Miss Trump Yet Thread

Meanwhile the Dems are trying to impeach someone out of office and Biden is opening the border and signing climate change EOs...no stimulus bill in sight 20210127_094623.jpg
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Meanwhile the Dems are trying to impeach someone out of office and Biden is opening the border and signing climate change EOs...no stimulus bill in sight View attachment 345708

If you had the slightest bit of sophistication you would realize the Dow average volatility today has nothing to do with Biden, Trump, climate change, or anything else.
If you had the slightest bit of sophistication you would realize the Dow average volatility today has nothing to do with Biden, Trump, climate change, or anything else.
How about oil? Does Biden's decisions not affect it either? Keep carrying that water 20210127_115743.jpg
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If you had the slightest bit of sophistication you would realize the Dow average volatility today has nothing to do with Biden, Trump, climate change, or anything else.
I believe he's saying that Biden's policies are crap and this is just the beginning. When the DJIA falls to the lower 20k's you may understand. I'm sure you're to sophisticated to understand though.
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I believe he's saying that Biden's policies are crap and this is just the beginning. When the DJIA falls to the lower 20k's you may understand. I'm sure you're to sophisticated to understand though.

He posted a picture of today's decline, and I believe that the common wisdom on this is that there is a lot of selling going on by some large institutions that are closing out short positions on Gamestop and some others. So, to pay Peter they are robbing from Paul at the moment.

I would expect that short-selling and other options trading is going to smack some other people in the butt here in the near term and we will feel the effects of that for awhile. But that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden or anythign else governmental, really, other than regulation of the practice in the future to minimize these disruptions of the effect of covering.
Oh, do you mean Democrats will not allow a legitimate election in which all citizens are allowed to vote and all votes of citizens are counted? That is wrong. It is Republicans who oppose legitimate elections. Republican who will not allow legitimate elections, when they have anything to say about it. Democrats support legitimate elections, not Republicans.

registered voters. you know, the people that take the time to register to vote. Not illegals, not people with felony's and not people that have no personal address.
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He posted a picture of today's decline, and I believe that the common wisdom on this is that there is a lot of selling going on by some large institutions that are closing out short positions on Gamestop and some others. So, to pay Peter they are robbing from Paul at the moment.

I would expect that short-selling and other options trading is going to smack some other people in the butt here in the near term and we will feel the effects of that for awhile. But that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden or anythign else governmental, really, other than regulation of the practice in the future to minimize these disruptions of the effect of covering.
How about the oil? Nothing to do with Biden either?
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He posted a picture of today's decline, and I believe that the common wisdom on this is that there is a lot of selling going on by some large institutions that are closing out short positions on Gamestop and some others. So, to pay Peter they are robbing from Paul at the moment.

I would expect that short-selling and other options trading is going to smack some other people in the butt here in the near term and we will feel the effects of that for awhile. But that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden or anythign else governmental, really, other than regulation of the practice in the future to minimize these disruptions of the effect of covering.

keep telling yourself that LG
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How about the oil? Nothing to do with Biden either?

You have changed the subject.

Yes, I would think that at least in the short term oil prices would go up to reflect the belief that under Biden production will go down. Makes sense.
You have changed the subject.

Yes, I would think that at least in the short term oil prices would go up to reflect the belief that under Biden production will go down. Makes sense.
The stock market price will get noted on here quite a bit over the next 4 years and compare Biden and Trump as well will the unemployment rate, the cost of goods and in general everything. Look forward to getting hammered on a regular basis LG.
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The amazing thing is that most people don't recognize the negative impact of higher fuel prices on manufacturing, products, and the economy as a whole. Fuel prices have precisely the same effect on an economy that friction has in a mechanical process ... exactly. There is virtually nothing today that is immune from fuel costs - higher fuel is an absolute economic killer ... unless perhaps you are a Saudi.

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