Moc's coach fired for remarks.

I'm fairly sure every big company in downtown Chattanooga (Blue Cross, TVA, Unum) would be more likely to fire you for supporting Georgia's election laws than being an unproductive employee. Those folks get moved if it's a position that requires productivity. And losing a job can be downright traumatic for a family.

The environment being created is not unlike what Stasi Germany started doing when they realized killing and jailing didn't work anymore. They created an environment of shame, lack of employment, to coerce you into compliance. I'm not doing ****, I'll be compliant. I like my family and house.
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I'm fairly sure every big company in downtown Chattanooga (Blue Cross, TVA, Unum) would be more likely to fire you for supporting Georgia's election laws than being an unproductive employee. Those folks get moved if it's a position that requires productivity. And losing a job can be downright traumatic for a family.

The environment being created is not unlike what Stasi Germany started doing when they realized killing and jailing didn't work anymore. They created an environment of shame, lack of employment, to coerce you into compliance. I'm not doing ****, I'll be compliant. I like my family and house.

And just like Nazi Germany that will fall. Eventually.
I happen to think she has a point.
I agree to the point about free speech. The issue I have, is about representation. As a cheerleader is she in a position of representation for the entire school? Is there a difference in protecting free speech between a profane rant and a racist rant on her private social media? In her position, could I imply that her positions are those of the squad or the school? People are fired today because they dropped an N-Bomb 15 years ago as a 14 YO.
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Hope he doesn't.

Things are seriously wrong in the world if you can't make comments about Stacey Abrams - especially if you aren't subject to the "real" GA governor. Did anyone of no consequence ever get fired for making fun of Trump? Politicians are fair game anytime anyplace - they deserve it.
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Things are seriously wrong in the world if you can't make comments about Stacey Abrams - especially if you aren't subject to the "real" GA governor. Did anyone of no consequence ever get fired for making fun of Trump? Politicians are fair game anytime anyplace - they deserve it.

I agree 100% but I also want employers to be free to hire and fire at their discretion.
Taking pot shots regarding his weight, hair and orange skin tone should be off limits. However, most of the pot shots at trump were taken as a result of the stupid **** he tweeted or said.

"Orange man bad?" This guy didn't even throw in "gap tooth". And Stacey is a big girl.
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I think no. Good productive employees don't need protection.

In a perfect world yes.

But let's throw out a scenerio. Your boss is a huge gator fan and sees you wearing a TN tie and makes a derogatory comment about TN and you reply with a similar derogatory gator comment. He then fires you because you insulted his team. In TN, I can do this.

Shouldn't there be some protection?

What if I get fired for being a Christian?
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In a perfect world yes.

But let's throw out a scenerio. Your boss is a huge gator fan and sees you wearing a TN tie and makes a derogatory comment about TN and you reply with a similar derogatory gator comment. He then fires you because you insulted his team. In TN, I can do this.

Shouldn't there be some protection?

What if I get fired for being a Christian?

No, there shouldn't be any protection for either scenario. From my experience organizations that behave like that don't last long so it's self correcting.
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No, there shouldn't be any protection for either scenario. From my experience organizations that behave like that don't last long so it's self correcting.

I gotta respectively disagree here.

I think some form of protection needs to be there to protect the employee.
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You are representing your employer 24hrs a day on the clock or not.
If his twitter account says anything about him being the coach of the Mocs, then he is fair game. Otherwise, it would depend on the comments and that is where lawsuits could come in.

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I gotta respectively disagree here.

I think some form of protection needs to be there to protect the employee.

I can understand the disagreement. I've just always been a believer that being an asset was the best protection.

One of the best equipment operators we've ever had shot a man and was charged with attempted murder, I refused to fire him. He did something like 18 months in jail and I hired him back when he got out. Why? Because I could show him a set of plans and he could get the excavation done perfectly to spec and quicker than anyone else I ever had.
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In a perfect world yes.

But let's throw out a scenerio. Your boss is a huge gator fan and sees you wearing a TN tie and makes a derogatory comment about TN and you reply with a similar derogatory gator comment. He then fires you because you insulted his team. In TN, I can do this.

Shouldn't there be some protection?

What if I get fired for being a Christian?
I struggle with your example, I don't know a gator or BAMA fan smart enough to be my boss, or one smart enough to fire me if I bashed his program.....Clemson or ND maybe... but I can't say much about those programs currently....
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If his twitter account says anything about him being the coach of the Mocs, then he is fair game. Otherwise, it would depend on the comments and that is where lawsuits could come in.


I have no problems with an employer terminating an employee for being a jackwad on twitter. People know who you work for.
You are representing your employer 24hrs a day on the clock or not.
True but as an employer you must equitably enforce policy. If you fire one employee for comments but allow comments from others with no corrective action you open yourself up to litigation. It's all about pattern and enforcement.
True but as an employer you must equitably enforce policy. If you fire one employee for comments but allow comments from others with no corrective action you open yourself up to litigation. It's all about pattern and enforcement.

Agreed. Policies dealing with employment need to be carefully written and followed.

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