Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Republicans had plenty of opportunity for two years under Trump to pass legislation or real plans to address the border. They could make such proposals now.

But they did not then, and do not now, because it's a wedge issue they can run on. Face facts. The GOP has no intention of any substantive fix to the border problems.

Do you expect the Rs in the house to pass a law forcing the Biden administration to enforce the current laws?
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Picking vegetables is critical to our country's success.

It's one of those funny things where dems label everyone "racist" (a term I don't care one bit about but they think it's an insult) while at the same time admitting all they thing they're good for is picking veggies. lol
What do they need to pass?

The Senate had agreed on a bipartisan border deal, with at least tentative thumbs up from the House and the WH.

But Trumpilstilskin was worried that would make Biden look good, or at least would lessen the effect of the issue for him in the upcoming election. So the fat f*** started making calls and told GOP Senators to kill it.

All for his own glorification. Face it, he's a menace.
The Senate had agreed on a bipartisan border deal, with at least tentative thumbs up from the House and the WH.

But Trumpilstilskin was worried that would make Biden look good, or at least would lessen the effect of the issue for him in the upcoming election. So the fat f*** started making calls and told GOP Senators to kill it.

All for his own glorification. Face it, he's a menace.
Are you aware of any details for this "Bipartisan" deal?
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The Senate had agreed on a bipartisan border deal, with at least tentative thumbs up from the House and the WH.

But Trumpilstilskin was worried that would make Biden look good, or at least would lessen the effect of the issue for him in the upcoming election. So the fat f*** started making calls and told GOP Senators to kill it.

All for his own glorification. Face it, he's a menace.

What did the deal consist of? What would it have done different than if Biden was enforcing current laws?
The House passed HR2 last year. That should be the framework for anything in the Senate.

The Senate had agreed on a bipartisan border deal, with at least tentative thumbs up from the House and the WH.

But Trumpilstilskin was worried that would make Biden look good, or at least would lessen the effect of the issue for him in the upcoming election. So the fat f*** started making calls and told GOP Senators to kill it.

All for his own glorification. Face it, he's a menace.

Biden doesnt need a damn thing passed to enforce the border. Just like Trump didnt. This is just more leftist drivel excuse making.

Are you really a lawyer?
Are you aware of any details for this "Bipartisan" deal?

What did the deal consist of? What would it have done different than if Biden was enforcing current laws?

I imagine you can find the details for yourselves. But in any event your insinuation that it was a bad deal, and that is why Trump intervened to kill it, is utterly ridiculous.

First, this was a GOP-sponsored plan. Second, the notion that Trump studied it and called to prevent its adoption because it was bad policy???? .... well, on the face of it, such a claim is patently absurd. Trump doesn't care what the plan would be, he cares only about having the issue remain alive for the upcoming election.

And third, Trump said he was intervening to prevent Biden from having the issue even minimally settled. He simply wants to paint Biden as the obstacle, when in fact it is he, Trump, is now the obstacle. Trump told the Senators that preventing a resolution of the problem -- so he could run on it -- was why he was calling them.
The House passed HR2 last year. That should be the framework for anything in the Senate.

everything they are proposing was already passed as a bill before and got sidelined. not sure why this time would be different. and not sure why it needs to be revoted on?
I imagine you can find the details for yourselves. But in any event your insinuation that it was a bad deal, and that is why Trump intervened to kill it, is utterly ridiculous.

First, this was a GOP-sponsored plan. Second, the notion that Trump studied it and called to prevent its adoption because it was bad policy???? .... well, on the face of it, such a claim is patently absurd. Trump doesn't care what the plan would be, he cares only about having the issue remain alive for the upcoming election.

And third, Trump said he was intervening to prevent Biden from having the issue even minimally settled. He simply wants to paint Biden as the obstacle, when in fact it is he, Trump, is now the obstacle. Trump told the Senators that preventing a resolution of the problem -- so he could run on it -- was why he was calling them.
That does not fill me with positivity. There are some GOP members that are also hell-bent on destruction. No amnesty.
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I imagine you can find the details for yourselves. But in any event your insinuation that it was a bad deal, and that is why Trump intervened to kill it, is utterly ridiculous.

First, this was a GOP-sponsored plan. Second, the notion that Trump studied it and called to prevent its adoption because it was bad policy???? .... well, on the face of it, such a claim is patently absurd. Trump doesn't care what the plan would be, he cares only about having the issue remain alive for the upcoming election.

And third, Trump said he was intervening to prevent Biden from having the issue even minimally settled. He simply wants to paint Biden as the obstacle, when in fact it is he, Trump, is now the obstacle. Trump told the Senators that preventing a resolution of the problem -- so he could run on it -- was why he was calling them.

You have proof, other than notorious anti-Trump Mitt Romney, that Trump did such a thing?
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It was not a GOP sponsored plan, unless Sinema and Chris Murphy switched parties.
I know Langford, the pos from Oklahoma is all about bending the knee. Mac from Kentucky is also all about it too. The right needs to get rid of the nutless losers.
'We need a Strong, Powerful, and essentially 'PERFECT' Border,' Trump wrote from his Truth Social account late Thursday.

The former president said that unless Republicans achieve those goals, 'we are better off not making a deal.'

The 'unsustainable invasion' at the southern border is considered a 'death wish' for the United States, he added.

You have proof, other than notorious anti-Trump Mitt Romney, that Trump did such a thing?

You know, until you asked that question I had not connected all the dots, and so I thank you. Turns out, the deal was for border security AND for Ukraine funding.

Another brick in the Putin-owns-Trump wall.

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'We need a Strong, Powerful, and essentially 'PERFECT' Border,' Trump wrote from his Truth Social account late Thursday.

The former president said that unless Republicans achieve those goals, 'we are better off not making a deal.'

The 'unsustainable invasion' at the southern border is considered a 'death wish' for the United States, he added.

Backpedaling because he has been caught red handed doing Putin's bidding, yet again.
I imagine you can find the details for yourselves. But in any event your insinuation that it was a bad deal, and that is why Trump intervened to kill it, is utterly ridiculous.

First, this was a GOP-sponsored plan. Second, the notion that Trump studied it and called to prevent its adoption because it was bad policy???? .... well, on the face of it, such a claim is patently absurd. Trump doesn't care what the plan would be, he cares only about having the issue remain alive for the upcoming election.

And third, Trump said he was intervening to prevent Biden from having the issue even minimally settled. He simply wants to paint Biden as the obstacle, when in fact it is he, Trump, is now the obstacle. Trump told the Senators that preventing a resolution of the problem -- so he could run on it -- was why he was calling them.

First it was not a GOP sponsored plan. Second it is bad legislation because it grants amnesty to hundreds of thousands of people who broke our laws getting here. And third, the house passed a border security plan not linked to aid for Ukraine that wasn't even considered by the Senate so why should the House even consider this dog sh^t piece of legislation that the Administration refuses to compromise on?

Face it LG, we do not need more laws to secure the border we just need this administration to enforce existing laws.

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