Mueller Report Imminent

I want him removed by any legal means possible. Hasn't changed since day one and is not about to change now.
Your problem is with the word "legal."

Your only recourse is to win the next election, quit with all this other made up Russian collusion/obstruction BS. Your party needs to learn how to lose gracefully when they lose. But that would require class and good manners.

What was I thinking?
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Being a crap person doesnt make one a crap president. Being a good person doesnt make one a good president.
The correlation is a lot stronger than some chose to believe (especially long term) - again completely understandable why many choose to completely separate the two, how else could you justify your support.
So how many Democratic primary votes were changed because the DNC hired a Clinton staffer?

If that's a fair question to ask regarding the Russian influence on the election, it's a fair question to ask here.

And if you don't recognize the similarity of logic, there's no point in carrying on about this any more.
The main thing I would look at is the propagation of lies regarding Hillary's chances of winning the election. People on here everyday show they only vote for the winning side when they rail against third parties being wasted votes.

The dnc thru the media sold a lie pushing a winning side knowing that gets votes.

The fact of the media and dnc being in bed with each other not getting a peep is astounding.
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Your problem is with the word "legal."

Your only recourse is to win the next election, quit with all this other made up Russian collusion/obstruction BS. Your party needs to learn how to lose gracefully when they lose. But that would require class and good manners.

What was I thinking?
I'm not sure it is the only recourse, but if it turns out that way, so be it.
A Trumper lecturing on class and good manners, priceless.
It has little to do with policy, how you guys can remain blind to that fact is amazing; yet the need to remain blind is understandable.
Removing all the BS regulations that choked the living sh!t out of the ability for someone to start and maintain a business and a relaxation of the oppressive Democrat inspired taxation are policies that contributed to this robust economy. Yet you remain blind and dumb to those facts, which is not amazing knowing how you roll, because you need to remain dumb and blind to maintain your fantasy world of denial and TDS.

No wonder your true identity is aptly labeled: Mr. Willfully Ignorant.
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The correlation is a lot stronger than some chose to believe (especially long term) - again completely understandable why many choose to completely separate the two, how else could you justify your support.
Really? Lincoln was a racist who wanted to deport the freed slaves.

JFK was a womanizer and continued to be in office.

Bill actually banged a chick or twelve in the oval office, literally disrespecting the office.

Bush was a crack head.

How many presidents are actually remembered as good people vs the things they achieved in office?

And yet again I have to tell you I dont support Trump. Dude never should have been elected. But since he is and the collusion thing is crap he is the president. Period. I attack your bad reasoning and logic. You wont hear/see me supporting his crap actions.
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Your problem is with the word "legal."

Your only recourse is to win the next election, quit with all this other made up Russian collusion/obstruction BS. Your party needs to learn how to lose gracefully when they lose. But that would require class and good manners.

What was I thinking?

There is no graceful anything if you allow yourself to become that emotionally invested in a political election . I honestly until after 2016 didn’t not think rational , grown ass people would allow themselves to be that emotional about a politician . I was so very wrong and gave too much credit to people for being stable . I had never seen grown folks crying over an election before and talking about how they need so time off work to gather themselves back up , reminded me of my aunt crying when Elvis died . My aunt was in her 30s my grandmother laughed and said honey he was just a man . Yes my aunts a liberal lol .
I'm not sure it is the only recourse, but if it turns out that way, so be it.
A Trumper lecturing on class and good manners, priceless.

You don't even know what class and good manners are. Poor loser, that's a term that fits, Hillary, Abrams, and most of all, you.

I'm not a Trumper but he has been a pleasant surprise in what he has accomplished for this country so far. The fact that he has done this in an environment that has been extremely hostile to him is amazing.

Facts that you conveniently ignore, Mr. Willfully Ignorant.
Removing all the BS regulations that choked the living sh!t out of the ability for someone to start and maintain a business and a relaxation of the oppressive Democrat inspired taxation are policies that contributed to this robust economy. Yet you remain blind and dumb to those facts, which is not amazing knowing how you roll, because you need to remain dumb and blind to maintain your fantasy world of denial and TDS.

No wonder your true identity is aptly labeled: Mr. Willfully Ignorant.
You didn't even understand my post. You completely misinterpreted the "it has little to do with policy" part.
No wonder your true identity is aptly labeled: Simply Ignorant
Or maybe just unthinking.
Did Mueller address his decision not to reach this conclusion in the report, or did he not?

He did. He decided that he couldn’t prove that obstruction happened and couldn’t prove it didn’t happen. Based on legal standards. That’s what I got out of the summaries.
Did Mueller address his decision not to reach this conclusion in the report, or did he not?

He did and his excuse was insufficient. He did not make a determination on purpose, to incite exactly what is happening now. He was derelict in his duties as SP.
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You didn't even understand my post. You completely misinterpreted the "it has little to do with policy" part.
No wonder your true identity is aptly labeled: Simply Ignorant
Or maybe just unthinking.
Jeez, Trolluther not only are you Willfully Ignorant you are unoriginal. I must really be getting under your skin (ewww!) because you feel the need to copy.
It has little to do with policy, how you guys can remain blind to that fact is amazing; yet the need to remain blind is understandable.
It has everything to do with policy. Your side has got to get him out of the game because he is showing your pitiful player up. That is what nobody wants to discuss. He’s simply better at this thing than Barry.
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Not true. But if it is, prosecute and punish anyone and everyone found to be guilty. I have not problem with that.
Now you'r catching on.

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Now you'r catching on.

It's what I've said from the beginning.
I'll recap all of my major points: (which have never wavered)
1. Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should have never been nominated or elected.
2. The worst election scenario was that it was a free and fair election.
3. Trump makes our country and the world a worse place.
4 Trump should be removed by any legal means available.
5. Investigate anyone and everyone suspected of criminal/illegal activity, prosecute when appropriate, and then punish the guilty.
It's what I've said from the beginning.
I'll recap all of my major points: (which have never wavered)
1. Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should have never been nominated or elected.
2. The worst election scenario was that it was a free and fair election.
3. Trump makes our country and the world a worse place.
4 Trump should be removed by any legal means available.
5. Investigate anyone and everyone suspected of criminal/illegal activity, prosecute when appropriate, and then punish the guilty.
How many times a day do you think you repeat that tired ass statement, over/under 100?
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It's what I've said from the beginning.
I'll recap all of my major points: (which have never wavered)
1. Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should have never been nominated or elected.
2. The worst election scenario was that it was a free and fair election.
3. Trump makes our country and the world a worse place.
4 Trump should be removed by any legal means available.
5. Investigate anyone and everyone suspected of criminal/illegal activity, prosecute when appropriate, and then punish the guilty.
I didn't literally mean "now", because you haven't actually caught on. Trump will not be indicted. He will finish his second term. If anyone is ever indicted, it will be mostly people you idolized and never dreamed would be.

Trump's team has the intelligence info. It will come out for public consumption. That's the reason for the attacks on him.
You are the one clinging. The amount of prosecutors who signed that letter is similar to the percentage of engineers and architects that are 9/11 truthers. I actually think its lower, but it's hard to find numbers for either

The report isn’t even needed to know that the president knew he was under investigation, and Trump’s behavior provides “substantial evidence” (Mueller’s words) of his intent to disrupt the special counsel’s investigation. There were at least two attempted and one successful obstructive acts that also meet the other two elements.

Maybe Mueller will eventually offer a contradictory analysis, but nothing in there makes me think I’m clinging to anything, and I’ve seen nothing, other than an admittedly unsupported opinion, to suggest equivalence to 9/11 truthers.

On the other hand, one person here has tried to disagree with my assessment by saying “you’re wrong because the facts don’t support the elements” or “this is not a prosecutable case,” and, as I have predicted each time I’ve refused to get into specifics, that person completely ignored evidence, or explained it away with poorly supported inferences or assumed facts, some of which were directly contradicted by facts within the report. None of the rest of you is even saying “here are facts that constitute a defense,” and I haven’t seen very many saying “the facts in the report aren’t true.”

If the best argument against my conclusion is based on Mueller’s failure to reach an ultimate conclusion, even though the decision to not reach a conclusion was cogently articulated in Volume II, and the “hidden” conclusion this supposedly evinces was explicitly reached in Volume I, that seems pretty desperate, to me.
He did. He decided that he couldn’t prove that obstruction happened and couldn’t prove it didn’t happen. Based on legal standards. That’s what I got out of the summaries.

That’s exactly the conclusion that he reached in the collusion section, right?

Why wouldn’t he just state the same conclusion in Volume II, if that’s what he decided?

Also, which elements of the offense do you think could not be proven?
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