More Climate BS...

Sure but changes were specific to the northern hemisphere just like the 50% he’s speaking of. So if we are measuring at a time not far removed from the end of an increased period of glaciation in the northern hemisphere, shouldn’t we anticipate a large drop 90 years later?
Sorry I wasn't following your specific conversation, just butting in after seeing repeated references to the Little Ice Age and glaciers currently growing. It was so regional it can't even really be generalized to the hemisphere. LIA is just a eurocentric term (was originally defined as the last advance of european alpine glaciers). Same goes for the preceding "Medieval Warm Period". Some places were warmer during the LIA than the MWP and vice versa. Some glaciers were growing due to local conditions and some retreating. It was much closer to a 50/50 split during either period compared to today when a large majority of glaciers are retreating.
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Only 1% of the earth’s fresh water is in the form of surface water. And rivers and lakes only make up a fraction of surface water (most surface water is stored as ground ice and permafrost). About 70% of fresh water is stored in glaciers and about 30% is stored as groundwater.

Climate change does have a direct impact on our fresh water supply by the long-term melting of glaciers and the earlier annual melting snowpacks. However I agree with earlier posts that man’s present water supply issues are more related to outstripping available resources and living and farming in places we shouldn’t. And it’s not just California; the great plains are pumping the Ogallala Aquifer dry too...
I get that part. What I’m saying is why can’t we simply remove the salt through distillation or another process? It would seem to be an easy solution. Especially since most of the problem is out west and not far from the coast
Desalination plants. They’re real, and they work.

California just rejected one last year.
They're also very expensive.
Bruh… this is for the future of mankind. You can’t put a price tag on that.

Well, I guess that’s not entirely true. I’ve seen a $150T price tag floated.

But the plant in California was funded. They were cocked, locked, and ready to rock. $2B to produce 50 million gallons of fresh water per day.

California said - no, we don’t want it.
No, no, no. Neil has spoken and Water Wars is the only possible end here.
Reminds me of the nuclear energy meme.

Them - “Fossil Fuels are bad. We must reimagine our entire global economic system.”

Me - “Have you considered nuclear power?”

Them - “I don’t want to consider nuclear power! I WANT to reimagine our entire global economic system!!!”
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