More Climate BS...

So the brilliant leftist gubment commits to get rid of our coal fired power plants ...with ZERO new nuclear reactors being built or even approved right now to replace them. All while steadily passing laws to make carmakers shift from gas to electric vehicles, even though we do not have enough plants online nor a power grid capable of delivering enough electricity to even power 1/2 of Americans owning electric cars and using them everyday?

Kinda like when California passed their law banning gas powered cars by 2030....the same week they announced rolling brownouts due to not having the capacity to even support the miniscule % of electric cars currently on the road. Makes perfect sense. To those who are mentally ill, or brainwashed by the climate hoax propaganda...the rest of us are just waiting to see the coming trainwreck that results from these policies. It is pretty clear by now that anyone who just takes a moment to stop and think already knows these deadlines and proposals are impossible....its just that those involved in the scam don't care as long as they can line their pockets with $$$$$$.
So the brilliant leftist gubment commits to get rid of our coal fired power plants ...with ZERO new nuclear reactors being built or even approved right now to replace them. All while steadily passing laws to make carmakers shift from gas to electric vehicles, even though we do not have enough plants online nor a power grid capable of delivering enough electricity to even power 1/2 of Americans owning electric cars and using them everyday?

Kinda like when California passed their law banning gas powered cars by 2030....the same week they announced rolling brownouts due to not having the capacity to even support the miniscule % of electric cars currently on the road. Makes perfect sense. To those who are mentally ill, or brainwashed by the climate hoax propaganda...the rest of us are just waiting to see the coming trainwreck that results from these policies. It is pretty clear by now that anyone who just takes a moment to stop and think already knows these deadlines and proposals are impossible....its just that those involved in the scam don't care as long as they can line their pockets with $$$$$$.
Take your meds and calm down. That will fix the problem created by moron Joe Biden.
Take your meds and calm down. That will fix the problem created by moron Joe Biden.

There's always the hope that the next administration will fix what the current one screws up; unfortunately some things are so screwed and enough time lapses that the damage isn't repairable ... think of obamaCare as an example. Trashed coal mining and coal plants aren't going to be brought back to life even if we need them. TVA is retiring coal plants left and right without building new nuclear plants to replace them. Getting ripped a new one by the NG industry when there isn't another fuel to compete is gonna be fun. Economists have words for that kind of stupidity "supply and demand" and "inelasticity". Solar and wind aren't going to get us through the night and cloudy days, but we are putting all the eggs in one NG basket despite warnings about doing that very thing when it comes to baseload power.
I tried to find the thread talking about the EPA taking away heaters, they are now coming for your AC units.

"Specifically, the regulation outlaws the use in newly manufactured equipment of any refrigerant with a global warming potential (GWP) over 700......The new rule will knock out the most commonly used refrigerant in residential systems, HFC-410a, "

and worse this stuff is unsafe because its flammable.
"How much more costly? One big drawback with the new refrigerants is that they are classified as slightly flammable. "
for the record this stuff is as "slightly flammable" as kerosene.

its popular in Europe because they don't have a ton of AC units, and their building codes are laxer than ours. Here in the states these will add about $1500 to the cost of each AC unit. and the new stuff doesn't work with the existing systems, unless you have one of the more expensive systems. the new refrigerant requires different pumps, valves, and sensors from the old stuff so if you just put it into your system your AC is going to break/not run efficient at all. Plus all the fire safing steps we have to take with new construction, and technically replacing old systems too.
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I tried to find the thread talking about the EPA taking away heaters, they are now coming for your AC units.

"Specifically, the regulation outlaws the use in newly manufactured equipment of any refrigerant with a global warming potential (GWP) over 700......The new rule will knock out the most commonly used refrigerant in residential systems, HFC-410a, "

and worse this stuff is unsafe because its flammable.
"How much more costly? One big drawback with the new refrigerants is that they are classified as slightly flammable. "
for the record this stuff is as "slightly flammable" as kerosene.

its popular in Europe because they don't have a ton of AC units, and their building codes are laxer than ours. Here in the states these will add about $1500 to the cost of each AC unit. and the new stuff doesn't work with the existing systems, unless you have one of the more expensive systems. the new refrigerant requires different pumps, valves, and sensors from the old stuff so if you just put it into your system your AC is going to break/not run efficient at all. Plus all the fire safing steps we have to take with new construction, and technically replacing old systems too.

Techs having to deal with flammable refrigerant will make service calls skyrocket. I wonder how caustic this stuff is?
Techs having to deal with flammable refrigerant will make service calls skyrocket. I wonder how caustic this stuff is?
not sure only one manufacturer currently makes this stuff so no one really has a grip on what it will mean.

of course there is an even more expensive coolant they make, that requires even more upgrades that is not flammable.

sadly some companies are talking about going back to using water as the heat exchanging medium. oh course it has to be a UL listed water, and not just H20, can't have a product someone can't middle man it.
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