MMA Thread

i must admit, i tune in when Rampage is fighting. only guy, i think, that's worth watching.
Pulver has a much better chin than he's been given credit for.

that may have been Faber's any rate, this is easily a top-10 Fight of the Year already.
why does Zuffa repeatedly screw the English?

I can't remember the last time there was a GOOD card from London or Ireland.
SHWEEEET Double Leg.

The longer this goes on the feet, the better chance Pulver has of catching Faber with a haymaker.

still, it's gotta be 40-36 Faber.
Another good, competitive round...4-0, Faber.

Jens will have to keep the fight on his feet and hope to land a bomb in the 5th.
faber is turning pulvers ribs into ground beef with those kicks.
Helluva fight. One that probably could have gone another 3 rounds if permitted.

Pulver was damn good tonight...Faber was just a little bit better. The California Kid is a deserving champ.

both fought well, but faber just took the fight to him and had real impressive stand up, right hand
Faber's takedowns were the difference in the fight. Uriah's hands were nice, but Jens made it pretty clear that Uriah wouldn't be knocking him out tonight.

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