Mueller Report Imminent

It means, we have an AG acting as a personal defense attorney for the President who chose not to review evidence because he wasn't interested in whether or not a crime had been committed.
No, it means we have someone who doesn’t prosecute a crime based on an inconclusive investigation... thankfully. Dems want the DOJ to be part of their kangaroo court
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No, it means we have someone who doesn’t prosecute a crime based on an inconclusive investigation... thankfully. Dems want the DOJ to be part of their kangaroo court

How the hell can he make a decision when he admitted today under oath that he hasn’t reviewed the evidence. Just another cult member falling in line.
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How the hell can he make a decision when he admitted today under oath that he hasn’t reviewed the evidence. Just another cult member falling in line.
Lmao. If there’s anything as close to being a cult it’s the delusional TrumpPutin crowd.

Mueller investigated and couldn’t prove obstruction. Case closed
Seeing a lot of reference to “Barr did not review the evidence himself” narrative. So I guess this spiked based on the Ho’s interrogation.

So let’s see...

  • Barr needed to immediately release the Mueller report.
  • In which Mueller punted on doing his job
  • So Barr had to do Mueller’s job
  • Now Barr didn’t fully do Mueller’s job since he didn’t review all of the evidence Mueller collected before he released the redacted report
  • Mueller needs to testify immediately
  • Barr said he has no problem with that
  • But Barr is changing the message of Mueller’s report
  • But he should have released the report immediately anyway.

All y’all Dims are gonna make some unfortunate beta males some great wives one day 🙄
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How the hell can he make a decision when he admitted today under oath that he hasn’t reviewed the evidence. Just another cult member falling in line.

Y'all are all hung up on this. Of course the AG hasn't reviewed every interview, note, or piece of evidence. His subordinates have and they have given him briefs.
Lmao. If there’s anything as close to being a cult it’s the delusional TrumpPutin crowd.

Mueller investigated and couldn’t prove obstruction. Case closed

LOL at the mass hysterics. What do the dems need Barr to say? They have Mueller's report. Do they think Mueller misquoted himself in his own report?
Barr cannot stop the House Dims from committing political suicide. He did not offer any charging basis from the report, but he cannot stop the Dims from being dim...
As much as he would like too. But what he can obviously do is try to manipulate the public's perception of the findings of the report before the report is even released to congress. That is was became clearly evident today.
The performance of the senators you support says otherwise, it was a shameful display of ignorance and arrogance on their part.
Are you joking? What did you watch? Barr was the proverbial deer in the headlights.
How the hell can he make a decision when he admitted today under oath that he hasn’t reviewed the evidence. Just another cult member falling in line.
You numbnuts lawyers now?
Barr had a team of lawyers to review the findings just as he said
You expect him to personally review probably tens of thousands of pages?
Such a da narrative
Good luck with that. Is he going to be prosecuted? No. You know it too. So all this is, is pissing and moaning. It's not fair, you cheated.

It's over.

No one cares except stupid stubborn people who just can't accept that Hillary lost. The Mueller Report isn't going to achieve the results you desire. Trump will not be impeached over it and everyone knows it. The best you can hope for is that this constant beating of a dead horse will win in 2020. But it will more likely than not have the opposite result.

Move on and beat him in the next election with a better candidate and a good platform. Going after him like this was will prove counterproductive. It already is.
It has nothing to do with Hillary losing. Is that some kind of right wing talking point?
It is about TRUMP, and his being a horrendously despicable human unfit to to hold the office of POTUS.
LOL at the mass hysterics. What do the dems need Barr to say? They have Mueller's report. Do they think Mueller misquoted himself in his own report?
I think they are just trying to enlighten the trumpers.
How many times did we hear "completely exonerated"? lol
Barr was forced to say he did not exonerate Trump.
He goes through at the end of each section and and lays out the elements of obstruction and lays out the facts that he feels pertain to each element.

Why does he then need to give his opinion if he’s given the reader the appropriate tools to form their own opinion? His conclusion would only have been used as political fodder to undermine his impartiality and undermine “the integrity of the criminal justice system,” that he says he’s trying to preserve? We already same democrats doing that before the report was released and saw republicans doing it while the investigation was ongoing.

He’d have to be blind not to see what’s going on and how people, including the president, refer to him. By not drawing a conclusion everybody should have had to read the report and decide for themselves but it can’t be said that his ultimate conclusion is evidence of his bias if there’s no ultimate conclusion.

Are you serious? Why does he need to give his opinion??? His sole fffffing purpose was to give his opinion wether crimes were committed.
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Fair enough.

I don’t think there is anything in there rising to the level of impeachment and I didn’t really see it on Clinton either. The Senate made the right choice, I’d say it was a very clear cut case on Clinton however I don’t believe it rose to the bar of removal worthy.

Has Barr actually said or even heavily implied “no collusion = no obstruction”? I thought he kept the topics separate? I may have missed any strong statement he actually made on that? (In fact a CNN banner came flying past while I typed that) And I don’t blame Trump or his supporters making that statement. I’d dare say you or I would too. He isn’t charged so he’s at will to offer his view on why as is his supporters.

Your last paragraph just reads like a rationalization on why Mueller chose not to do his job. He let consequences drive his reasoning for findings of evidence? Really?

I may be confusing the source on the no collusion = no obstruction thing.

I don’t agree that didn’t do his job and see no evidence that findings of facts were influenced.

My last paragraph was just saying this:
1. I don’t think it makes a difference in results whether he states a conclusion or not.
2. By not stating a conclusion, nobody can say that his conclusion is biased and use that to attack the findings of fact, which I think are more significant than Bob Mueller’s opinion.

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