Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

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Don’t Believe The Lies: The UN Is Paying Illegals Using US Taxpayer Cash​

In 2021, early on in America’s historic border crisis, I wrote that the United Nations was abetting the problem by handing out debit cards and cash vouchers to aspiring illegal border crossers on their way north.

One outraged group of 21 border security-minded lawmakers pitched a bill that would require the United States, the UN’s largest donor, to turn off the taxpayer money spigot.

H.R. 6155 never caught fire, though, in no small part because “fact checks” from outlets such as the AFP claimed that the UN was doing no such thing.

Those fact checkers lied.

The UN’s just released the 2024 “Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela” (R4V for short), a planning and budget document for handing out $1.6 billion in 17 Latin America countries.

A migrant holding up a debit card given to him by the United Nations.

It confirms the UN, with the helping hands of 248 named non-governmental organizations, is indeed giving debit cards to illegal migrants — funded, in large part, by US taxpayers.

Despite the R4V plan title naming Venezuelans as recipients of this aid operation, the document’s fine print (footnote on page 14 and paragraph on page 43, for instance) says the largesse goes to “all nationalities” and “multiple other nationalities.”
In a nutshell, the UN and its advocacy partners want to spread $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA),” and “Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MCA)” to 624,300 immigrants who in-transit to the United States during 2024.

That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards but also hard “cash in envelopes,” bank transfers, and mobile transfers the U.S. border-bound travelers can use for whatever they want.
A sign for migrants to register with the UN.

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Roberts is a 💩 pile

Amy "hiphen in my last name and being a catholic should have told you I was a liberal traitor" Barrett and John Roberts are traitorous POS that should be ashamed of themselves!! I understand the argument that 1 of the cossack Judas Iscariot traitors made about " not setting precedent for states interfering with the Feds enforcing the law" EXCUSE....but it is just that. A BS EXCUSE to betray the citizens of this country...BECAUSE the Feds ARE NOT ENFORCING THE LAWS of this country pertaining to securing the border and deporting illegals!!! THAT is the ENTIRE CAUSE of the crisis at the border to BEGIN WITH and literally EVERY AMERICAN knows this simple fact. I dont even think theres a liberal moron here in the VN forum thats FOS enough to deny that Biden and the Dimwits IMMEDIATELY opened up the border to this country and have KEPT IT WIDE OPEN despite all the border states being overrun with invaders.

I don't want to hear this BS from the CornPop in Chief either NOW finally after three years of LYING about the border finally admitting " It is NOT SECURE" and " GIVE ME THE MONEY" to secure the border!!! This admin is on tape 1 million times including him right up until this VERY DAY saying " The border is SECURE and the border states are FINE." GTFO you braindead lying sack of sheit. THAT is why its NEWS for Sloppy Joe to finally admit " Its NOT" secure. Because these same morons who tell us that woman have penises, and men have babies have been screaming for 3 years that " The Border is just peachy" while the Feds made SURE that about 10 Million+ illegal invaders have walked right into our country with their hands out and no jobs.

The Supreme Court just failed horrificly and Amy Barrett is garbage. Roberts has always been a closet Liberal poon but Amy used her faith and 75 kids to convince the world that she was a conservative...she just showed that she is another Big Government supporting wolf in sheeps clothing. Shameful actions by Barrett. She is a disgrace.

Dems Letting Migrants Fly Without ID Are Playing Russian Roulette With Our Safety​

Sen. Steve Daines presents a TSA sign from Miami International Airport notifying certain migrants that they can board a plane without photo ID.

If you’re rushing to the airport and forget your photo ID, good luck being allowed on the plane.

But many migrants without “an acceptable form of identification,” according to airport signs, don’t need a photo.

They get special treatment.

Migrants who have entered the country using President Biden’s new CBP (Customs and Border Protection) One app — at least 422,000 — can fly domestically without photo ID.

When will these dildos ride off into the sunset forever? I'm tired of listening to lies.

The guy is lying. We have videos from a few months ago of the FEDs cutting the wire so they can let migrants in. If they need "access", they can work with the state of Texas to leave strategic gaps in the wire fence so that the border agents can do their job.

Texas Installs More Razor Wire At Border as GOP rages over SCOTUS ruling​

AUSTIN, Texas — Less than a day after the Supreme Court ruled that federal Border Patrol agents had the legal authority to cut through state-installed razor wire along the border, Texas National Guard soldiers were in Eagle Pass installing more as the fallout between state and federal governments escalated.

National Guard soldiers laid out more fencing and concertina wire despite the rain that swept through the region Tuesday, according to video.

Abbott doubled down Tuesday and said state forces, deployed to the border since 2021 under Operation Lone Star, would continue to remain on-site despite the highest court’s ruling.

Anyone have any actual opinions on how they think this will end? Cause the civilians in Texas are surrounding the border now and Texas literally just dared the feds to cross this line.

The idea of the National guard going against the feds is just lunancy…..yet here we are.

Another thought: Biden uses the insurrection act to place the national guard under his control. If so, would all listen or would some disobey?

If enough disobeyed would Biden use another guard to face this guard?

Sheesh. This is honestly scary as F.
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Anyone have any actual opinions on how they think this will end? Cause the civilians in Texas are surrounding the border now and Texas literally just dared the feds to cross this line.

The idea of the National guard going against the feds is just lunancy…..yet here we are.

Another thought: Biden uses the insurrection act to place the national guard under his control. If so, would all listen or would some disobey?

If enough disobeyed would Biden use another guard to face this guard?

Sheesh. This is honestly scary as F.
It's very interesting, and we'll see how far this goes. Abbot should have acted on this 3 years ago. When Trump wins and sends the national guard down there to shut it all down and the left tries to sue, then precedent is already set with this ruling. Lots of moving parts.

As far as different national guard units facing off against one another, that's not going to happen. There is zero interest within military units to turn their weapons on U.S. citizens, or on each other. The CIA has done surveys on this. I'm sure those results disappointed them too.
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Anyone have any actual opinions on how they think this will end? Cause the civilians in Texas are surrounding the border now and Texas literally just dared the feds to cross this line.

The idea of the National guard going against the feds is just lunancy…..yet here we are.

Another thought: Biden uses the insurrection act to place the national guard under his control. If so, would all listen or would some disobey?

If enough disobeyed would Biden use another guard to face this guard?

Sheesh. This is honestly scary as F.

I’m waiting for Biden to federalize the TX NG, that will be a watershed moment if Texas has any balls.
What would happen in that situation?

It happened a couple of times in the 1960s where state governments used the guard to prevent the civil rights movement (Arkansas/Alabama) then feds called the guard into federal duty and they obeyed. Not sure what would happen in the scenario hog is talking about if TXNG refused federal orders. Would depend on how far the Biden administration wanted to take it.

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