More impressed with coach Heupel , than ever before.

Heuple could have exploited the OK's Defense, he chose not to do so.
Why, because it would have exposed more of the Offense plays on film. He took the path of flying under the radar and giving NICO more time to adjust.
Why run an offense that you don't need in a game you are not struggling to win when the defense has control.
He just not giving up any information to future opponents.
Winning on that field in those conditions was good enough.
Most of the commentators recognized this in their analysis and commented.
52 running plays - 21 passing plays against a solid defense gives us a lot of film study for future games to improve line play.
35 minutes of TOP
This is a teaching tape.
All done on a sloppy field on the road.
CJH is not showing his hand and to win at OK against a good defense says all he needs to state.
Great game but I don’t buy the “we’re holding back on offense to not show our cards”. The truth is we just took what we could given the circumstances. D was playing lights out, O was struggling, especially the line, and the truth is we couldn’t pour it on if we wanted to. We will have games like that with a young QB and shake O line. The important part is we showed we could win ball games without putting up 40.
Our starting left tackle was out for the game , his replacement went out hurt . Our generational talented QB had turned the ball over twice , once deep in our own territory. We had the lead and at that point Coach Heupel made the decision to protect our lead our dinged up O-Line and our young QB . He put the game in the hands of our elite Defense ( elite at all three levels ) and our elite special teams . It worked to perfection.
It was a brilliant display of coaching in my opinion and any doubts I had about Coach Heupel are gone now.

Seeing the video from the post-game where Heupel is thanking his team for their effort was really moving! He was fighting back the tears when addressing his team and his team loves him. Incredible.
Great game but I don’t buy the “we’re holding back on offense to not show our cards”. The truth is we just took what we could given the circumstances. D was playing lights out, O was struggling, especially the line, and the truth is we couldn’t pour it on if we wanted to. We will have games like that with a young QB and shake O line. The important part is we showed we could win ball games without putting up 40.
Simple rule to live by --- A football season is not a race, it is a marathon. They did not need to go full tilt last night. 52 rushes, 21 pass plays. We did not play to loose, we played a controlled physical football game to win and gained from the experience of winning on the road, with injuries, on a sloppy field against a solid defensive teams. Two splash plays connected but not needed.
A 40 yard drive on Sampson's 8 carries told me easily what the intent was.
Teams need this type of game to prove they can do it many ways.
We weren't holding back we were developing another aspect of our game with different players filling in for several missing starters.
Our starting left tackle was out for the game , his replacement went out hurt . Our generational talented QB had turned the ball over twice , once deep in our own territory. We had the lead and at that point Coach Heupel made the decision to protect our lead our dinged up O-Line and our young QB . He put the game in the hands of our elite Defense ( elite at all three levels ) and our elite special teams . It worked to perfection.
It was a brilliant display of coaching in my opinion and any doubts I had about Coach Heupel are gone now.
A pretty good coach said something about protecting our lead and our QB.
Heupel is the anti-Butch. Butch could never adapt to would just mindlessly stick with the same gameplan regardless of what was happening on the field.

This was a complete 180 in offensive philosophy in many ways last night and Heupel made it work because he felt like that gave us the best chance of victory. He's absolutely proving himself to be a great coach.
I am very happy with the game great Defense and good offense this game . I think they could have hit more dep balls if they tried . But they didn't need to . Beating them in OK was great .
Our starting left tackle was out for the game , his replacement went out hurt . Our generational talented QB had turned the ball over twice , once deep in our own territory. We had the lead and at that point Coach Heupel made the decision to protect our lead our dinged up O-Line and our young QB . He put the game in the hands of our elite Defense ( elite at all three levels ) and our elite special teams . It worked to perfection.
It was a brilliant display of coaching in my opinion and any doubts I had about Coach Heupel are gone now.
Agree 1000%
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Our starting left tackle was out for the game , his replacement went out hurt . Our generational talented QB had turned the ball over twice , once deep in our own territory. We had the lead and at that point Coach Heupel made the decision to protect our lead our dinged up O-Line and our young QB . He put the game in the hands of our elite Defense ( elite at all three levels ) and our elite special teams . It worked to perfection.
It was a brilliant display of coaching in my opinion and any doubts I had about Coach Heupel are gone now.
"Protect our kickers, our quarterback, our lead and our ball game." - Robert R. Neyland
my hat off to the entire defense staff. a great game plan .and excuited by the entire defense players. great game and thanks to the entire staff and players for a great game,
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Man, anyone upset with this is a clown. We've gone from bitching about defense costing us games to demonstrating in a road SEC game that our defense can thoroughly kick ass and win us games. Tennessee can win in multiple ways, with multiple styles. We're scary.

And it's thanks to the head coach.
Absolutely agree. Said it in another thread. Want to get in a track meet? We can accommodate. Want to get in a knockdown, drag out fight? We can handle that too.
CJH has come so far. He couldn't slow down the tempo the first few years and it cost us some games because we couldn't eat clock. He hasn't found the perfect balance of fast and slow yet (imo) but has been adjusting his approach which good coaches do.
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Hype showed coaching maturity last night. We didnt have our offensive "fastball" last night so to speak, for a few different reasons, but he managed the game, leaned on his D, picked his spots to take a few shots and kept the game in front of him.

Going forward, the lack of OL depth is going to be a HUGE issue. We have to develop depth like the DL has been able to do. No disrespect to Davis, but we have to be much better depth wise than that.

Could be early use of the 10% surcharge.
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Coach did a great job last night. Defense played great. Nico will be very good, but please stop with the Heisman talk.
I don’t understand why people say this. We can have hope for our quarterback to have Heisman talk, even if it’s just the invite to the ceremony that is huge for his confidence and for recruiting.
This Tennessee fan give thanks every day we are past the Dooley, Jones and Pruitt eras. We are very fortunate that Josh Heupel is our coach Now. Those other three would have been blown out last night around the area of 34-10. Come to think, one of them once was.
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I do have one critique. Heupel said “aight” in the locker room speech. I’ll let it slide this time but he has to be sensitive to how that word triggers so many of us. I was shaking and sweating for 3 hours after it, having visions of Guarantano throwing to Kentucky players.
I’m okay now, but it really triggered me.
A true sign of lingering BVS.
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Well, it could be both. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

That's very true, and actually IMO it was both. I was really reacting to all of the negative posts that Heupel did something wrong by calling running plays and working the clock. I remember not all that long ago that posters on here were complaining that he didn't do that.
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We have a good head coach who's brought in a great staff and together they're building a very solid team.

Step by step. week by week and game by game as long as they stay focused and prepare well for each game I feel very good about this season and I also have a feeling that we're going to surprise a team or 2 along the way.

I've refused to say, or even think this before. but I finally feel like WE ARE BACK!!!

As one of you guys said earlier in the season,”I’m feeling the Pointer Sisters!

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