Modern day 40 acres and a mule?

Perhaps, but you also can’t deny the socioeconomic impact of denying certain people the ability to own land and purchase housing many years ago.

Certain groups had a multi-generational head start on accumulating wealth over others.

That was then. You can't change the past so you live in the present. The people who carry guilt for that are long dead, and that guilt isn't inherited by the people of today. And holding grudges for crimes committed against your ancestors isn't healthy.

Life isn't fair. That's just the way it is.
Who gets reparations? Do mixed race people get them? If so, do only mixed race people with obvious dark skin get them? Do black people who are not descended from slaves get them? Once paid, will no more ever be asked for again? Will the subject be dropped entirely? Will reparations function as a "cleaning of the slate" for race relations? Once paid, will new generations of black people be owed reparations?

And who pays? What percentage of the white US population descended from slaves? Do all whites pay? Even the ones who descended from white men who fought to end slavery? What percentage of the whites who are descended from slave owners are piss poor and have not actually benefited in any meaningful way from their lineage of slave ownership?

There are so many factors that just make reparations seem impossible even if you're in favor of it from a moral standpoint. From where I'm standing, the only thing we can logistically do today to help black people is to stop the government from incentivizing the destruction of their families through welfare and to stop locking up fathers for petty drug related crimes. Those things will also be difficult in today's highly polarized political landscape, but it is really the only thing I can think of that is possible, fair, and will improve the situation of black people in the US.
Reparations would have been paid to actual victims, so wouldn't you have to trace your claim back to said victim, then split any inheritance among the many claimants? Would past inheritance taxes be due?
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Perhaps, but you also can’t deny the socioeconomic impact of denying certain people the ability to own land and purchase housing many years ago.

Certain groups had a multi-generational head start on accumulating wealth over others.
1st generation Asians and Nigerians say head starts are for losers.
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That was then. You can't change the past so you live in the present. The people who carry guilt for that are long dead, and that guilt isn't inherited by the people of today. And holding grudges for crimes committed against your ancestors isn't healthy.

Life isn't fair. That's just the way it is.

I’m not suggesting that life be fair, or the past should be changed, and at no point did I say that paying reparations to anyone in 2021 is a reasonable idea. It’s not.

Pointing out that past discrimination has contributed to the wealth gap in this country isn’t exactly breaking news, especially with respect to owning real estate. That was the point of my posts.

That’s it.
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It's all nicey-nice while we talk racism and reparations and then your claws come out. I'm hurt. This is an unprovoked attack.

Double dog probationary reported.

I was merely clarifying why they said we sucked. 😉

Just admit it was a good comeback and I’ll pay you reparations in the form of a Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit.
I’m not suggesting that life be fair, or the past should be changed, and at no point did I say that paying reparations to anyone in 2021 is a reasonable idea. It’s not.

Pointing out that past discrimination has contributed to the wealth gap in this country isn’t exactly breaking news, especially with respect to owning real estate. That was the point of my posts.

That’s it.
It's not just this country. That's pretty much true worldwide, wherever colonialism spread.
I was merely clarifying why they said we sucked. 😉

Just admit it was a good comeback and I’ll pay you reparations in the form of a Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit.
You can't buy me off with something like that. I'm not cheap.

...make it two.
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The majority once thought the world was flat. I'm gonna have to pass on letting the majority make decisions for me.
You don't always get that option, but sometimes the majority will give you a free pass.

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