Now you're saying I'm throwing around the term "experts" when I haven't used it even once during the entire thread. There's a pattern here of you saying people did something, even if they didn't do it, based on your feelings.
Ten years ago, I was saying the same things online about the Duke lacrosse team. Just because the Minnesota football players have been suspended, it doesn't prove they're guilty of rape. The Duke lacrosse players were suspended too, but I'm still waiting on proof that the alleged gang rape the Duke players were accused of committing actually occurred.
In 2006, famous religious figures, Reverend Sharpton and Reverend Jackson, contended the woman was a rape victim. Now, you're playing the holier-than-thou card by saying you're burdened with a soul. Before the Duke lacrosse players were suspended, Nancy Grace said, "I'm glad they didn't miss a lacrosse game over a little thing like gang rape!" Paula Zahn said, "the DA wouldn't be proceeding with this case if he didn't believe that this alleged victim had been raped." A feminist blogger, Amanda Marcotte, wrote that people who questioned the guilt of the Duke lacrosse players were "rape-loving scum." Now we see the same thing here. The thing is, playing the holier-than-thou card by proclaiming you uniquely have a soul, and calling other people pro-rape, does nothing to actually support your point of view regarding the guilt or innocence of the Minnesota football players. If it did, Reverend Sharpton and hardcore feminists would be right 100% of the time.
There is proof the woman had some consensual sex. She told police she had consensual sex with multiple athletes. What I'm waiting on is proof, any proof, that the woman was raped. When I see proof, I'll join in and proclaim them criminals. As it stands, the only proof of any crime that I see is Carlton Djam admitting that he contributed to a minor having sex with a 22 year old adult. If the kid was one of the two players the woman admits to having consensual sex with, then she herself is guilty of statutory rape. If she doesn't admit to having consensual sex with the kid, we can only speculate as to whether she raped the kid or he raped her. One or the other obviously happened, but we can't make a convincing argument that one or the other is guilty without proof, and speculation isn't proof. Neither are our feelings or self-annointed holiness.