This is a terrible argument. Butch won the Big East with big east talent. Dooley beat that big east talent with SEC talent. With that logic, petrino can't coach either because we blew out would.
And by no means am I saying butch doesn't deserve some criticism but that argument is very nitpicky.
Completely agree. That's the most meat headed stupid argument ..... "He didn't beat nobody frum that thar SEC conference ... dems the big boys, yuk, yuk, yuk...." B-effing-S.
So what were we to make of Big East Louisville absolutely throttling that big ol 11-1 Florida SEC team last year? That was the same team that had to win with a field goal, at home, in overtime vs Butch's Jr Varsity Cincinnati team.
Or what about freakin Mountain West Utah absolutely demolishing SEC Alabama a few years back? Stupid, baseless, clueless argument.
BTW, go Georgia Tech vs Ole Miss, Duke vs Texas A&M, Houston vs Vaginabilt, Iowa vs LSU, Rice vs Miss St, Nebraska vs Georgia, Wisconsin vs SCar, Oklahoma vs Alabama and Florida State vs Auburn ... Hope the SEC loses every single bowl game they play....I only pull for my Tennessee Vols.... not their enemies