I broke my middle finger at the gym one day. Luckily, it was leg day, so I was able to finish. I started a new job the next day, so I put off going to the doctor. Now, six months later, that finger is double the size of the rest of my fingers.
This one is embarrassing, self induced and stupid.
Cutting up hot peppers one afternoon, washed my hands thoroughly, I thought.
Went to the bathroom. About three minutes after washing my hands again and returning to the kitchen, I began to get a burning sensation in the front southern region. Holly crap, that was painfull.
Along the same lines... I had my wife's car keys in my front pants pocket one day. I was crawling around under my truck working on it and heard a hissing sound. I laid there wondering what the heck that noise was for a bit.
I realized in a hurry that the pepper spray on her keychain was going off in my pants. Soaked my drawers front to back. I rolled out and shucked my pants and drawers and ran yelling toward the water hose.
Burnt for 2 days straight... then for another few days anytime I would get out and break into a sweat. Hell, a month later I put the same pants on and went out working fence. I had to strip down again when I started sweating and the pocket started burning my leg.
Never get pepper spray on your junk... it can make you run half-naked into into a tree.
CH_V, that is the best and worst post of this thread by far. We have a winner.