Mueller Report Imminent

You know damn well if your alls wet dream came true and President Trump was impeached and 2 years down the road Schiff and Nadler came out and said they wrongfully impeached him because they didn't have anything illegal on him you all wouldn't mind one bit.
As much as I hate bama's football team, I would not like seeing their team plane crash.
I have read it... and I don't agree with your conclusion and I'm not sure that Mueller would either. He needs to testify.
Larger point is you all will never let it go, you can't. The media pumps this crap in your alls heads to get viewers. Politicians on your side use it to get donations and votes. Both the media and dem politicians know they have to keep the radical base riled up. You all don't know you are being used.
I have read it... and I don't agree with your conclusion and I'm not sure that Mueller would either. He needs to testify.

Of course you don't agree, but then you have no responsibility of any sort regarding the investigation. Monday morning quarterbacks always find fault in someone else's decisions.
Yes, I did and the Mueller letter concluded that the Barr summary: "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the full report." Mueller also added that, "There is now public confusion about critical aspects of our investigation," and "This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the department appoint the special counsel to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."

In light of those critical words in the Mueller letter, it is clear that Attorney General Barr was lying in his response to Senator Charlie Crist on April 9th. It is hard to understand why he didn't mention the Mueller letter in that testimony. He had to know it would leak.


Take the dem glasses off then reread it.
Not when it comes to obstruction.
Yes it did. In America one is not guilty until proven innocent. Mueller couldn’t prove that Trump obstructed Justice. Furthermore the fact there was no underlying crime would make that basically impossible
Barr's crime is called perjury.
Good luck with that. Is he going to be prosecuted? No. You know it too. So all this is, is pissing and moaning. It's not fair, you cheated.

It's over.

No one cares except stupid stubborn people who just can't accept that Hillary lost. The Mueller Report isn't going to achieve the results you desire. Trump will not be impeached over it and everyone knows it. The best you can hope for is that this constant beating of a dead horse will win in 2020. But it will more likely than not have the opposite result.

Move on and beat him in the next election with a better candidate and a good platform. Going after him like this was will prove counterproductive. It already is.
Yes it did. In America one is not guilty until proven innocent. Mueller couldn’t prove that Trump obstructed Justice. Furthermore the fact there was no underlying crime would make that basically impossible
That is a matter of debate... I have seen it effectively argued both ways. As far as what Mueller concluded on obstruction - Mueller points to evidence of obstruction but then reaches no conclusion either way. The AG did not personally review the underlying evidence before deciding not to prosecute.
That is a matter of debate... I have seen it effectively argued both ways. As far as what Mueller concluded on obstruction - Mueller points to evidence of obstruction but then reaches no conclusion. The AG did not personally review the underlying evidence before deciding not to prosecute.
No conclusion. Like I said. In the American judicial system that means not guilty.
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When you have 20 something worthless socialists candidates running for president on your side, this is the topic you have to stay on
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That is a matter of debate... I have seen it effectively argued both ways. As far as what Mueller concluded on obstruction - Mueller points to evidence of obstruction but then reaches no conclusion either way. The AG did not personally review the underlying evidence before deciding not to prosecute.

More than just Barr reviewed the report and came to that conclusion. Hotrod was one of them.
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Yes, I did and the Mueller letter concluded that the Barr summary: "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the full report." Mueller also added that, "There is now public confusion about critical aspects of our investigation," and "This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the department appoint the special counsel to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."

In light of those critical words in the Mueller letter, it is clear that Attorney General Barr was lying in his response to Senator Charlie Crist on April 9th. It is hard to understand why he didn't mention the Mueller letter in that testimony. He had to know it would leak.

It's pretty much impossible to "capture the context, nature, and substance" in a summary ... particularly substance. There's a lot of stuff not included in an abstract or a summary that you have to find in the report. A drug trial may say the drug under consideration wasn't effective for use, but the body of the report may still show that it was somewhat beneficial in some people under limited conditions. I've watched many times people read a report, leave a meeting, or witness and event and have different versions without any intent to filter, deceive, or misinterpret things. It happens.
No conclusion. Like I said. In the American judicial system that means not guilty.
It means, we have an AG acting as a personal defense attorney for the President who chose not to review evidence because he wasn't interested in whether or not a crime had been committed.
That is a matter of debate... I have seen it effectively argued both ways. As far as what Mueller concluded on obstruction - Mueller points to evidence of obstruction but then reaches no conclusion either way. The AG did not personally review the underlying evidence before deciding not to prosecute.
Did you ever ask yourself why Mueller punted?
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More than just Barr reviewed the report and came to that conclusion. Hotrod was one of them.

Yeah, but Hotrod just quit, so you just know there's a message in that. I suppose we should insist on checking to see that his toenails weren't pulled out or something equally bad to make him concur.
It's pretty much impossible to "capture the context, nature, and substance" in a summary ... particularly substance. There's a lot of stuff not included in an abstract or a summary that you have to find in the report. A drug trial may say the drug under consideration wasn't effective for use, but the body of the report may still show that it was somewhat beneficial in some people under limited conditions. I've watched many times people read a report, leave a meeting, or witness and event and have different versions without any intent to filter, deceive, or misinterpret things. It happens.
I agree. There was no need for that summary. The Mueller team had prepared their own executive summary but for some reason (spin control), Barr wanted to put it in his own words. He also felt the need to conduct that press conference before releasing the report. This "summary" and the subsequent press conference was about establishing the public narrative in Trump's favor ahead of the report.

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