MTV's "The Challenge" Thread

Oh. After the elim I was like be smart and pick a vet Michelle. Ok good girl you picked a vet...wait Devin? Wtf

Also also someone clean those God **** dishes, you nasty ****s.
Oh. After the elim I was like be smart and pick a vet Michelle. Ok good girl you picked a vet...wait Devin? Wtf

Also also someone clean those God **** dishes, you nasty ****s.

I thought it was a smart pick because the rookies are going to try to pit a strong vet against a strong vet, so she can lay low with Devin.
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I thought it was a smart pick because the rookies are going to try to pit a strong vet against a strong vet, so she can lay low with Devin.

Good point, I didn't really think of that. Idk about laying low with Devin though, he's going to ask Gabbo what 8 times 9 is at some point. Lol
Okay just watched. Lots of politics were shown. Seemed like more than usual. The dishes scene was nasty. Gave me anxiety.
It’s hard to understand these people.
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Just discovered this thread. Been a challenge fanatic since an ex gf got me hooked almost 20 years ago. It’s amazing watching early early seasons where everything was competitive but mostly ligithearted (save for all the girl drama Tonya vs the mean girls etc) to where thr show is now.

I kind of think the spy theme is lame. Stop calling them agents. And TJ trying to use the lingo is corny.

Outside of that - two episodes in it seems like this season has potential.

Team CT here. Always been a fan of him and Wes because they’ve always gone into every season (especially since JEK and then just the bananas cult) as targets. CT is the goat but Wes is really underrated IMO. Glad we don’t have to hear about dad bod anymore. 🙄

Tired of them bringing Aneesa back. Can’t wait to watch her make it to the final few eliminations then cry when no one wants to run an endurance based final with a fat 45 year old who never trains.

Can’t decide who has bigger teeth between Nany or Kyle but damn.

I enjoy Devin and Leroy. Corey is decent. Kyle is entertaining. I hope fessy loses in embarrassing fashion. Looks like he isn’t the biggest guy in the house. Let’s see him in a hall brawl vs CT, or the other big guys they have who I don’t know the names yet (Jeremiah and ??)

Lastly hopefully now that we’re gonna be three episodes in we can stop hearing how each gay or minority player is trying to become an inspiration to their group.
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Anyone know why Bananas hasn’t been back? I heard he kind of got too touchy feely sexual harrassy with some girl on an elevator at one of the mtv events but idk if true.

Also wondering what the story of Cara Maria/Paulie being dismissed. Anyone know?
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I'm with you on the spy theme. Agents, agency, etc, TJ being called the handler. Just stop. Lol

Nany's teeth are so distracting lol

In the off season Fessy fourth place said he would destroy anyone ever on the show in a physical elimination. I get the confidence but you beat a dude way smaller than you in hall brawl, and a dude way smaller and with one hand in an elimination that Jordan would have lost to any guy. Chill a little. Lol
Anyone know why Bananas hasn’t been back? I heard he kind of got too touchy feely sexual harrassy with some girl on an elevator at one of the mtv events but idk if true.

Also wondering what the story of Cara Maria/Paulie being dismissed. Anyone know?

I heard that about Bananas too. I think he just has other stuff going on. He isn't banned as far as I know.

Supposedly Paulie failed a psych test, and making weird azz videos that red flagged MTV. They still wanted Cara, but she said not without Paulie. Then they made a bunch of rigged comments and talking sh*t. So idk if we see them ever again.
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Supposedly Paulie failed a psych test, and making weird azz videos that red flagged MTV. They still wanted Cara, but she said not without Paulie. Then they made a bunch of rigged comments and talking sh*t. So idk if we see them ever again.

I initially liked Paulie because like Wes and CT played not afraid and was a good competitor but it didn’t take long to realize he was a headcase.

I won’t miss Cara. She came in very likable but her persona completely changed.

In the off season Fessy fourth place said he would destroy anyone ever on the show in a physical elimination. I get the confidence but you beat a dude way smaller than you in hall brawl, and a dude way smaller and with one hand in an elimination that Jordan would have lost to any guy. Chill a little. Lol

Fessy will get exposed the more seasons he does. CT isn’t the goat because of his brawn - although that plays a huge role. CT can also eat anything and is great at math and puzzles. Fessy is just 40lbs heavier than anyone and is a good athlete. And he STILL struggled against Nelson in that hall brawl.

Speaking of Nelson, he’ll probably never win because his politics suck and he doesn’t seem very bright - but he’s a damned good competitor. Has heart. No quit on him.
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Jordan and Abram are two other competitors that I wish they’d have on more regularly. Abram is probably retired at this point.

I hate all the old heads not coming back because it serves as a reminder of how old I am.

oh, steroided up brad coming back for a couple seasons was weird.
I initially liked Paulie because like Wes and CT played not afraid and was a good competitor but it didn’t take long to realize he was a headcase.

I won’t miss Cara. She came in very likable but her persona completely changed.

Fessy will get exposed the more seasons he does. CT isn’t the goat because of his brawn - although that plays a huge role. CT can also eat anything and is great at math and puzzles. Fessy is just 40lbs heavier than anyone and is a good athlete. And he STILL struggled against Nelson in that hall brawl.

Speaking of Nelson, he’ll probably never win because his politics suck and he doesn’t seem very bright - but he’s a damned good competitor. Has heart. No quit on him.

I liked Paulie at first too, and thought he was going to be a good "villain" the fight with Brad for example. Then he became a cartoon. Cara is rough for me cause she was my favorite girl forever as the plucky weirdo underdog, then she became insufferable. Shes that girl that adopts her BFs personality and it sucks.

I think Nelson could win with say Ashley, Kam or Amanda as a partner, cause that boy is big dumb. Lol
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Jordan and Abram are two other competitors that I wish they’d have on more regularly. Abram is probably retired at this point.

I hate all the old heads not coming back because it serves as a reminder of how old I am.

oh, steroided up brad coming back for a couple seasons was weird.

Sadly I saw an interview with Jordan, and he said he won't be on a season with Tori. Sucks cause him and CT are 1A and 1B for me. Supposedly he got a call for All Stars, which wouldn't be fair. Lol

I liked young Brad seemed like a decent guy, hes going to be on next seasons All Stars.
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Good point, I didn't really think of that. Idk about laying low with Devin though, he's going to ask Gabbo what 8 times 9 is at some point. Lol

Changed my mind. With it not being full teams voted in, she should have picked Fessy, CT or Cory to help her weaknesses to try and win dailys. That's the only way she will be safe. Plus if the house votes you into elimination you want the strongest person. Pretty stupid decision by her really.
Josh is a potato head and IMO one of the most obnoxiously annoying fake fame whoring cast members ever.

I sincerely hate that he has become a regular on the show.

Just think, if that one guy doesn't break his arm in the first challenge on WoWs, we probably don't even have Josh around.
Also if it stays the same I really don't know if I like this elimination format. Getting rid of CT or Fessy became a lot easier though, just keep throwing them in with like Big T or that weird laughing chick.
I will say it seems like it looks like they added some good new talent this season. Some seem just weird but some seem like they’ll be genuinely interesting and solid competitors.
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he won such a bogus ass season of BB. Hes trash at the challenge.

Every season he just cries, gets rejected by girls, fumbles around at anything athletic, and forces dumb drama for camera time.

Loved when he kept trying to force a rivalry with Wes when Wes told him time and time again hr didn’t gaf about him. Or CT saying gimme the goof.

He’s trash. Needs to go away.
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Fun fact or maybe not so fun: Josh was the only cast member at the club for CTs birthday this year.
I will say it seems like it looks like they added some good new talent this season. Some seem just weird but some seem like they’ll be genuinely interesting and solid competitors.

Yeah a few seem to have potential, the 3 black dudes that were outside together working out, Michelle, Tommy, Grandma's partner, etc...I think Emy has potential but idk if I can handle her full time. Lol

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