I'd have a lot less sympathy for these kids if there were any other route to the NFL besides going through the motions of being a college student and committing to a life of semi-poverty for three years. But there is not.
Vercy hit the nail on the head Couch got caught with his hand in the cookie jar .while there are crumbs from devoured cookies all over every athletic dorm in the US.
The real lesson in all of this is that AA loves low hanging fruit.
I don't think that Bray did anything to intentionally hurt the program I doubt he gave a damn since this was during the Dooley era of general malcontent but I don't think he wanted the program nor his name dragged through the mud.I believe this kid did more to help his family than intentionally try to hurt the program. Tyler Bray is a different story. He didnt have a family to support. If all the money he received was $1300, then the NCAA really has issues with suspensions when Manziel (without video proof) signed autographs for 5 figures. NCAA thrives on double standards.
Some people want to pretend that these guys should just stay broke while others are making millions off their efforts, and they should just be happy about it.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to get what you want! And to be honest, there not sacrificing much. Many kids would kill for a free ride, room and board, meal plan, medical insurance, etc.
While the other kids going out on dates and things, if you took your team serious, you never had time for any of that. It was strictly business. When your 18-21 it is tough putting in that work. For a lot of players they never had a shot at the NFL either. We generate billions for the NCAA, and are on video games. We sell all their merchandise. We got taken advantage of.
I know the time commitments on players but most I knew had quite a bit of fun. I saw players from all sports in fraternities, out at parties, on the strip, on spring break, etc. and it wasn't just the backups
Depends on the school and the program. The fact is that he (and all others) KNOW that it is against the rules and if they want to play professionally, this is the route. So, they need to abide by the rules. And yes, I know the NCAA needs to be more consistent. But just because it isn't, doesn't give them the right/freedom to disregard the rules.
Did he? Did someone steal all of their money?
It's just about a universal truth that human beings always feel free to disregard rules that they feel are unfair and imposed on them without their consent. And it's easy to see how a guy who just wants to play pro football would regard the whole song and dance of being a unpaid college student as something unfair that's being forced on him.
People almost always feel justified in ignoring unfair rules, so it just becomes a cost/benefit thing. The risk of getting caught vs. the reward. And again, if players like Mo Couch are being offered money, then it's got to be so widespread that Couch felt like there was almost no chance he'd get caught. And if he hadn't have had the terrible luck to take money from the same guy that also gave DJ Fluker some money, he'd have been right.
Completely beyond stupid comparison IMHO.Ok, I feel it is unfair that there are plenty of people who get away with driving drunk, so I'm going to do that and complain about how unfair it is that I go to jail. How's that sound?
Ok, I feel it is unfair that there are plenty of people who get away with driving drunk, so I'm going to do that and complain about how unfair it is that I go to jail. How's that sound?
Excuse my ignorance but what's the story on how he got caught? Why borrow from a former Bama player? And if anyone should know how to avoid paper trails, wouldn't it be a former Bama player?
when did they take away medical care from regular students?
are you also advocating for all scholarship students to operate under the same rules as the football team?