MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

time to get fancy,

The article in the Knoxville News Sentinel is REDICULOUS and obviously so is the WRITER.

TRUTH -> UT Fans are known around the world as being among the most polite hosting teams to fans of visiting teams. Thus causing visitors to want to move into Tennessee.

TRUTH -> Our players reflect the Fans attitudes. See Sportsmanship Award Winner video here
THIS IS TENNESSEE (Sportsmanship Award Winners) - YouTube

TRUTH -> ALL TENNESSEE FANS WANT TO WIN A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP !! UT Fans will be the loudest 12th man on the field! UT Fans Rock the World ! The writer of this Article in the Knoxville paper truly needs to switch over to Vandy as that is slightly more gentlemanly. P.S. Our new coach is a bit more violent so you REALLY should switch to Vandy.
I'll show my manners by choosing to not use weapons when confronting an obnoxious Georgia fan... maybe.. possibly. This was a waste of thread.
:eek:lol: If this woman is for real, and I'm afraid she is, I'd bet money that she's a retired Home Ec. teacher. And you know she was the one who went around telling everyone to tuck their shirts in, stand up straight, and pulling out a ruler to check the length of shorts and skirts.
:eek:lol: If this woman is for real, and I'm afraid she is, I'd bet money that she's a retired Home Ec. teacher. And you know she was the one who went around telling everyone to tuck their shirts in, stand up straight, and pulling out a ruler to check the length of shorts and skirts.

I bet she is a blast at party's.
This is the worst article I've ever read. She has one-upped John Adams. If you want to sit during a football game...STAY HOME.
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Earth to dumb people, if you go to ANY major sporting event, there may be a slight chance that someone will stand up in front of you.

Maybe even the whole game! Could you imagine the horror!!!!

The players would rather you stand the whole game, it just looks more intimidating, heard it from many of them myself.

Believe it if you want, could care less.
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Ill stand for the National Anthem and never sit down. I'm there to yell and have fun. The only way I'm sitting is if we are down by 20 with two minutes left in the game.

If you keep telling me to sit, I might jerk you outa your seat.
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Political correctness has no place in war or football. I do believe in treating opposing teams respectfully, and am not fan of booing anyone coming into the stadium (except Florida). But if you can't see over me because your sitting when we're standing.....tough. I'm stomping, I'm yelling, and likely I am giving anyone NOT doing the same the evil eye, and shouting to those around me to get louder if it's 3rd down.
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I mean seriously, who goes to a UT game expecting to sit down anyways? If you physically cant stand, there are areas for that.

If you choose to sit, and cant see the game because someone is standing in front of you, try getting off you fat arse and cheering.
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Just pay attention to the rest of the people in your section and you'll be alright. There are times to stand and times to sit. If you're the only one in your section either standing or sitting than perhaps the problem is with you.
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I love going to Games in Neyland but I can't tell you how many times I have been told to calm down or sit down. Honestly I would rather go to a local bar where I can yell and stand all I want. I can't stand how the culture in that stadium has gone down hill (no pun intended). The only two games I was not asked to stop yelling and got as crazy as I wanted was the Oregon game and the USCjr game when we used the black jerseys. It's depressing.
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Just pay attention to the rest of the people in your section and you'll be alright. There are times to stand and times to sit. If you're the only one in your section either standing or sitting than perhaps the problem is with you.

If it's 3rd down I'm standing if I am the only one or not, and I will mock those that don't.
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Grown men can't sit in the cheap seats anyways. There is not enough room on the bleacher. BTW, I'm not complaining, I wish they would let 20k more fans in. The more, louder, and crazier the better.
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The only people that deserve respect at the games are the players and the older folks and the women and children. Other wise raise heck and make the visiting fans and team hate coming to neyland during the game. Before and after just leave em be or give them some food and alcohol southern hospitality. But there should be none of that during the game. We flip a switch on when the pride of the southland band forms the T and stay that way til after the clock hit's triple zero and the teams have left and loaded on the buses.
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Ill stand for the National Anthem and never sit down. I'm there to yell and have fun. The only way I'm sitting is if we are down by 20 with two minutes left in the game.

If you keep telling me to sit, I might jerk you outa your seat.

Nowadays you have to watch out for the folks who think its their right to have you kicked out because they wanna sit.

Just blows me away.
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Just pay attention to the rest of the people in your section and you'll be alright. There are times to stand and times to sit. If you're the only one in your section either standing or sitting than perhaps the problem is with you.

Just stop. Common sense and courtesy have no place here.
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Sometimes my wife and I just have to sit a few minutes to rest our wore out knees, but we never mind that people all around stand and yell like crazy. That's as much a part of the fun for us old Vols as watching the game itself. What we do is go to Catholic Church a few times before the season starts...all the getting up and down they do is good practice for attending UT games...the praying can't hurt either.
This article is exactly what we don't need in our stadium.

I know most understand but for those who don't here is a lesson.

Stand and Yell as loud as you can while we are on Defense. The noise will hopefully affect the other teams Offense. It will make it harder for them to communicate and maybe we can even get a few false start penalties.

Sit and be quiet while we are on Offense. We want our offense to be able to communicate easily. Yell after the play.

I know most know this but for those who don't please start doing this!

I would also add that the band needs to stop playing when our offense steps to the line of scrimmage.
Nowadays you have to watch out for the folks who think its their right to have you kicked out because they wanna sit.

Just blows me away.

What gives you the right to stand the whole time? Serious question. We all paid for tickets, shouldn't there be a happy medium? Most know when to stand and when to sit.

I'm up cheering like hell and making noise on defense, when big plays are made on offense, or when something happens I don't like. I sit the rest of the time. From what I can tell, 95 pct of the stadium does this. Most all sporting venues are the same.

If someone is up yelling, cursing, acting belligerent all during the game; I can see why people get upset, those people look like dumbasses.
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