more class from the libs.

Colin Powell's views were completely in sync with the GOP Platform until this past year. Colin Powell has definitely been esteemed, by African American communities, prior to his decision to endorse BHO. Your assumption is absolutely ridiculous.

Colin Powell has ALWAYS been considered a social liberal. He is even listed as one of the the top 10 most influential liberals in the country. Saying his views were completely in sync with the GOP platform is a reach at best. He is a moderate republican because of his defense ties.
Willie Herenton and Ophelia Ford getting elected over and over is pretty strong support that there are black people out there that would vote for Michael Jackson as a superintendent.

Remember seeing the Rodney King tape on the news about a 1,000 times??

(Actually King won $3.8 million from the city of LA eventually, the next year he was back in jail for beating his wife.)

Anyway about the time of the King incident, The racist cult of Yahweh-ben-Yahweh began systematically killing whites in the same manor as the Death Angels.

Whites were again described as subhuman "devils" by the cult leaders who urged their black followers to murder random whites. In what was strictly local news, by the time the police finally wound up Mitchell's race-murder cult in November 1990 and packed Mitchell off to prison, his followers had butchered and mutilated at least 23 men, women, and children, 14 of them in Miami alone.

Mitchell spent a little over 10 years in prison. That works out to about eight months for the murder of each "blue-eyed devil." He has been released on parole. They told him that he couldn't have any further contact with the more than 1,000 members of the Nation of Yahweh. His lawyers have gone to court to have the conditions on his parole removed.

(And to think they still have Mason in prison, go figga.)

It's worth our noting that Mitchell got his idea for the initiation requirement into his so-called "Brotherhood," the inner circle of his church, from a similar operation by the Nation of Islam during the time he was a member of that group. He ran a Black Muslim mosque in Atlanta for a while in the early 1970s, until he was accused of sexual improprieties with under aged Muslim girls and of dipping into the collection plate.

Why is the general public almost completely ignorant of who this man is and what he did?? Why is the public
just as ignorant of the hundreds of "Zebra" murders committed by the Death Angels? Why do the controlled mass media never say anything about these atrocious murders of White people by Blacks? It's not that there's a shortage of facts; there are 14,000 pages of horrifying testimony from the Death Angels trial.

From 1970-1974, the Nation of Islam earned the title of the bloodiest domestic terrorist group in American history, as it murdered as many as 270 whites in California alone.

The killers all sought membership in an elite NOI group called the “Death Angels,” which had recruiting meetings and pep rallies in the loft at Black Self-Help. In order to become a Death Angel, one had to murder four white children, five white women, or nine white men. In the NOI, cowardice is a virtue.

On the bloodiest night of the killings, January 28, 1974, the NOI murderers shot five whites within two hours, leaving four dead and one crippled. In the most brazen case that night, the killers shot to death a white woman, Jane Holly, in front of eight black women in a well-lighted laundromat. Yet none of the black women would give police a useful description of the killer.

The California attorney general’s office had already secretly compiled a list of forty-five of those killings which had taken place in the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Long Beach, Signal Hill, Santa Barbara, Palo Alto, Pacifica, San Diego, and Los Angeles; and in the counties of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, Contra Costa, Ventura, and Alameda. All of the victims were white. All the known suspects in the killings had been associated with the Black Muslim movement. The killings were even then continuing throughout the state.

The NAACP – joined by the ACLU – went to court to handcuff the police, and won. They were supported by, among other groups, a racist, black dominated, counter-police organization called Officers for Justice, whose president was an SFPD officer named Jesse Byrd (spelled “Bird” in some accounts). Jesse Byrd was a Black Muslim.

The Nation of Islam paid for the legal representation of every one of the killers except Cooks, who immediately admitted to his murders. The Death Angels are still in prison but were up for parole in 2002. (not sure if all are currently still in prison.)

8/30/2001, In addition, on October 19 of this year, the EAIF will hold its fifth annual Zebra Victims Memorial Service on the steps of San Francisco City Hall. As with the previous five ceremonies, government and community leaders such as Mayor Willie Brown and the leader of the local NAACP will be invited to attend. They have declined to attend any of the ceremonies so far and are not likely to show up this year. Indeed, the lack of publicity and recognition of these racially motivated hate crimes is consistent with the efforts of government agencies, civil rights groups and the media to portray European-Americans as the only perpetrators of hate crimes.
I will have to research it for myself, but he is a descendant of African man. While the man might well have been of Arab descent, he would still be an African as well. All that said, I would still love to see you defend your other points.

Glad you finally admit Obama is more of Arab descent.

Now what other of my points do you challenge??
I have no problem separating the man from the office. I see no affront to the Presidency in getting after the man who has done more damage to the standing of the office than Richard Nixon, Herbert Hoover, or Warren G. Harding combined. To me, the disrespect to the office was that Bush ever held it.

And what do you think of Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Jimmuh Cahtuh and Slick Willy??

You think al-Gorinski and John Kerry would have been better alternatives?
1) Ghadafi saying someone is a Muslim does not make someone a Muslim.
2) The politician you speak of claimed that Barack Obama was his cousin. There is nothing substantive to actually link them, and Obama never campaigned for them.
3) You can purchase Obama's books at pretty much every bookseller in America these days, I suggest reading them.
4) The same call to Muslim prayer that Obama called “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset?" Have you ever heard it? He isn't too far off base, and I have known more than one person who could do the same damn thing. The kicker? Some of them weren't Muslim. Hell, one was an atheist.
5) Just so you can't call me out for missing a point, his links to Ayers are overstated.
6) Would you like to try again?

1) Maybe not but to the muslim world it made it so. Obama and Ghadafi's son were the two top campaign fund contributors to Odinga of Kenya, who promised that fundamental Islamic Sharia law would be imposed in all of Kenya and that Christianity and Christians would be suppressed.

What does make someone a muslim??? In the world of Islam to recite the 'call to prayer' is an affirmation of belief in Allah. Sort of like a Christian saying something along the lines of; "Jesus is my Lord and Savior." According to the NY Times Obama recently recited the Islamic 'call to prayer' in Arabic, adding; he did it with an excellent accent. Did he recall that from his early childhood in Indonesia or has he been practicing the prayer all these years??

Here are the first few lines translated to English:

Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet ...

And just because Andrea Mitchell claiming on an ABC broadcast the Obama is a "devout Christian" doesn't make him a Christian either.

Freudian slip?? ABC News Sept 7th, 2008
Barry Obama has slipped on his own faith by saying "John McCain has not... talked about... My muslim faith"

Of which Stephanopolous carried the water and corrected him by saying "Christian faith".

"You, Obama, are among those who have pledged before Allah – Allah who created you, sustained you, and brought you to this position – to be a Muslim who believes that Allah is the one God, especially since you have some kind of roots in Islam," declared Egyptian cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal, speaking the first of Dec., 2008 on the state-funded Al Nas religious television network.

BHO employed Cynthia K. Miller, a member of the Nation of Islam, as the Treasurer of his U.S. Senate campaign
and NOI member Jennifer Mason was Obama's Director of Constituent Services in his U.S. Senate office and iwasalso in charge of selecting Obama's Senate interns.

NOI members, including consultant Shakir Muhammad, held important roles in the Obama state senate campaign.

Obama employed and continues to employ several Farrakhan acolytes in high positions on his Illinois and U.S. Senate campaign and office staffs. (2008)

2) Obama did campaign for Odinga, you are absolutely wrong on that count.

Obama is related to Odinga, and their politics are identical.


Photo of Obama speaking with and on behalf of Raila Odinga in Kenya, Aug., 2006.

It is also said that Obama holds citizenship in Kenya, I haven't researched that claim though although I wouldn't really doubt that it is also true.


Kenya, 2006, is this campaigning or not??



What happens when a muslim loses an election.

Odinga received mentoring and funding from Abdulkader Al Bakri who was listed as a defendant in the First Amendment Complaint suit brought by various insurance companies against al Qaeda and associated organizations and individuals. Within that suit is mentioned documents (known as the Golden Chain document) picked up by Bosnian police on a raid on a charitable front organization for al Qaeda in Sarajevo. One of the listed documents is the "Tareekh Osama" ("Osama’s History") in which Abdulkader al Bakri aka Abdel Qader Bakri gets a prominent listing.

So, when a man like Raila Odinga is linked with Abdulkader al Bakri, you are not making a minor connection, but one directly into al Qaeda.

3) I quoted from those books, what is your problem with that??

“Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different........” “His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me; the blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will.”

“Malcolm’s discovery toward the end of his life, that some whites might live beside him as brothers in Islam, seemed to offer some hope of eventual reconciliation.”
Barrack Hussein Obama
"Dreams of my father"
Pages 85-85

"The person who made me proudest of all was Roy. Actually, now we call him Abongo, his Luo name, for two years ago he decided to reassert his African heritage. He converted to Islam and has sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol."
Dreams from my Father

Abongo ‘Roy' Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim living in Kenya, wonder how much he had to with the recent slaughter of unarmed civilians there??

4) Obama essentially worked for Ayers for eight years and Ayres' sponsored Obama's first political fund raiser at the home of Ayers and Dohrn. How is that in any way an overstatement??

5) No, you can keep your head in the sand, it's no skin off my nose. It's like you are walking in the rain and saying it isn't raining because you aren't getting wet even though you are carrying an umbrella.

When Obama claimed he had campaigned in 57 states he probably included states of denial, liberal derangement, spidermanboro, la la land, and some other state I've never even heard of.
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gsvol, I enjoy this because it has forced me to put a little more research into it and not rely on what I remember. Odinga is an Anglican.

You were right about one thing, Obama did make an appearance with Odinga in 2006.
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gsvol, I enjoy this because it has forced me to put a little more research into it and not rely on what I remember. Odinga is an Anglican.

You were right about one thing, Obama did make an appearance with Odinga in 2006.

He certainly made more than one appearance for Odinga who named his son 'Fidel' in Kenya!!

"Little research" being a key phrase, I call those who accept Snopes as Gospel as being "snopes dopes," I won't even clink on their site, I've proven them wrong plenty of times, the couple who run that site are a couple of little commie liars. They or some of their friends start wild assed internet rumors which are easily debunked to build up their credibility.

So then you do concede all my points as being correct??

OK, Odinga may or may not be a member of the Anglian church but you do understand that he promised Sharia law to be the law of the land in Kenya if elected, correct??? And not only that he used muslim outrage and rioting to parlay his loss into an appointment as Prime Minister of Kenya.

Obama is a member of a so-called christian church also but his pastor was once a member of the Nation of Islam and if Wright had really converted then he would have been condemned to death by NOI.

That wasn't the case though, he and Louis Farrakhan traveled to Libya to confer with Moarmar Ghadafi at one time during the Reagan administration and just last year the church magazine had Farrakhan on the cover and he was awarded their 'man of the year award.'

Farrakhan also promised widespread violence if Obama wasn't elected.

Have you ever heard a sermon of Wrights?? I have and it might as well be a speech by James Cone, there is not one word about "for God so loved the world." The message is even more racist than anything said by David Duke of KKK fame.

Barack Hussein Obama's brother, who Barry was/is so proud of, is a proponent of that kind of theological politics today in Kenya.

You say Odinga is an Anglian???

So what does the Archbishop of Canterbury say???

Asked if the adoption of sharia law was necessary for community cohesion, Dr Williams told the BBC: "It seems unavoidable and, as a matter of fact, certain conditions of sharia are already recognised in our society and under our law, so it is not as if we are bringing in an alien and rival system."

You can go ahead and be a dhimmi if you want, I prefer to remain a free man and also will fight to protect that freedom for the future generations of my family.

At some point you need to ask yourself, just who is telling you the truth here and who is blowing smoke up your young butt hole.

What else do you contest that I have said so far????
Snopes is accurate enough. At least they don't just repeat 6 month old talking points. In other words, they are every bit as reputable as about 90% of your sources.

Also, there is no way you can prove Odinga is a Muslim. You know why? Because he isn't. I don't care what he said about Sharia law, mainly because it is inaccurate. The fact remains, you claimed, at least indirectly, that he is a Muslim.

Odinga and Obama aren't related, and no I don't concede to any of you points because they are simply wrong.

By the way, I am glad that you actually posted entire quotes from Obama's book rather than the same out of context crap you were spewing earlier.
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"There was a fear that Muslims will force their faith on other people, Islam does not allow suppression of other religions and we will be the last to advocate for this," said Abdullahi Abdi of the National Muslim Leaders Forum.

I don't know if any of the earlier statements made are true but I found this quote from the link. I have a really hard time taking anything this man says as truth after this little gem.
"There was a fear that Muslims will force their faith on other people, Islam does not allow suppression of other religions and we will be the last to advocate for this," said Abdullahi Abdi of the National Muslim Leaders Forum.

I don't know if any of the earlier statements made are true but I found this quote from the link. I have a really hard time taking anything this man says as truth after this little gem.

Well, it really depends on the standing of the person in question more than anything.
Have no idea the conversation or context, but the BBC is about as reliable as the editorial section of the NYT.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The point is more that our friend gsvol is claiming that Odinga promised to introduce Sharia law. His opposition denied that.
Well, it really depends on the standing of the person in question more than anything.

Maybe but the fact that this man sites Islam not allowing the suppression of other religions, when in many parts of Africa Muslims are killing and silencing men and women of other religions at this very minute citing Islamic law as the justification is rather absurd to me. Maybe they don't but when Islamic law is being used as justification it makes this statement lose all credibility.
Maybe but the fact that this man sites Islam not allowing the suppression of other religions, when in many parts of Africa Muslims are killing and silencing men and women of other religions at this very minute citing Islamic law as the justification is rather absurd to me. Maybe they don't but when Islamic law is being used as justification it makes this statement lose all credibility.

I understand what you are saying, but like I said, it isn't the statement that he made as much as the opposition to the claim that Odinga promised to implement Sharia law.
I understand what you are saying, but like I said, it isn't the statement that he made as much as the opposition to the claim that Odinga promised to implement Sharia law.

No worries. I have no clue about, nor any real interest in Odinga.
Snopes is accurate enough. At least they don't just repeat 6 month old talking points. In other words, they are every bit as reputable as about 90% of your sources.

Also, there is no way you can prove Odinga is a Muslim. You know why? Because he isn't. I don't care what he said about Sharia law, mainly because it is inaccurate. The fact remains, you claimed, at least indirectly, that he is a Muslim.

Odinga and Obama aren't related, and no I don't concede to any of you points because they are simply wrong.

By the way, I am glad that you actually posted entire quotes from Obama's book rather than the same out of context crap you were spewing earlier.

What points are wrong????

Raila Odinga says he is Barack Obama's cousin!

Mr Odinga, 63, said that the US senator's father, from western Kenya's Luo tribe, was his maternal uncle.

I never said Odinga was a muslim, he is a marxist who named his son 'Fidel' to honor Castro and daughter 'Winnie' to honor Mrs. Mandela who was fond of burning political opponents to death in front of their family and neighbors saying she was changing Africa "one match at a time."

Odinga used muslim rage that saw over 700 people killed, 50 of which were women and children taking refuge in a church which was torched burning them alive except for those who ran out to be hacked to death with machetes, and that was the man who bama supported for president of Kenya.

Obama gave Odinga nearly a million dollars for his campaign and one of his top campaign advisors to Kenya to help run the Odinga campaign as well as making personal appearances on his behalf.

The government of Kenya went so far as to call Obama Odinga's stooge.

What did you think of the Obama quotes??

Abdullahi Abdi is lying through his teeth.

Evidently you don't understand the muslim rule of 'taqqiya'. That is any muslim can and is directed to lie to deceive an infidel at any time to promote islam.
Anyone who isn't a muslim is automatically an infidel.

I understand what you are saying, but like I said, it isn't the statement that he made as much as the opposition to the claim that Odinga promised to implement Sharia law.

Here is the London Times on the Anglian leader's attitude toward Sharia law.


Odinga at first denied he had made the pact with the muslims and when the actual document became public, he denied ever denying he had made the agreement.
Have no idea the conversation or context, but the BBC is about as reliable as the editorial section of the NYT.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

We are in complete agreement on that.

The point is more that our friend gsvol is claiming that Odinga promised to introduce Sharia law. His opposition denied that.

His opposition did not deny that, try again.

For me emain it isn't about winning some argument it is about presenting the truth!!!!

Obama, Odinga, Kenya.

“No Muslim residing in Kenya whether a citizen, visitor or relative of any of the above shall be subjected to any process involving the laws of a foreign country and in particular any Muslim arrested or suspected of Terrorism or any other International crime shall only be tried within the borders of Kenya and shall be granted a competent lawyer of his/her choice at the expense of the Government.”

Obama did his best to help another government establish a haven for international islamic terrorists, plain and simple.

No worries. I have no clue about, nor any real interest in Odinga.

You have no interest in the fact that our POTUS supported someone who promised Nazi-like Islamic Sharia law in another country???
We are in complete agreement on that.

His opposition did not deny that, try again.

For me emain it isn't about winning some argument it is about presenting the truth!!!!

Obama, Odinga, Kenya.

Obama did his best to help another government establish a haven for international islamic terrorists, plain and simple.

You have no interest in the fact that our POTUS supported someone who promised Nazi-like Islamic Sharia law in another country???

What he supposedly (don't know one way or the other) did there or who he supported means little to me. If he tries to do such things here then I will start to worry and I will be the first to complain about it.
What he supposedly (don't know one way or the other) did there or who he supported means little to me. If he tries to do such things here then I will start to worry and I will be the first to complain about it.

Right out of the gate he nominated Holder to be Attorney General and Holder has a history of helping convicted terrorists get amnesty.

The meaning of islam.
I guess emain gave up.

Obama adviser who met with Hamas resigns, May 11, 2008.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said Saturday Malley called the Obama campaign on Friday to sever ties with the candidate after learning the Times of London was publishing a story about his contacts with the terrorist group.

LaBolt said, "Sen. Obama strongly opposes talking to Hamas, a terrorist group committed to Israel's destruction. As president, he will work to isolate Hamas and target its resources, and rejects any dialogue until Hamas recognizes Israel, renounces terrorism, and abides by previous agreements."

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