Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

So... you're mad Trump wants the border closed and not tied to more money Ukraine can waste?

We've spent more than enough in Ukraine and military-industrial stocks have risen enough. We've got our own problems and it's time for Europe to step up.

You, as a servant of the law working with LEOs yourself, should be appalled at what's going on at the southern border. But you want to turn it around on Trump yet again.

LG as a servant of the law ...


People's Convoy 2.0: Huge Cavalcade Of TRUCKERS Will Head To Border Hot Spots In Bid To Shame Biden Administration Into Cracking Down On Migration Crisis​

  • Truckers are planning to make stops in Eagle Pass, Texas; Yuma, Arizona; San Ysidro, California-- all illegal immigrant crossing hot spots
A massive convoy of truckers will make its way to three migrant hotspots across three states in a bid to shame the White House into tackling the worsening crisis.

Hundreds - possibly thousands - of big rigs will head for Eagle Pass in Texas, Yuma in Arizona and San Ysidro in California from January 29 for the four day 'Take Back Our Border' event.

They hope the eye-catching, all-American protest will draw further attention to record numbers of migrants crossing the southern border and into the US, with multiple cities now buckling under the weight of trying to care for them.

A huge convoy of truckers is set to travel to three points along the southern border notorious for illegal crossings on January 29 in a bid to shame the Biden administration into tackling the migrant crisis (The People's Convoy that protested against COVID mandates is pictured in California in 2022)


Manchin: ‘Sickening’ Trump ‘Throwing Cold Water’ on Border Deal​

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said Friday on CNN’s “News Central” that it was “sickening” former President Donald Trump is “throwing cold water” on lawmakers border security deal.

Manchin said, “I have never been more concerned about my country than I am today. I see what’s going on which way we are heading, and it gets more toxic every day. Look at what is happening now with this border decision. The Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have worked very diligently and very hard, and having an agreement very close to being finished.”


Manchin: ‘Sickening’ Trump ‘Throwing Cold Water’ on Border Deal​

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said Friday on CNN’s “News Central” that it was “sickening” former President Donald Trump is “throwing cold water” on lawmakers border security deal.

Manchin said, “I have never been more concerned about my country than I am today. I see what’s going on which way we are heading, and it gets more toxic every day. Look at what is happening now with this border decision. The Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have worked very diligently and very hard, and having an agreement very close to being finished.”

Laws are already in place. New legislation is inconsequential to the issue since Biden refuses to enforce the existing ones. Manchin playing politics on the blame of this is no different than trump playing politics. Both are assholes. Imo.
All we have heard for 3 years was no crisis. No deal with these jackasses.

EVERY SINGLE Republican or independent that sides with that Bill....which increases the Total $$$ sent to Ukraine by 60% from roughly 100BN so far to 160BN and MORE importantly grants CITIZENSHIP to 20 MILLION PLUS ILLEGAL ALIENS ALREADY HERE as well as providing for THOUSANDS MORE PER WEEK to be allowed to enter and become citizens as well in the FUTURE...indefinitely.....

EVERY SINGLE NON DEMOCRAT who signs on to approve that bill into law needs to be primaried and REPLACED with someone who will NOT go to DC and do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they were sent there to do. This bill is a BETRAYAL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and any/all who attempt to turn it into LAW are TRAITORS to this Nation, the Constitution, and all Americans. They should all be tarred and feathered.

Bidens administration has been SCREAMING for 3 years that the border states are just fine and everything is going great down there. NOW he wants to say its all screwed up and his garbage government of thieves ....liars....and TRAITORS want MORE money??? Like they are gonna do something about it NOW??? ONLY BECAUSE ABBOTT started bussing the leeches to Dimwit cities and made the Dimwits unable to LIE about the problem anymore.

These garbage Dimwits have let between 12 MILLION AND 20 MILLION ILLEGALS enter this country via the SAME open border that Biden is fighting the Texas NG to OPEN back up right now!!!!

The WORST PRESIDENT in my lifetime has done more damage to this country than Obama did in 8 years....and thats nearly impossible to pull off. Yet he has. A total embarrassment at every single turn. What a joke. The Biden family needs to be deported immediately themselves.
Tar and feathers for any Republican that signs it/votes for it. Its treasonous. No conservative state wants this. None.

There is zero reason to make a deal. Either the Feds enforce the border or the States will and the Feds can eff off. We have had enough immigration over the last 20 years to last us for 100 years. Just close the damn border to everyone, legal or illegal. We're full. No vacancy.

Has there ever been a party that hates its voters more than the GOP? What a bunch of cucks and losers.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), chair of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, requested that colleagues who have endorsed the former president ask him to stop disparaging the deal pending a review of its details by lawmakers this week.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), chair of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, requested that colleagues who have endorsed the former president ask him to stop disparaging the deal pending a review of its details by lawmakers this week.

And they still won’t talk about what’s actually in the bill.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), chair of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, requested that colleagues who have endorsed the former president ask him to stop disparaging the deal pending a review of its details by lawmakers this week.

Need to "keep receipts" as the kids say today.

Make record of EVERY REPUB that supports this traitorous bill and they need a PRIMARY CHALLENGER next time around that is willing to VOTE the WAY they PROMISED THEIR VOTERS.

This is insane for them to even consider. People if this balderdash somehow gets passed....we need to be in the streets. I will go peacefully protest. I have never done so in my life, but i will for this treason. I will also if the government attempts to outlaw Trump or prevent a fair and free election in this country.

This Republic is on the ropes. I for one am willing to fight to help keep her upright.
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Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) argued it is “immoral” for Republicans to reject a border deal to help former President Trump.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) called the effort to kill the bill “appalling.” Romney argued that there is an issue at the southern border and anyone running for president should be attempting to solve it now — instead of solving it later and taking credit for it down the road.


New 1,500-Strong Migrant Caravan Seen Walking Toward US Southern Border Hours After Boat Full Of Asylum Seekers Lands In Affluent San Diego Community​

  • A caravan consisting of about 1,500 migrants, mostly from Central and South America, are trekking through southern Mexico
At least 1,500 migrants have formed the first caravan of 2024 as part of an attempt to reach the Mexico's northern border region with the United States.

The group, mainly Central and South American migrants, had grown tired of the lagging Mexican immigration system in Tapachula, a city in the southern state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala.

The migrants took off by foot Thursday and reached the town of Huixtla on Friday.

The plan, local media outlets reported, is for migrants to spend the night there resting before departing for Escuintla in the morning.

Migrants walk down a road in Huixtla, a city in the southern Mexico state of Chiapas, on Friday. The group is part of the first caravan to form in 2024 and they hope to reach Mexico's northern border region with the United States

More than 20 migrants were filmed storming the beach La Jolla, California, an extremely wealthy suburb of San Diego on Wednesday morning and disappearing into the southern California enclave, where homes go for a median price of $2.2 Million.

The exclusive footage was shot by NewsNation's National Correspondent Jorge Ventura and captured the group arriving on the shore on a vessel before they took off running into the neighborhood.


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