Say what???
His name is Barak
Hussein Obama.
You want to deny his arab muslim heritage?
Wouldn't that be unpc to ignore the obvious?
"Younger fellows tend to be more liberal, turning conservative as they grow older. Living is an education, and as you have experiences and continue your education, your recommendations for the future become a plea to save the best of the past.
That's why most young boys and younger men are not yet ready to preserve anything."
Elijah Coleman
You question the veracity of just what??
You don't think it is
relevant that a US senator committed treason under US law and is now POTUS and may indeed form a foreign policy in the name of the US government and the American people that may resemble in any way his reprehensible work in Kenya???
What pray tell
do you think is relevant???
When I said "the term "Arab-American" would be more accurate." (than Afro-American) you said "no." Then you said "prove it." Which I did.
Then you said that Ghadafi claiming Obama was a muslim didn't make him a muslim.
What then do you think of the fact that Ghadafi's son and Barack Obama were the top two monetary supporters of the Odinga political campaign??
Egyptian cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal also proclaimed Barry to be muslim and and Abu Al-Assbal is no small fry run of the mill Islamist!!!
Then you claimed Obama and Odinga were not related, you were wrong again.
You produced some dumbass snopes take on Kenyan politics, snopes has a history of carrying water for Gore and Kerry, believe their propaganda if you want, that sure doesn't make it so.
Then you claimed Obama's links to Ayers were overstated, one of your more laughable claims, they have been totally understated throughout this whole episode.
You finally admitted that Obama did indeed make appearances to aid the campaign of Odinga, thank God for small favors, but you said I was right about one thing, which again gives rise to my question what have I been wrong about???
You told Joe that Obama produced his birth certificate, that's a lie I didn't get into but you were wrong again.
Obama's campaign released a photocopy of a birth certificate, not the actual document. That's an immaterial argument anyway, his mother was a citizen so he is a citizen, even though his formative years were spent in muslim Indonesia being raised in a muslim family.
BTW, Kerry never produced his military record in full,
(you need to stop running over to the nearest marxist book store when doing your fact checking if you really want to know the truth.)
The St Pete Times quoted some nutcase on the flight 800 shoot down also and that was yet another Clinton cover up.
ARAP on TWA flight 800.
If you to actually examine the facts yourself you would be with the other 80% who believe that TWA flight 800 was downed by a shoulder fired missile.
More interesting info on that case.
Do I see a pattern here??
Maybe we'll get around to discussing NOI members working as Obama employees and Holder's complicity in the OKC bombing cover up??
Then you disappeared for a couple of weeks.
(while we held premature mardi gras celebrations.)
You say I can't prove Odinga is a muslim, I never said he was a muslim, he is a hard core marxist who made a pact with the muslims, which is the truth.
Then you quote BBC quoting the muslim leader lying and saying there was no such pact. So what?? He was lying. Do you understand the meaning of 'taqqiya'??
Everyone should understand that.
He could be saying that to point out the arab muslim heritage of Barrysan.
"We are being challenged by Islam these years - globally as well as locally. It is a challenge we have to take seriously. We have let this issue float about for too long because we are tolerant and lazy. We have to show our opposition to Islam and we have to, at times, run the risk of having unflattering labels placed on us because there are some things for which we should display no tolerance. And when we are tolerant, we must know whether it is because of convenience or conviction.
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, 15 April 2005.
"To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child."
Getting yours into double digits would help our overall average.
Grammar challenged, among other things: "Well, there is no very good approach because, frankly, a philosophy of let the private market do whatever it wants, don't regulate capital, keep capital -- keep the, the government out of it -- Alan Greenspan acknowledged, the leader of that philosophy, it caused a lot of problems. And we now have to try and fix them." --Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)
Evidence of w what?? My computer is not pdf capable.
Here is a
public announcement of the Odinga-muslim deal.
Scroll down and play the video.
Satisfied now??
I have a Norwegian friend who loves to call the Swedes sissies because they put up no opposition to Hitler.
The European Union game plan isn't working btw!!