awwww. sorry doozer. I guess it was a lot different for me seeing I've been preparing for Oakland-less baseball since July.
what sucks is that this was the best Cubs team of my lifetime, possibly excluding 84, but i was 4. and yeah, i know it's the Cubs and that means yadda yadda yaddy...
i was going to write something like this, regardless of the season outcome, so here goes...
i have loyally followed this team for years, and maybe its misery is what i deserve for that. but what is a kid to do when he doesn't know any different than coming from school and watching the Cubs with his old man, like, every day?
from Steve Stone i learned the game of baseball from a strategical standpoint. from Harry Carry i learned that baseball is fun and not to be taken too seriously.
when i played sports, i wore 23 (occasionally i had to be/was either 2 or 3). and i was probably the only kid who wasn't wearing 23 because of Michael Jordan. hell, i'm probably the only person, who, when asked what first comes to your mind when you hear '23' and 'Chicago', won't say MJ. i even played second base. when i made the all-star little league team, i asked for, and recieved, my own pair of flip up sunglasses, just like Ryno:
i suffered through years and years watching guys like Candy Maldanato, Damon Berryhill, Paul Assemacher, Les Lancaster (my second favorite all time cub), Andre Dawson, The Sarge, Dave Martinez and the list goes on...
and i've cheered with the same passion when guys like Mark Grace and Joe Girardi got theirs on other teams.
the one thing i take away from this, and the one hope i have, is the plight of the Red Sox. it wasn't like Boston showed up in the postseason and took the prize home on their first try. i mean i can already tell my grandfather when i see him again that at least i was alive to see Cubs back-to-back divisional crowns.
maybe one day it will happen after all the pain and misery like it did for Boston.
until then, well, there's always next year...
end :cray: .