigrants aged 19-25 and later those 50 and up became eligible. And now, the 700,000 illegal immigrants between the ages of 26 and 49 qualify. The total annual cost of providing Medi-Cal to all illegal immigrants is $4 billion. And that doesn’t consider the potential cost of undocumented people from other states coming to California to claim this new state-funded benefit.


Illegal Alien Accused of Causing Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s Death Says He Is a Victim of Racism​


An illegal alien, accused of causing St. Johns County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s death, says his “constitutional rights” have been violated and he is the victim of police brutality as well as racial profiling.

As Breitbart News reported, 19-year-old illegal alien Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez of Guatemala was arrested in May 2023 and has been charged with resisting an officer with violence and manslaughter in connection with Kunovich’s death.

Aguilar-Mendez’s defense attorney, Phillip Arroyo, told First Coast News that has threatened to file a federal lawsuit if St. Johns County prosecutors do not drop their charges against his client.

The threat of a federal lawsuit comes as a local judge recently found Aguilar-Mendez incompetent to stand trial and ordered him to undergo competency treatment while he remains in St. Johns County custody.

According to police, on May 19, Kunovich lawfully attempted to pat down Aguilar-Mendez while he was sitting outside of a closed business. Aguilar-Mendez, instead of complying, tried to flee from Kunovich. When other officers got involved, Aguilar-Mendez continued resisting.

Eventually, Kunovich was on the ground in a struggle with Aguilar-Mendez who attempted to grab the officer’s taser off his person. The struggle lasted for more than six minutes. Afterward, Aguilar-Mendez was handcuffed but pulled out a pocketknife, which was quickly taken from him.

They should have educated themselves & studied a little before coming to America.
These dummies have free rent & board plus free heat in their rooms. Just like democrats they're probably too stupid to realize how good they have life in America living under the dictatorship of Creepy Joe Biden & his "Bidenomics" plan.

TEXAS BORDER SHOWDOWN: Give Us Access by Jan. 18, or Else, Say Feds​


A strongly worded letter from the Department of Homeland Security to the State of Texas demands access to the U.S.-Mexico border on land seized by the State in Eagle Pass. DHS officials ordered the State to cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around Shelby Park “and remove all barriers to access” by the end of the day on January 17.

The use of the word “impeded” by the DHS general counsel could imply a threat of criminal action against officers and agents of the State of Texas who are carrying out the orders of Governor Abbott to secure Shelby Park and prevent Border Patrol’s entry to the area.

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TEXAS BORDER SHOWDOWN: Give Us Access by Jan. 18, or Else, Say Feds​

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A strongly worded letter from the Department of Homeland Security to the State of Texas demands access to the U.S.-Mexico border on land seized by the State in Eagle Pass. DHS officials ordered the State to cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around Shelby Park “and remove all barriers to access” by the end of the day on January 17.

The use of the word “impeded” by the DHS general counsel could imply a threat of criminal action against officers and agents of the State of Texas who are carrying out the orders of Governor Abbott to secure Shelby Park and prevent Border Patrol’s entry to the area.

^^^^ this is a big deal. Eagle Pass is 1 of if not THE busiest points of entry for illegals on the entire border. Thousands of people cross there every day because of the geography from what I have read. They are given flyers and told exactly what to do after crossing while on the mexico side to claim "asylum", get processed and quickly released into the US with court dates that EVERYONE knows none of them will ever attend.

There has been a HUGE SURGE in illegals bc they know that Bidens ass is gone in a year. So the Border Patrol feds took over this park to use it as a temporary "holding pen" where tens of thousands of illegals can be quickly processed and released into the US within 48 hours to go do whatever the Hell they want to. Recently, Gov Abbott called in the Texas Natl Guard to lay down razor wire, put up barriers, close this section of border and STOP or GREATLY slow the influx of illegals who had been using Eagle Pass as a highway into this country illegally. From what I can gather, Abbott took advantage of the holiday times when Border Patrol was minimal, and crossings were slowed over Christmas in order to secure this area and lay down all that razor wire etc. They also took over this big public park which BP had turned into nothing more than an open air holding cell for the roughly 48 hours these illegals took on average to be processed so Bidens jackass could let them invade our country. With this part secured, BP cannot let thousands PER DAY simply wade across the narrow river and casually walk into the US. Another brilliant move by Abbott....almost as good as the masterstroke of bussing these illegals en masse to chicago, DC, NYC etc.

Since this arrangement greatly slows the destruction of our country....of course Crooked Joe is livid. He has sent threat after threat to Texas and its NG. As well as Gov Abbott. NOW Biden is threatening that if the Texas NG does not abandon the park so the unconstitutional, illegal invasion can resume by tomorrow Wed 1.17.24. That he will seek to use his crooked, partisan DOJ and all other "assets" to attack these brave Patriots that are defending our country from invasion. This is a big deal. Lets see what he is gonna do....lets see what he thinks the Texas resident BP agents are gonna do to their fellow Texas resident TNG soldiers??? What comes after that? Send in the FBI? NSA? DHS? Lets see what Sloppy Joe is gonna do about this situation. What a criminal, coward, feckless, worthless POS we have in the Oval Office. Lets see what hes gonna "do" to the state of Texas he is trying so intently to destroy?
“On behalf of the State of Texas, I write in response to your demand letter of January 14, 2024, in which you complain about how the Texas Military Department (TMD) recently seized and secured Shelby Park in the City of Eagle Pass, Texas. Your letter misstates both the facts and the law in demanding that Texas surrender to President Biden’s open-border policies,” Paxton wrote.

“Because the facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should stop wasting scarce time and resources suing Texas, and start enforcing the immigration laws Congress already has on the books,” Paxton wrote.

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“On behalf of the State of Texas, I write in response to your demand letter of January 14, 2024, in which you complain about how the Texas Military Department (TMD) recently seized and secured Shelby Park in the City of Eagle Pass, Texas. Your letter misstates both the facts and the law in demanding that Texas surrender to President Biden’s open-border policies,” Paxton wrote.

“Because the facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should stop wasting scarce time and resources suing Texas, and start enforcing the immigration laws Congress already has on the books,” Paxton wrote.

I saw that TX Rep on TV who blamed the illegals deaths on Abbott. He said because The state has “control and command” on the ground..What an idiot. He even said it multiple times command and control.

Angel Family of Kayla Hamilton Sues Joe Biden for Freeing Accused Illegal Alien MS-13 Killer into U.S.​


An Angel Family has filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) for their releasing into the United States an illegal alien MS-13 Gang member who is charged with murdering their loved one, 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Hamilton was strangled to death and raped in July 2022, allegedly by an illegal alien MS-13 Gang member who had recently been released into the U.S. interior as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) despite being an MS-13 Gang member.

This week, Angel Mom Tammy Nobles and Brian Claypool, her attorney, announced a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit against Biden’s DHS and HHS for freeing into the U.S. the illegal alien MS-13 Gang member now charged with Hamilton’s murder and rape.

“Her murderer was apprehended at the border in 2022 and they just allowed him to enter, they didn’t make a phone call, they did not check his criminal record in El Salvador, and it’s crazy how he ended up from Texas to living in the same trailer as my daughter,” Nobles told Fox News. “It’s just mind-boggling how that happened.”

Claypool said Biden’s DHS and HHS have fought the Angel Family and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) every step of the way in their effort to get all information related to the illegal alien MS-13 Gang member charged with Hamilton’s murder.

Kayla Marie Hamilton (Photos via Aberdeen Police Department)


Democratic Denver Mayor to Lead Coalition of Mayors Asking For Federal Help For Immigrants​

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston is heading to Washington, D.C., as the head of a coalition of mayors asking for help with the migrant crisis.

Johnston, a Democrat, will use the United States Mayors Conference to advocate federal assistance in dealing with the migrant crisis. Denver is one of several Democratic-controlled cities that have been the target of Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R-TX) migrant busing campaign, which has seen Texas ship thousands of immigrants to the sanctuary cities.

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Texas Migrant Community Colony Ridge Overrun With Abandoned & ABUSED Dogs Now Being Saved​

A controversial “illegal immigrant magnet” community in Texas has another problem to add to a list that includes cartels, crime and squalor: abused and abandoned animals.

Colony Ridge, located some 35 miles north of Houston and one of the biggest housing developments in the country, has more than 1,000 neglected animals in desperate need of rescue, advocates told The Post.

“The conditions are heartbreaking,” said John Rouke, a veteran who’s engineered previous animal rescues around the southern border.

Multiple rescue volunteers told The Post of seeing dogs suffering bullet or machete wounds. Others have been burned or hanged. Independent rescuer Lisa Nobel said there are hundreds of starved and emaciated dogs at a time – “maybe more” – living in the area.

Hope was one of the dogs rescued from Colony Ridge.

Hope today, healthy and happy..

“We’ll rescue as many as we can — as many as we can fit on the bus,” he said.

A pair of German Shepherds were saved from the woods around Colony Ridge by Better Together Dog Rescue’s Megan Keefe in July 2022.

The German Shepherds were dehydrated and starving, positive for heartworms and infested with fleas that had caused their fur to shed, according to rescuer Keefe.


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