Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Lulz, that's not even what I said. Don't let your insecurities drown out my words, bro.
Not your bro, and I wish you would spend time educating yourself, and learning how the world works, then larping as someone who does. The Migration crisis was 100% manufactured by the NWO/ Great Reset types like the Obama administration, and even after leaving office officially his people have pushed it. You can choose to own it or not, but it is what it is.

Not your bro, and I wish you would spend time educating yourself, and learning how the world works, then larping as someone who does. The Migration crisis was 100% manufactured by the NWO/ Great Reset types like the Obama administration, and even after leaving office officially his people have pushed it. You can choose to own it or not, but it is what it is.

Still no pertinent facts presented, just burying me with wild opinions and links to BS with no context. WTF does Soros have to do with anything we are talking about here? We are talking about whether or not the Biden admin has open borders, not NWO conspiracies. That's a conversation I have no interest in, but I can see why you would be running away from the conversation that we are having.
Still no pertinent facts presented, just burying me with wild opinions and links to BS with no context. WTF does Soros have to do with anything we are talking about here? We are talking about whether or not the Biden admin has open borders, not NWO conspiracies. That's a conversation I have no interest in, but I can see why you would be running away from the conversation that we are having.
Holy F. After all this time you still think we don't have open borders? We have the dumbest electorate in history because of people like you.
You are in so much denial, but sometimes I wonder..are you really this brain dead? Or do you know how much damage is being done to the country, and just want that. Do you really get this many horrible takes? Or is the Destruction of this country and western civilization what you pine for. In the end I guess it's moot. Because wether many are just stupid, or just a traitor it's all the same in the end result.
He’s woke and loves buying cheap 💩 made in China and anything made or done by illegals
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Holy F. After all this time you still think we don't have open borders? We have the dumbest electorate in history because of people like you.

This worthless degenerate administration actually ADMITS to allowing 10 to 12 million invaders into this nation in the last 3.5 years. Do the math on that...thats over 250,000 a MONTH. EVERY MONTH FOR 3.5 YEARS. That doesnt count all the ones that entered but were never processed and released. Nor the the BS factor difference between how many they actually processed and the reduced amount that they claim....this admin has BSed the numbers for every single issue since they've been in power. From unemployment to inflation, Hell they lied from the very beginning claiming 81 million people voted for Slow Joe and the Hoe. No way in Hell they got more votes than Barry, or Trump for that matter.

There is absolutely zero excuse for any adult with a fully functional brain in the US to claim that we don't have an open border with Mexico. You have to be either mentally disabled or 100% FOS to claim or even imply that nonsense. Right up there with believing the Earth is flat in 2024. Batsheet crazy.
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.....another possible apartment take over going on in Chicago...

"...multiple calls....32 Venezuelans are trespassing in the building property showing guns in the courtyard, and they have motorcycles in the courtyard as well...."

Honest what point is it legit to start calling illegal immigrants that engage in organized aggression against US citizens outright foreign terrorists or even outright invasive enemy combatants? There simply has to be a line of demarcation, right? Right?
We have to enforce the border. We have to get rid of free stuff. We have to enforce the rules to prevent getting jobs. We have to deport once they are located. It's a 4 step process. Without doing all 4, its not going to get any better....

We are 35 trillion in the hole. I'm all for expanding the amount of LEGAL immigration for employment reasons.
Yet you will vote for the one that will - without any shadow of a doubt - continue the practice.
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Yet you will vote for the one that will - without any shadow of a doubt - continue the practice.

Ummmm, you know Im not voting for Kamala right?

Actions speak louder and words and as long as Trump doesnt enforce exisiting laws to keep them from working here and deport them when caught, he is just blowing a bunch of hot air...
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You are in so much denial, but sometimes I wonder..are you really this brain dead? Or do you know how much damage is being done to the country, and just want that. Do you really get this many horrible takes? Or is the Destruction of this country and western civilization what you pine for. In the end I guess it's moot. Because wether many are just stupid, or just a traitor it's all the same in the end result.
He's a card carrying leftist.

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