MTV's "The Challenge" Thread

Damn, I thought you had me by 10-15 years


Just seem older cause I have had a lot of responsibilities since I was in my 20s and it’s aged me I guess.

Atleast that’s what I think it is. Maybe I am just a grumpy dude lol.
I kinda like him he's just not my kind of douche so i don't root for him that much. I just can't with guys like that that swing on guys like Adam. It's a deal breaker

He was a creepy c*** that poked the bear and got accused of sexual assault by Kelly Anne and Jenn. **** Adam.
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That sounds kinda fruity. I just like CT because he and Wes and Jordan and then Paulie before Paulie went nutso came in and didn’t gaf about anyone and wasn’t afraid to compete. Could back up their talk. I hate the kids who come on just to be a reality tv star.

I became bigger fans during the emergence of the Kenny Evan Johnny trio which became insufferable when it became Johnny and his lap dog Leeroy. So I naturally rooted for anyone who went after his head.

And yeah, like @NEO said, it’s cool seeing a guy who’s from my home town (born outside of Boston myself) who is my age and is still killing it.

You never had to readjust when CT flexes?
I think it’s that he is the same age as many of us who watch it and we live vicariously through him and love seeing him beat the younger kids asses.

Yeah, and I think those of us that have watched his growth over the years have a soft spot for the big lug too.
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Plus Adam was egging it on and was getting physical with ct initially. Pushing him etc.

Mess with the Bull, get the horns.

Yeah, CT punching Davis is far worse than punching Adam. Don't want to get punched? Don't put your hands on people that are crazy. Lol
I saw people calling Ashley racist for calling Berna, Bertha. I mean it's a super lame "diss" but man people are so weird. Lpl
My random episode 4 thoughts

Show starts with fessy saying he wanted Kelz out because he’s a big dude. Shook confirmed

Ed is cool. Great addition to the show. More Ed types and less Josh’s.

Michelle is a beast. Never seen a girl look good with a nosebleed but she pulled it off.

Kyle wtf. Been on what - 8 seasons - and still scared to jump into water? 🙄

Devin is a meh competitor and will never will one of these (unless it’s a team final) but he’s so good at the drama/scheming and he’s funny when he talks trash.

Tori seems so fake. Please send her home soon. Edit: not long after I type this - Tacha says “what do I think about Tori? I think she’s fake. “. 😂

Josh never misses an opportunity to try for camera time. Stfu dude

Tommy was a dud. Big dude and survivor winner - figured he’d be a threat.

Berna looked like she went into beast mode as soon as her name was said.

Seems like the smart move would’ve been to organize the polls before assembling

Simple but decent elimination.
Some of us will not tolerate the besmirchment of Tori

Tacha is an idiot. Tori wanted Tacha to win. Sorry she didn't give you the matchup you wanted but she owed you nothing and you sucked. The house put her up and she probably would have lost to anybody, especially Michelle.
😂 I’ve always liked and rooted for Tori. Especially that season it was her and Jordan vs everyone all season.

But idk, something about her so far this season irritates me.

Tori has a few glaring imperfections but IDC.

There are two kinds of hoes. The kind you like because they are a ho and the kind you don't like because they are a ho. Don't ask me to explain it, it's just true. She's the former.
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That is easily in my top 5 for Dailys that I would love to do. I'm scared sh*tless of heights, unless its jumping into water then the higher the better, and I love caves and swimming too.
Tori has a few glaring imperfections but IDC.

There are two kinds of hoes. The kind you like because they are a ho and the kind you don't like because they are a ho. Don't ask me to explain it, it's just true. She's the former.

Agreed. For me its cause shes the type that you could still be cool with after, no weird and unnecessary drama.
I sh*t on him a lot but Fessy is ok this season IMO Getting rid of Kelz was the right move, and for the exact reason everyone would love to get rid of Fessy. He's been pretty chill, not constantly telling us how awesome he is. Lol
From the after show, Tacha said she didnt like Tori the whole season cause during the first challenge she got to the beach, and Tori told her she was on her team and gave her the sledgehammer to start breaking the bricks. Lol
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I will say Tori's confessionals can be hard to watch.

Sidenote: I'm biased but I feel like we are missing out on potential comedy gold by getting basically zero Kyle and Amanda interactions. Also I want some God **** Kyle and Devin. Lol
Cory L crying about underestimating Hughie cause he's gay and how sorry he is, and immediately on the aftershow talks about how he would beat Hughie in anything 1 on 1. Lol shut up

Not exactly the Kyle and Devin show that I had been wanting. ****ing Kyle lol
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