Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

I remember the SC blue laws back in the day. They pretty much shut down most commerce in the state, not just places where you could buy alcohol. People used to call Tennessee backward, but we are a few decades ahead of those idiots in SC.

Bars in SC used to have to use the small bottles (like the airlines serve) for mixed drinks. Long Island Iced Tea was a serious drink there in those days.
I guess your argument is that racism doesn't exist. I can hear you now, "I'm not racist, I even have a black friend, at work."

Or it could have been the plainly obvious fact that they were speaking about MUSLIMS which is a religion....not a race or specific to ANY race since muzzies come in all shapes and sizes. Lmao at yall with the "racism" allegations. If every single non- Dimwit politician had not been villified as a "racist" for the last 5o plus year...PERHAPS that word might still mean something to Americans. Instead, mentioning that word results in immediately being either ignored or mocked...because, as always, the liberals are a bunch of racist bastards themselves.

Turns out that humans tend to feel more comfortable and at ease arpund people similar to them...regardless of race, religion, etc. In 2023 all these "ist" ending insults are just from morons who are lacking in either discretion or judgment.
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I remember the SC blue laws back in the day. They pretty much shut down most commerce in the state, not just places where you could buy alcohol. People used to call Tennessee backward, but we are a few decades ahead of those idiots in SC.

I remember as well, I’ve lived here most my life. On Sundays many businesses couldn’t open until 1:00. Alcohol sales on Sunday is pretty recent as well.
I remember the SC blue laws back in the day. They pretty much shut down most commerce in the state, not just places where you could buy alcohol. People used to call Tennessee backward, but we are a few decades ahead of those idiots in SC.
My company sat on property for almost a decade waiting for Sevierville to permit alcohol sales. Once they did we had a restaurant open in 6 months
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Would you have a problem if a Christian church did the same thing?

Doesn't seem like anybody should be ringing bells or calling people to pray at 3AM. As someone pointed out earlier, if you are that devout, set your own alarm. I imagine most people would find a way to wake up if they had to take necessary meds on a 4 or 6 hour schedule. Seems like the request is pretty dumb - surpassed only by the response.
New York City issued new guidance Tuesday allowing mosques (masjids) to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer on Fridays between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. without obtaining a permit and despite sound restrictions in city neighborhoods.

According to the city, the guidance also allows the call to prayer to be broadcast in the evenings during Ramadan, a month-long period of fasting and prayer for the Muslim community.

“Today we are cutting red tape and saying clearly if you are a mosque or house of worship of any kind, you do not have to apply for a permit to amplify your call to Friday prayer. You are free to live your faith in NYC,” Mayor Eric Adams said while announcing the new guidance Tuesday.

The new initiative, launched by the NYPD, clarifies the call to prayer is allowed in New York City and “not prohibited despite sound restrictions in city neighborhoods,” the release said.

good. Freedom of religion is freedom of religion. Unless this new law bans churches from ringing bells, I don't know what the complaint is.

Or only allows them to ring their bells during the same period as the mosques can play their call to prayer.
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