POW or not McCain is a piece of sh*t womanizier with a napolean complex and father issues. He did nothing on his own. Crashed three planes from reckless flying and should have been court-martialed . Was at the bottom of his class at westpoint and would have been kicked out for discipline and attitude if his father and grandfather werent Admirals. He dumped his wife that waited on him while he was a POW since she was in an accident and lived with Cindy while still married to the first wife. In the Navy while others went for assignments in places where there could be conflict so they could help, he picked Brasil so he could " get laid" he was married during this time. McCain once cursed two young women out on the street so bad that he was arrested. His fellow senators from both sides hate him and he has had to be seperated from other republican senators he tried to fight in the capitol. Yea he is a POS. And I cant link youtube Im on my smartphone at work and my work pc firewall wont allow it.
I agree, McCain was a sorry candidate.
One's first clue might be that the New York Times picked McCain as its favorite Republican!!
John McCain pushed for GHWB to nominate Souter to the Supreme Court and we all know Souter turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The "John McCain for President Exploratory Committee" was co-chaired by former Sen. Warren Rudman (R-NH), who headed up McCain's network in the crucial primary state of New Hampshire. Rudman, a longtime defender of Roe v. Wade, orchestrated the appointment of former New Hampshire Supreme Court Justice David Souter to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990. Souter subsequently played a key role in crafting Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the 1992 Supreme Court ruling that reaffirmed Roe v. Wade.
In November 1991, when Tracy Usry, the former chief investigator of the Minority Staff of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, testified before the Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, he revealed that the Soviets interrogated U.S. prisoners of war in Vietnam.
Sen. McCain became outraged, interrupting Usry several times, arguing that "none of the returned U.S. prisoners of war released by Vietnam were ever interrogated by the Soviets."
Yet, former U.S. POW Laird Gutterson, who was held with McCain, told the U.S. Veteran Dispatch that McCain told him the Soviets were involved when McCain needed special medical attention as a result of his shoot down in 1967.
Former KGB Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin testified under oath before the 1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs that the KGB interrogated U.S. POWs in Vietnam.
Gen. Kalugin stated that one of the POWs worked on by the KGB was a "high-ranking naval officer," who, according to Kalugin, agreed to work with the Soviets upon his repatriation to the United States and has frequently appeared on U.S. television.
Col. Bui Tin, a former Senior Colonel in the North Vietnamese Army, testified on the same day, but after Usry, that because of his high position in the Communist Party during the war, he had the authority to "read all documents and secret telegrams from the politburo" pertaining to American prisoners of war. He said that not only did the Soviets interrogate some American prisoners of war, but that they treated the Americans very badly.
Sen. McCain stunned onlookers at the hearing when he rushed forward to the witness table and warmly embraced Col. Bui Tin as if he was a long, lost brother.
During the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs hearings,
McCain opposed all efforts by the POW/MIA families and activists to have the Select Committee expand its investigation to study how successful the Vietnamese, Soviet, Chinese and Cuban interrogation apparatuses were at exploiting American prisoners of war. During the Korean War, one out of every three U.S. POWs collaborated.
For nearly two years, McCain's communist handlers kept him isolated from other U.S. prisoners. Because they considered him a "special prisoner," McCain became the target of intense indoctrination and psychological programs the communists had perfected during the Korean War.
The communists were very much aware that POW McCain would be under great psychological pressure not to do or say anything that would tarnish his famous military family and they considered that to be the key to eventually breaking and then "turning" him. McCain's handlers kept meticulous records of his behavior, including his personal strengths, weaknesses and any special favors he may have accepted while under the pressure of isolation.
Because he was kept isolated from other U.S. prisoners during these years of captivity, no one, except McCain and his captors, know exactly to what he was subjected or how he responded. Most information in the public record detailing McCain's experience with the North Vietnamese during this time frame came from McCain and McCain only.
In 1993, during one of his many trips back to Hanoi, McCain asked the Vietnamese not to make public the records they hold pertaining to returned U.S. POWs.
Do you know about documents that McCain and Kerry covered up during the Senate Select Committee that stated that the
Vietnamese had ACKNOWLEDGED taking men into captivity that they never mentioned before?
Most don't know anything more about the POW/MIA issue than what has been spun, controlled and then passed on to the MSM. If you want facts, talk to a family member of a missing man and find out their story. That is where you will get the truth.
At that public hearing on September 21, 1992, toward the end of Schlesinger's testimony, the former defense secretary, who earlier had been CIA chief, was asked a simple question: "In your view, did we leave men behind?"
He replied:
"I think that as of now, I can come to no other conclusion."
In October 1990 John McCain said on the floor of the Senate: “Mr. President, I am anxious to construct a new relationship with our old adversary (Vietnam)”. He, who was in a Vietnamese prison camps for five and a half years,
was pushing hard for normalized relations with Hanoi long before anyone else was.
A report by a high level Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, John F. McCreary, showed that
John McCain was responsible for having the live sighting reports of our POWs/MIAs shredded.
"He did everything that we asked of him, including arming the KLA", said Albanian lobbyist Joe DioGuardi. The Albanians collected one million dollars for the presidential campaign of this senator.
Senate resolution - which McCain wrote - extends thanks to the Albanians for "saving all the Jews who lived in Albania or who sought shelter there during the Nazi Holocaust".....
McCain omitted the important fact - Albania was under Italian occupation and Italy did not persecute the Jews. that's why the Jews survived. In Kosovo, Albanians hunted down Jews, the same as they hunted Serbs. Today, Kosovo is JUDENREIN. (No remaining Jews)
Albanian manipulation of the documented historical facts is pure Holocaust revisionism and McCain is Holocaust revisionist when he supports it.