Monumental win for Jones. The fact that the

What makes the win so amazing to me was we had no wide receivers in most of the second half and the catch that Young made in the end zone....monumental.

That's actually more of a testament to how pathetic Kentucky is, but don't let me dampen your bliss.
My 5 year old used the toilet today, which I found monumental because, had she crapped her pants, it would have destroyed all progress I have made in getting her ready for college.

Poopy pants are no fun; thus, monumental.
Y'all are mad if we win and made if we lose......LOL

I'm not in the mafia.

I'm not mad at all. I just don't think that beating a team that has one win in 30 some years against us & is O-fer the SEC the last two years qualifies as monumental.
The day a win over Kentucky is considered "monumental" is the day Tennessee becomes the Colorado of the east, and is permanently done as a legitimate power in college football.

Easy big fella! I compared this program to Colorado last year and got demoralized.
The day a win over Kentucky is considered "monumental" is the day Tennessee becomes the Colorado of the east, and is permanently done as a legitimate power in college football.

Well.....we did steal the Buffaloes potential head coach.
Wow. Our team breaks a 4-game winning streak with an SEC win on the road and all the whining negavols come out and argue for why we shouldn't be happy about that? I am sorry that some of you have to search so hard for reasons to be miserable in your lives. I hope Santa brings you a puppy.

You should never wish that on a poor, little, defenseless puppy. :)
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yeah, I guess my only thing is they appeared to turn a corner in October, then Worley went down and so did the season and I don't just mean Dobbs' poor play. The entire team, offensive, defensive and ST all went backwards after Worley's injury. That's either very telling of Worley's actual impact on the team or a sign of bad coaching.

I agree with your observation, and find it hard to believe that Worley had that much of an impact.

It may be that fluke injuries for GA, TIAs for Spurrier and an off day for Conner Shaw were all enough to make it appear that things had substantively changed when in fact they really had not.
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If you rush a kid to potty train, they'll hate you for life. Gotta get through each of those Freudian Stages on their own unless you want them to fixate the rest of their lives.

Potty train......Freudian s*** head......I see now how it all fits
I agree with your observation, and find it hard to believe that Worley had that much of an impact.

It may be that fluke injuries for GA, TIAs for Spurrier and an off day for Conner Shaw were all enough to make it appear that things had substantively changed when in fact they really had not.

so how do explain the UGA game? And regardless, it's not about talent level we're facing, it's our level of fight in the contests. We had it even when Oregon trounced us. But we just folded over for Bama, Mizzou, Auburn and Vandy. I've never seen us look worse than we did against Vandy. So, if it isn't Worley (which I agree to), it's on the coaches.
team did not give up on him is very telling. To go on the road and win even against Kentucky is big. It gives me a little hope and should help recruiting.

The fact that this post got 50 likes (and still counting) tells you all you need to know about how our fan base has grown to accept mediocrity.

I swear...I never thought I'd see the day where a Tennessee fan said the Kentucky game was a "monumental win," unless of course it was basketball.

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The fact that this post got 50 likes (and still counting) tells you all you need to know about how our fan base has grown to accept mediocrity.

I swear...I never thought I'd see the day where a Tennessee fan said the Kentucky game was a "monumental win," unless of course it was basketball.


The OP wasn't necessarily talking about Kentucky being a monumental win. The monumental win was the team coming out and trying instead of caving in like the past couple years.

Tennessee has been in a state of mediocrity for a while now.

We don't accept mediocrity, but we do get excited to see the team try. That shows signs of improvement.
team did not give up on him is very telling. To go on the road and win even against Kentucky is big. It gives me a little hope and should help recruiting.

Difference between this team and the 2011 team that quit at UK is glaring. If there is no other take away, this was most evident.

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