Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

You can walk to the ocean with that idea. What a disgusting belief system.
Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. I find it funny that some are so confident in the righteousness of their religion, that they feel the need to have the government force it upon others rather than have others voluntarily come to that faith.
Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. I find it funny that some are so confident in the righteousness of their religion, that they feel the need to have the government force it upon others rather than have others voluntarily come to that faith.
Could the same not be said about forced progressivism on the left that’s been going on since before I was born?
Yes I would like a government to reflect Christian values.

Churches & denominations themselves fail at that, but government is capable of it? For example, it wasn't that Jefferson and Franklin were deists (as some claim) but that they were theists critical of religious institution infatuated with their own image rather than God/Christ, so even that is a problem older than the country.

The religious & ethical tenets that informed the constitution and BOR are sufficient without giving more power to elected Catholics that support abortion and transing kids with their name on their underwear, or elected Baptists who'd select the death penalty for a female having an abortion. Concurrently, the founders created what, today, should be 50 labs of social experimentation, that have instead allowed themselves to be eaten piecemeal by the fed.

No one should should tell me when I can responsibly enjoy a drink, anymore than my Iranian friends want to be told which foot to step out of bed with in the morning, or my ex-Soviet Russian-Jew friends want to be assigned a job. The answer is more state autonomy, not more of what we have; it won't turn out the way you think.
Yeah, it isn't; I've literally never heard scripture referred to as 'red words'.
You did say I'd be more difficult to love than Muslims you don't know at all but would prefer to live with anyway.

And @Christian Lowe - please cease...fluffing me...and consider unfluffing me; mustn't offend Puritans with impure posting habits that dirty their finger tips pointing out.
So the 'red words' are in some King James versions of the Bible and are Jesus's words and are literally highlighted in red, only happens in the New Testament of course. If you guys already covered this my apologies.
Churches & denominations themselves fail at that, but government is capable of it? For example, it wasn't that Jefferson and Franklin were deists (as some claim) but that they were theists critical of religious institution infatuated with their own image rather than God/Christ, so even that is a problem older than the country.

The religious & ethical tenets that informed the constitution and BOR are sufficient without giving more power to elected Catholics that support abortion and transing kids with their name on their underwear, or elected Baptists who'd select the death penalty for a female having an abortion. Concurrently, the founders created what, today, should be 50 labs of social experimentation, that have instead allowed themselves to be eaten piecemeal by the fed.

No one should should tell me when I can responsibly enjoy a drink, anymore than my Iranian friends want to be told which foot to step out of bed with in the morning, or my ex-Soviet Russian-Jew friends want to be assigned a job. The answer is more state autonomy, not more of what we have; it won't turn out the way you think.
If the left can try to make me worship at the altar of dead babies and LGBTQIA&:97+, then I can make them worship at the altar of Christ. See how that works?
If the left can try to make me worship at the altar of dead babies and LGBTQIA&:97+, then I can make them worship at the altar of Christ. See how that works?

Because being gay and being religious are the same.

How has this level of asinine flown under the radar here over the years?
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If the left can try to make me worship at the altar of dead babies and LGBTQIA&:97+, then I can make them worship at the altar of Christ. See how that works?

I fully understand the sentiment, but am no more inclined to a theological dictatorship than a Marxist one; both are the destruction of the constitutional republic which I consider as perfect a model as man can devise. I have doubts the country can peaceably reconcile our differences but if war were to be the only solution, neither of those authoritarians work for me.

Jesus was no p*ssy, and did not expect Christians to be lambs inviting their slaughter but his very premise for being/dying was that mankind voluntarily come to him. Unlike Islam and unlike Marxism. I'm sure you see how that works and why your plan isn't any more Christian than those adherents. A political war fought to impose Christendom, isn't Christ-like at all.
Still may be the case but it wasn’t long ago you couldn’t buy booze/beer except at a restaurant on Sunday in SC.
I remember the SC blue laws back in the day. They pretty much shut down most commerce in the state, not just places where you could buy alcohol. People used to call Tennessee backward, but we are a few decades ahead of those idiots in SC.
I remember the SC blue laws back in the day. They pretty much shut down most commerce in the state, not just places where you could buy alcohol. People used to call Tennessee backward, but we are a few decades ahead of those idiots in SC.

Most still do.
Still may be the case but it wasn’t long ago you couldn’t buy booze/beer except at a restaurant on Sunday in SC.

Looks like Moore county (Lynchburg - Jack Daniels) allows package stores now but not liquor by the drink. Always thought it was one of the best jokes that you couldn't buy what they made there.
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