More Climate BS...

To be fair, jet fuel (kerosene) burns a lot cleaner than other fuels. Still emits carbon, but hopefully they won’t ban it till after I retire in ten years. It’s all about me!

What engines were they using back in late 60' and early 70's on commercial planes? Turbojets or turbofans? Those turbojets that I have seen on military craft like nasty.
To be fair, jet fuel (kerosene) burns a lot cleaner than other fuels. Still emits carbon, but hopefully they won’t ban it till after I retire in ten years. It’s all about me!

I had a stint as a pipeline operator in early 90s delivering fuel to Nashville Airport and gas/diesel to terminals.
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What engines were they using back in late 60' and early 70's on commercial planes? Turbojets or turbofans? Those turbojets that I have seen on military craft like nasty.
Mostly turbojets. High bypass fans are relatively new. Have you ever heard about water injection? On some heavy tankers they used to inject water into the inlet of the jet which would cool the air and allow for better compression to help getting off the ground. Conceptually it is a really interesting idea, but efficiency and metallurgy overcame the need.

If you want to read a little about it:
Turbojet Enhancements - Glenn Research Center | NASA
Supreme Court Rolls Back Biden EPA’s Expansive Water Regulation

The Supreme Court rolled back the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to regulate under the Clean Water Act (CWA) in a unanimous decision Thursday.

Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, brought by a couple prevented by the EPA from building a home on their own land near Priest Lake, Idaho because it contained wetlands, considered the scope of the agency’s “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule, which defines what “navigable waters” can be regulated under the CWA. Plaintiffs Chantell and Mike Sackett, who have spent 15 years fighting the agency’s rule in court, allege the EPA has overstepped the authority it was granted when Congress enacted the CWA in 1972—forcing them to stop construction on their land or face fines.

The Supreme Court sided with the Sacketts, determining their land is not covered under the text of the CWA, which gives the EPA authority to regulate “navigable waters.”

Supreme Court Rolls Back Biden EPA’s Expansive Water Regulation
Mostly turbojets. High bypass fans are relatively new. Have you ever heard about water injection? On some heavy tankers they used to inject water into the inlet of the jet which would cool the air and allow for better compression to help getting off the ground. Conceptually it is a really interesting idea, but efficiency and metallurgy overcame the need.

If you want to read a little about it:
Turbojet Enhancements - Glenn Research Center | NASA

We sold some water injected air compressors. Totally oil free air and built in reverse osmosis water purification. Near adiabatic compression at ambient whereas the standard oil free compressors with PTFE coated rotors ran about 350F second stage.
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How can anybody amass as much wealth and be as successful as Kerry has by having such absolutely insane ideas that absolutely do not make any sense at all. It really seems like people are becoming dumber by the day

You ever see such propaganda in your life? And people are all in.
How can anybody amass as much wealth and be as successful as Kerry has by having such absolutely insane ideas that absolutely do not make any sense at all. It really seems like people are becoming dumber by the day
In John Kerry's case, inheritance and marriage.
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