Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

Excuse me? I think I'm missing something here.

What the hell does RACE have to do with this ? Stop that crap ... we don’t give two sh*ts what color he is or what gender , he is here because he came into this country illegally , if he hadn’t she would still be alive ... PERIOD !
What the hell does RACE have to do with this ? Stop that crap ... we don’t give two sh*ts what color he is or what gender , he is here because he came into this country illegally , if he hadn’t she would still be alive ... PERIOD !
Don't let facts get in the way of a good political debate about granting illegals more rights than natural born citizens.
What the hell does RACE have to do with this ? Stop that crap ... we don’t give two sh*ts what color he is or what gender , he is here because he came into this country illegally , if he hadn’t she would still be alive ... PERIOD !

Have you forgotten that the Leftists are RACE BAITERS?
Thank GOD no American citizens commit murder. Once we get rid of all the ILLEGALS we can resume living in our peaceful utopia.

Whatever it takes to keep my suburban, yuppie, red-lined community feeling safe, secure and superior.

Except gun control; if my kid and a few thousand others get shot up at school, well that's just the price of freedom.

So open borders?
In a thread full of R's bitching, whining, and complaining....not doing anything! The irony is rich.

Lol. What can anyone really do? R's bitch and complain about D's. And D's bitch and complain about R's. While libertarians sit on the outside doing nothing, all the while complainng about the others doing nothing.
Lol. What can anyone really do? R's bitch and complain about D's. And D's bitch and complain about R's. While libertarians sit on the outside doing nothing, all the while complainng about the others doing nothing.
Unless someone does something soon there is going to be a civil war between the coastal lunatics and the rest of the country. The Prius babies don't stand a chance against the real world.
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Lol. What can anyone really do? R's bitch and complain about D's. And D's bitch and complain about R's. While libertarians sit on the outside doing nothing, all the while complainng about the others doing nothing.

So to recap:

Hog accused me and other libertarians of just being bitchers and complainers who never do anything.

I point to this thread as proof of the irony of his statement.

BOT gets butthurt because he thinks I'm actually complaining about R's bitching, complaining, and never doing anything.

Everybody all caught up?
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People aren't the problem, people who commit heinous crimes are the problem. Gun owners are not the problem. Violent gun owners are the problem. Immigrants are not the problem. Violent immigrants are the problem. White people are not the problem. Violent white people are the problem.

You're trying to put this crime on all illegal immigrants. You're the flip side of the radical idiot on the left who wants to blame all gun owners for gun violence.
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Unless someone does something soon there is going to be a civil war between the coastal lunatics and the rest of the country. The Prius babies don't stand a chance against the real world.

Yep, they'll storm the beaches and take the strategic Prius reserves... That's just plain old country logic.
So to recap:

Hog accused me and other libertarians of just being bitchers and complainers who never do anything.

I point to this thread as proof of the irony of his statement.

BOT gets butthurt because he thinks I'm actually complaining about R's bitching, complaining, and never doing anything.

Everybody all caught up?

Not butthurt at all. Just pointing out facts.
People aren't the problem, people who commit heinous crimes are the problem. Gun owners are not the problem. Violent gun owners are the problem. Immigrants are not the problem. Violent immigrants are the problem. White people are not the problem. Violent white people are the problem.

You're trying to put this crime on all illegal immigrants. You're the flip side of the radical idiot on the left who wants to blame all gun owners for gun violence.

So, like i said, people are the problem.

People =/= inanimate objects. So you’re cute meme is stupid. You never have been good with memes nor humor, so I’m not going to put you down to hard with this one. It’s just not something you’re good at.

A simple - “Yes Tums, you’re correct and I’ve been foolish” would have sufficed.
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