Mueller Report Imminent

I hope you and the neighbor are happy, however that shakes out. But you are third in line with the gay jokes. Losing your step Pops. .
I took a shower, and when I came back, the other 2 guys had already beat me to it. I felt like my post added to the conversation, so I went with it,
I don't see her being any different from any other politician honestly. The Right have focused their hate on her for decades for [insert reason here]. Now it seems that is transitioning to AOC.
The only politicians I can think of that I wouldn't have a beer with are Trump, Pence, and McConnell. Bush and Obama seem like the best candidates, they both can be hilariously sarcastic smart asses.
If you can't see the difference in the issues between AOC and the Hildebeast then you really aren't aware of much are you? Hildie is a life long crook. I don't mean petty ****, I mean crook. Murder and treason being among the most serious crimes. AOC is just a ****ing moron.
We aren't going to agree on the Benghazi situation. She's had 40-ish years in politics, I understand there will be plenty to criticize her about (not campaigning in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania comes to mind as a colossal mistake imo), but it seems the Right tried to bring her down from the start.
You really don't get it do you. Could you even vote with Clinton was in the WH?
LOL, I guess it will be an invoice made payable to the DNC right?

Yea don’t spend it yet. It’ll be taxed 60% but you’ll get a reparations credit for twice as much when you file your taxes. Just get someone to hand write you a 1099.
You of all people should be able to read the writing on the wall, you know what’s coming ! 😂

Amnesia and stupors are wonderful narcotics for Dims ... no need to deal with who started the food fight or the writing on the wall.
Pence would gladly advocate sending folks to camps to reaffirm their alliance with pussy grabbing.

He has made his position of hate unequivocal over the years.

I agree with the others, you may an all in lib, but you can deal with reason. I guess my take on the alternative sexual tendencies ... really all sexual displays ... is don't wag your butt in somebody's face and he won't shove a hot poker in it. There's private and there's public behavior, don't mix the two and you don't offend people ... that goes for everybody. An example: We can agree to disagree here on VN ... it's sort of an accepted battleground without lethal arms, so it works well; the same thing on the streets of a city with two hate filled gangs of morons is a different story, and a different outcome.
They have gone from tolerance to you will accept our lifestyle!

Libs and socialists are totalitarians any way you swing it. It all falls apart otherwise because there's no way you can have the same "enlightened" ideology across the spectrum (or continuum) and expect one group to willing support/accept the rest ... just doesn't work.
Somebody go talk to him and ask if he is okay with conversion therapy. See what he says.

So a question about young, impressionable kids who are attracted to stylish, outlandish, outrageous behavior as a form of rebellion that virtually all kids go through. Do you think that liberal parents should condone or encourage conversion of the physical kind so the kid can be different? As a parent, I found what most parents have over the years. As kids begin the separation process (particularly the fascination with higher education and the liberating liberal flavor) we got really dumb and out of touch; once the kids reach the point of having to actually make their own way in the world, we had an amazing and rapid return of sense and rational behavior ... and old dogs don't learn new tricks. So should parents and leaders simply abdicate all reason and allow the mentally unprepared to make changes that would change a life forever ... because it's fashionable?

I'd bet most parents of grown kids can tell you about being asked "Why didn't you tell me ...", "Why didn't you stop me from ...", etc. The answer is, "We did, but you wouldn't listen." Most of the LBG... crap involves people who haven't reached the age of reason ... at whatever age.
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