Six Reasons Why AG Jeff Sessions is Trump’s Hammer in the Fight Against Illegal Migration
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is using his legal expertise and his authority to aggressively implement President Donald Trump’s policy against illegal immigration, even as he is getting flak from the President for recusing himself from Democratic-cheered investigations into the President’s campaign and business activities.
The next step for Sessions, says source, is the release of federal regulations that will replace the 2015 Flores settlement which requires officials to release migrants within 20 days if they bring children with them over the border.
The catch-and-release settlement was created in 2015 by a judge, the ACLU, and officials working for former President Barack Obama, and it has forced officials to release hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants who bring their children into the United States.
But the pending Flores regulation is just one of several major regulatory changes which Sessions which are shutting the various border loopholes which were created by pro-migration judges, advocacy groups and agency officials over the last 20 years.
“These changes are really possible because Jeff Sessions is Attorney General,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies. Krikorian continued:
He both knows what has to be done, and is committed to making sure it happens. A different AG, even if he means well, would be unlikely to have both the knowledge and commitment to get these kinds of change though, and that assumes he even wanted to do so. A [George W.] Bush-retread might not even be committed to the President’s agenda … What matters are the policy changes that we are seeing, not the investigative circus which dominates the news.
Six Reasons Why AG Jeff Sessions is Trump's Hammer in the Fight Against Illegal Migration | Breitbart