Moc's coach fired for remarks.

He’s an employee of a public university who took multiple shots at a person’s weight. It was inappropriate at best. Not too mention the negative connotations that will bring when trying to recruit.

Maybe next time he’ll be smarter before he tweets.
I don't totally disagree, but I wished the principle was applied both ways. Why are people allowed, sometimes even encouraged, to take pot shots at Trump and get away with it? Hell, I've seen them lauded for it. And I agree that Trump is a douche bag, but how is he different than Abrams? Both are public figures putting themselves out there. So why do we express outrage one way, but not the other? It seems selective, and in no way "equal". Not to mention, it feels like we're censuring people's opinions, trying to tell them what is and is not okay to believe. Hardly an idea I think the Founding Father's would endorse. People are allowed to have horrible opinions that are not popular. It's called freedom.

Side note, I'm not a fan of social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It seems they bring more discord than anything else.
I don't totally disagree, but I wished the principle was applied both ways. Why are people allowed, sometimes even encouraged, to take pot shots at Trump and get away with it? Hell, I've seen them lauded for it. And I agree that Trump is a douche bag, but how is he different than Abrams? Both are public figures putting themselves out there. So why do we express outrage one way, but not the other? It seems selective, and in no way "equal". Not to mention, it feels like we're censuring people's opinions, trying to tell them what is and is not okay to believe. Hardly an idea I think the Founding Father's would endorse. People are allowed to have horrible opinions that are not popular. It's called freedom.

Side note, I'm not a fan of social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It seems they bring more discord than anything else.
Because Trump is the wrong shade of white. Biden can make fun of people with Indian accents, tell folks they aren't black unless they vote Democrat, brag about his home state being a slave state and say that Obama is the only black man he knows that is bright, articulate and cleans himself and fools eat it up.
Because Trump is the wrong shade of white. Biden can make fun of people with Indian accents, tell folks they aren't black unless they vote Democrat, brag about his home state being a slave state and say that Obama is the only black man he knows that is bright, articulate and cleans himself and fools eat it up.

Says the man from the state of Texas who's people spoke of succession from the Union if Obama was elected. The same state who sent voter fraud claims to Supreme Court that were struck down and paved the way for Biden. But, you couldn't stop there, as your boy Cruz still voted against the Electorial College results after the Insurrection and upheaval. I know your apple didn't fall far from that tree. That's why you're attacking me, but the day of the Geechee is over, Patna...
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Well it’s an easy out anyways. “His comments were viewed negatively as a team and from potential recruits, making him ineffective at his job. Hence he was fired.” I would also assume he uses that account to promote Chattanooga football as well and contact recruits, so it could be argued he is using a twitter account meant for work to promote his political beliefs, which also leads to problems.

But if you want to keep defending him, then be my guest.

He is not defending him or his actions. He is simply stating a truth: public employment is different than private employment. The government should not be allowed to fire someone for saying something that can be construed as free speech. A private employer can fire someone, particularly in right to work states, for no reason at all. In fact, if a private employer provides a reason, they better darn well have it documented or the full force of government can come down on them.

I'm not defending him either. Thought a pretty dumb thing to do, but that does not change the principle of public vs. private employment differences.
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I don't totally disagree, but I wished the principle was applied both ways. Why are people allowed, sometimes even encouraged, to take pot shots at Trump and get away with it? Hell, I've seen them lauded for it. And I agree that Trump is a douche bag, but how is he different than Abrams? Both are public figures putting themselves out there. So why do we express outrage one way, but not the other? It seems selective, and in no way "equal". Not to mention, it feels like we're censuring people's opinions, trying to tell them what is and is not okay to believe. Hardly an idea I think the Founding Father's would endorse. People are allowed to have horrible opinions that are not popular. It's called freedom.

Side note, I'm not a fan of social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It seems they bring more discord than anything else.

Is there some hypocrisy with that? I think that’s fair. Does Trump open himself up to that considering how...aggressive...he is on twitter and in the media? That plays a huge part of it.

Either way, you can levy plenty of criticism against any politician without invoking their looks. Especially against a woman.
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I think he should sue for defamation since the school put out a press release stating he was terminated for a racist tweet. He never mentioned race. He insulted her weight and he character. She as said much wores from the podium by the way.
He is not defending him or his actions. He is simply stating a truth: public employment is different than private employment. The government should not be allowed to fire someone for saying something that can be construed as free speech. A private employer can fire someone, particularly in right to work states, for no reason at all. In fact, if a private employer provides a reason, they better darn well have it documented or the full force of government can come down on them.

I'm not defending him either. Thought a pretty dumb thing to do, but that does not change the principle of public vs. private employment differences.

I guess what’s your definition of “free speech” then. If he simply said “I voted for Trump” of course he shouldn’t be fired. But that’s not what he did. He made fun of a public official’s weight. It’s inappropriate. If he had called her the n word, he would have been fired as well.

Freedom of speech protects you from being prosecuted. It does not protect you from consequences whether you work for the government or not.
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I think he should sue for defamation since the school put out a press release stating he was terminated for a racist tweet. He never mentioned race. He insulted her weight and he character. She as said much wores from the podium by the way.

I'd like you to show me where I can find her making disparaging remarks. I'd like to read that. Thanks
I guess what’s your definition of “free speech” then. If he simply said “I voted for Trump” of course he shouldn’t be fired. But that’s not what he did. He made fun of a public official’s weight. It’s inappropriate. If he had called her the n word, he would have been fired as well.

Freedom of speech protects you from being prosecuted. It does not protect you from consequences whether you work for the government or not.

I suggest taking a course on "Reading for Comprehension" or philosophy logic. as nothing I said in that first paragraph had anything to do with what the guy said specifically. My second paragraph dealt with that.

Having said that, are you maintaining that there is no difference between public and private employment? If so, I would suggest you are quite naive in that respect.
Says the man from the state of Texas who's people spoke of succession from the Union if Obama was elected. The same state who sent voter fraud claims to Supreme Court that were struck down and paved the way for Biden. But, you couldn't stop there, as your boy Cruz still voted against the Electorial College results after the Insurrection and upheaval. I know your apple didn't fall far from that tree. That's why you're attacking me, but the day of the Geechee is over, Patna...
? You claim to be an American, but you must have some kinda problem speaking English. What the he// is geechee and Patna?
I suggest taking a course on "Reading for Comprehension" or philosophy logic. as nothing I said in that first paragraph had anything to do with what the guy said specifically. My second paragraph dealt with that.

Having said that, are you maintaining that there is no difference between public and private employment? If so, I would suggest you are quite naive in that respect.

There is a difference. But again free speech doesn’t protect your employment or the consequences of what you say. It protects you from being prosecuted or being thrown in jail. Whether your employed publicly or privately.
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I guess what’s your definition of “free speech” then. If he simply said “I voted for Trump” of course he shouldn’t be fired. But that’s not what he did. He made fun of a public official’s weight. It’s inappropriate. If he had called her the n word, he would have been fired as well.

Freedom of speech protects you from being prosecuted. It does not protect you from consequences whether you work for the government or not.
On one hand I understand where you’re coming from. But on the other, I’ve seen the way the average professor speaks about right-wingers on Twitter. I would be willing to bet UTC has more than its fair share doing the same. Ask yourself, if he spoke about Trump in that manner would he have been fired?
It's pretty easy to not put your foot in your mouth. I'm a staunch supporter of the 1A like almost everyone, but I find it hard to sympathize with people losing their job after going on line and saying something completely unnecessary and quite frankly stupid as hell. I am NOT a Stacey Abrams fan, but I'll continue to talk in private and share those opinions with my friends and family not the entirety of humanity.

Like, what do you gain from going online and essentially calling someone a fat pig? I don't care if he is legally allowed to say it, it's a very stupid thing to say and so simple to just not say it publicly.
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Is there some hypocrisy with that? I think that’s fair. Does Trump open himself up to that considering how...aggressive...he is on twitter and in the media? That plays a huge part of it.

Either way, you can levy plenty of criticism against any politician without invoking their looks. Especially against a woman.
Again, you're proposing selective criticism is okay. The world may not be black and white, but some things can be looked upon as simply wrong or right. If it's wrong to criticize Abrams or her looks on Twitter, the same standard should apply to everyone. By making it one sided, which is what I'm suggesting society has done, not you in particular, we are seeing a form of censorship that goes against the very idea of equality.

Like I said previously, I'm not a fan of mainstream social media platforms. Too many people make asses of themselves on these platforms. But we need to recognize it goes both ways, and for whatever reason these platforms have a strong liberal bias. Criticize a liberal and you get called out and derided, punished even. Criticize a conservative and you get applauded. Seems to work against the idea that we are all created equal when one side gets shown such favoritism. Personally, I dislike all politicians equally.
It's pretty easy to not put your foot in your mouth. I'm a staunch supporter of the 1A like almost everyone, but I find it hard to sympathize with people losing their job after going on line and saying something completely unnecessary and quite frankly stupid as hell. I am NOT a Stacey Abrams fan, but I'll continue to talk in private and share those opinions with my friends and family not the entirety of humanity.

Like, what do you gain from going online and essentially calling someone a fat pig? I don't care if he is legally allowed to say it, it's a very stupid thing to say and so simple to just not say it publicly.

Truth hurts

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
I’m just wondering if nick Sabans daughter gets an inheritance reduction if she tweets something stupid again. She sure backtracked hard.
Chris Malone did nothing wrong
I live in Chattanooga, it has become a liberal stronghold. Not surprised they fired him for a simple comment. He would have been given a raise for spewing venom at a conservative

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