MTG: How to stop mass shootings

Most of you are too embarrassed to praise Biden and anyone that voted for him will not admit their mistake. They take the cowardly way out and continue to their childish attacks on Trump. In other words they are often exhibiting the same exact behavior that they accuse Trump of.
"most of you".....I haven't voted in a presidential election since 2000. All my statements about Trump are facts. No attacks. Just relaying the info on the record
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"most of you".....I haven't voted in a presidential election since 2000. All my statements about Trump are facts. No attacks. Just relaying the info on the record
Lol. Facts huh? Honestly I think he would mirror the behavior of his political opponents and critics. People often don't like it when their own behavior is dished right back to them.
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Lol. Facts huh? Honestly I think he would mirror the behavior of his political opponents and critics. People often don't like it when their own behavior is dished right back to them.
Remind me which opponent/critic of Trump that has openly disparaged a lifelong patriot post mortem
A business or corporation is not an individual. No where in what you posted did she say she agreed with any mask or vaccine mandates. Plus it was never proven that a mask prevented anyone from getting Covid nor did it prevent the spread. And we see that these Covid vaccines may not be working as advertised. So I take it you believe the business should be held responsible and employees should be able to file a lawsuit against that business if they were to develop side effects from the vaccine that their employer encouraged, coerced, or forced them to take?

I am going to suggest you listen to Shane Hazel on the issue of companies forcing vaccine mandates on their employees.

I'm also going to suggest you read the preamble and sections 1.0 and 1.1 of the Libertarian Party platform and get back to me.

Vaccine mandates and mask mandates are not traits or principles of Libertarianism. Neither is this semi-religious mantra on this forum by some that private businesses can do as they please.
You fail at understanding simple concepts. Go tell the owner of your place of business right now you don’t agree with their views and rules and she/he’s not a person. Surely nothing will happen because it can’t…right?
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A business or corporation is not an individual.
Simply stated. These guys want to extend individual rights to businesses. Yet, ask these same people if they think individuals can do anything they want, and I bet they will suddenly want to place limitations on individuals. They have it skewed and backwards.
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Simply stated. These guys want to extend individual rights to businesses. Yet, ask these same people if they think individuals can do anything they want, and I bet they will suddenly want to place limitations on individuals. They have it skewed and backwards.
Again businesses can do what they choose especially in voluntary agreements with their employees. No one forces you to work anywhere. This isn’t Russia
McCain was a dirtbag. And no I'm not disparaging his time in the service. One can serve honorably in the military and be a complete POS dirtbag in civilian life.

Edit: Hell, a person can serve honorably and still be a dirtbag in uniform.
I agree
McCain was a dirtbag. And no I'm not disparaging his time in the service. One can serve honorably in the military and be a complete POS dirtbag in civilian life.

Edit: Hell, a person can serve honorably and still be a dirtbag in uniform.
Same . He was a thin skinned ego maniac. Maverick my azz. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Then he pulls the emperor stunt and saves it.
Yep, I remember. I only remember one person hurling insults after he died
I wonder if that had anything to do with McCain’s involvement in the Russian dossier. Trump most likely knew what happened at that point due to his meeting with Admiral Rodgers. McCain had a hand in attempting to overthrow an elected president.

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