More Climate BS...

LMAO .... Democrats have no clue of what the hell they know about climate change.
Chief Idiot Schumer is so dumb he needs to put his crack pipe down & drink some water.
It's heavy smoke coming from Canada's wild forest fires that's raging out of control ....idiot.
LMAO .... Democrats have no clue of what the hell they know about climate change.
Chief Idiot Schumer is so dumb he needs to put his crack pipe down & drink some water.
It's heavy smoke coming from Canada's wild forest fires that's raging out of control ....idiot.

See my post in the OT thread for some inside information about the Canadian fires. They are idiots.
I’ve read extensively about the ‘96 storm that decimated the Rob Hall / Scott Fischer teams (and of course seen the films).

I had never read Ed Viesturs’ account, and did not know he had found Rob & Scott on his descent and sat with them. Thanks for the prompt.

For anyone else interested -
Ed Viesturs - Everest, 1996 -- National Geographic

It’s usually the descent that gets people. Most only think about the ascent to the summit - you still gotta get back down..

Thanks for sharing that!
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I’ve summited Bays Mountain multiple times. Twice without oxygen.

At my age, I feel like I need oxygen just after working in the yard.
During my last trip to Colorado in '21, my oldest was with us and on our first day there, I took him to the Alpine Pass in RMNP. Now he's been an athlete all thru school and he's only 20. He had the bright idea to run up the trail to reach the top. He found out rather quickly that trying to run above 10k feet was no easy task. He's originally from the Houston area, which is only about 100' above sea level. The Mrs. and I tried to warn him.
20-Year-Old Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Finally Graduates From High School, Lauds Her 'Accomplishments'

In the full-metal clown world of “climate change” lunacy, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is arguably the most recognizable climate loon on earth — the very planet on which she predicted in a 2018 tweet that “all of humanity” would be wiped out unless we stopped using fossil fuels by 2023. Oopsie.

Yeah, she finally deleted that piece of garbage — which comes later in our tale.

Incidentally, one of my favorite “attributes” of Thunberg is the sneering condescension plastered all over her angry little face as she waxes ultracrepidarian (great word; look it up), about all things end-of-the-world (anthropomorphically caused, of course) when she predicts the next apocalypse that never happens.

20-Year-Old Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Finally Graduates From High School, Lauds Her 'Accomplishments'
20-Year-Old Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Finally Graduates From High School, Lauds Her 'Accomplishments'

In the full-metal clown world of “climate change” lunacy, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is arguably the most recognizable climate loon on earth — the very planet on which she predicted in a 2018 tweet that “all of humanity” would be wiped out unless we stopped using fossil fuels by 2023. Oopsie.

Yeah, she finally deleted that piece of garbage — which comes later in our tale.

Incidentally, one of my favorite “attributes” of Thunberg is the sneering condescension plastered all over her angry little face as she waxes ultracrepidarian (great word; look it up), about all things end-of-the-world (anthropomorphically caused, of course) when she predicts the next apocalypse that never happens.

20-Year-Old Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Finally Graduates From High School, Lauds Her 'Accomplishments'

For someone who lost her childhood..she sure has been a child for a long time
It wasn't climate change or anything like the hysterical climate cult was raging over.
It was the electric utility company starting the devastating fires that kill & destroyed homes.

Biden Vetoes GOP-Led Effort To Stop Strict Vehicle Emissions Regulations

President Joe Biden vetoed a Republican-led measure Wednesday that intended to nullify new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emission standards on heavy-duty trucks.

The nullification measure passed the House in a vote of 221-203 and squeaked by the Senate 50-49 with the aid of Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin.

The EPA rule is 80% stricter than the previous regulation and will mandate heavy-duty vehicles manufactured after 2027 to cut emissions by nearly 50% by 2045.

Biden Vetoes GOP-Led Effort To Stop Strict Vehicle Emissions Regulations

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