This is a terrible argument. Butch won the Big East with big east talent. Dooley beat that big east talent with SEC talent. With that logic, petrino can't coach either because we blew out would.
And by no means am I saying butch doesn't deserve some criticism but that argument is very nitpicky.
Not even close to 2011 Kentucky[/QUO
sure it is.. both for a bowl bid..first back to back losses to vandy since what the 20s. at home.. two/weeks to prepare n the entire vandy secondary out. thats as bad as having a rec as qb. i mean we should have thrown it on every down n surely dobbs would complete one of them for a td..
dont under estimate this loss on cbj tenure at tn.. this loss said volumes about this staffs pure coaching ability.. n add the fla coaching debacle .. recruit baby recruit..
Not even close to 2011 Kentucky[/QUO
sure it is.. both for a bowl bid..first back to back losses to vandy since what the 20s. at home.. two/weeks to prepare n the entire vandy secondary out. thats as bad as having a rec as qb. i mean we should have thrown it on every down n surely dobbs would complete one of them for a td..
dont under estimate this loss on cbj tenure at tn.. this loss said volumes about this staffs pure coaching ability.. n add the fla coaching debacle .. recruit baby recruit..
No it's not.
Not even close to 2011 Kentucky
sure it is.. both for a bowl bid..first back to back losses to vandy since what the 20s. at home.. two/weeks to prepare n the entire vandy secondary out. thats as bad as having a rec as qb. i mean we should have thrown it on every down n surely dobbs would complete one of them for a td..
dont under estimate this loss on cbj tenure at tn.. this loss said volumes about this staffs pure coaching ability.. n add the fla coaching debacle .. recruit baby recruit..
Not even close to 2011 Kentucky
sure it is.. both for a bowl bid..first back to back losses to vandy since what the 20s. at home.. two/weeks to prepare n the entire vandy secondary out. thats as bad as having a rec as qb. i mean we should have thrown it on every down n surely dobbs would complete one of them for a td..
dont under estimate this loss on cbj tenure at tn.. this loss said volumes about this staffs pure coaching ability.. n add the fla coaching debacle .. recruit baby recruit..