MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

The comments are the best part of that article. I do think the person has a point about having some manners in this day and age, but here we go again :horse: on the whole sit/stand thing.
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What kind of horse crap is that....While were at it lets just golf clap and not let the band play at all...You have got to be kidding me :banghead2:
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Yea right this is UT football you know, one of the loudest rockiness stadium in the nation and they think people gonna sit there with their finger up their butts!
This article is exactly what we don't need in our stadium.

I know most understand but for those who don't here is a lesson.

Stand and Yell as loud as you can while we are on Defense. The noise will hopefully affect the other teams Offense. It will make it harder for them to communicate and maybe we can even get a few false start penalties.

Sit and be quiet while we are on Offense. We want our offense to be able to communicate easily. Yell after the play.

I know most know this but for those who don't please start doing this!
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Yea I guess I paid 3500 dollars to please whose behind me what a joke 15 years agotwo elderly men sat behind us at a game and I was going to be nice an sit so they could see. Do you know what they told me they yelled at me an said don't worry about the people behind you .you get where u can see an don't worry about them. You know what he was right . You want to stand then stand
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I'm still waiting on someone to explain how standing makes my yelling louder. Was there a mythbusters episode I missed that covered this mystery?
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There are times to stand and times to sit. The bottom line is that the fans make sure that opposing offenses hear nothing but white noise before every snap.
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I'm still waiting on someone to explain how standing makes my yelling louder. Was there a mythbusters episode I missed that covered this mystery?

Not as easy to juggle your nachos, chz burger, popcorn, big gulp and phone while standing, huh?
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I'm still waiting on someone to explain how standing makes my yelling louder. Was there a mythbusters episode I missed that covered this mystery?

They can't explain it. Tennessee had some pretty great years with the same "old folks" sitting down instead of standing. I suppose you could hypothesize the number of people standing is correlated to the amount of energy your fans have, but considering we've had some really great years and some really bad years with pretty much the same fan base it'd be hard to quantify it. I'm much more concerned about that energy than I am about whether or not people are standing the whole game.
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They can't explain it. Tennessee had some pretty great years with the same "old folks" sitting down instead of standing. I suppose you could hypothesize the number of people standing is correlated to the amount of energy your fans have, but considering we've had some really great years and some really bad years with pretty much the same fan base it'd be hard to quantify it. I'm much more concerned about that energy than I am about whether or not people are standing the whole game.

I hate to say it, but some people are too stupid to know when to stand and when not to stand. That will never change.
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I'm standing unless the people behind me are physically unable to stand. Period.

Exactly.. "come to the most exciting place on earth (to you) but contain yourself, do not yell, do not curse or boo, and def do not stand up and block the persons view behind you, meanie."
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They can't explain it. Tennessee had some pretty great years with the same "old folks" sitting down instead of standing. I suppose you could hypothesize the number of people standing is correlated to the amount of energy your fans have, but considering we've had some really great years and some really bad years with pretty much the same fan base it'd be hard to quantify it. I'm much more concerned about that energy than I am about whether or not people are standing the whole game.

I hate to say it, but some people are too stupid to know when to stand and when not to stand. That will never change.

Exactly. I've been to numerous games... W's and L's, good seasons and bad seasons, as a student and as a former student... but always as a Volunteer fan. I don't remember standing any more (or less) as a student than I do currently. The only exception is that there clearly were more "opportunities" relative to goal line stands, key 3rd down plays, etc. in the past. As properly stated above... it all depends on the situation. To make an arbitrary statement that standing during the games motivates the players is a bit ridiculous. Being loud (and standing when there's excitement) is an absolute positive experience of any sporting event (except golf and tennis).
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