Mueller Report Imminent

Nope - I've spent half of my life under republican administrations. Never once did I feel toward a single one of them the level of repulsion I feel toward Trump.
You can dispute that or twist that all you wish, but it doesn't change the truth.

Well he’s a Democrat soooooo.....
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Nope - I've spent half of my life under republican administrations. Never once did I feel toward a single one of them the level of repulsion I feel toward Trump.
You can dispute that or twist that all you wish, but it doesn't change the truth.
I don't need to twist anything. What you are saying doesn't support the things you've said in the past.
I swore an oath to the weirwood tree in my front yard on the night of the election that I would never let it go. Trump can never be normalized. If he's still in office and is nominated in 2020, then we can vote him out.
Plus there are about 500 and counting signatures saying he has done something wrong.

Just remember Luth that President Donald J Trump just may go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever.

My taxes went down this year.
Unemployment is low, low, low.
The economy is doing well.
He is standing up against Abortion, which is one of the worst atrocities in the world.
Obamacare is dead with no help from the RINOs.
He is appointing Conservative Judges to the courts. Bigly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He supports our Military and Police.
He allowed our military to do what they do best without being handcuffed and kicked ISIS's butt.
He is fighting against illegal immigration with little help from the RINOs.
He is starting to get some of the wall built with no help from the RINOs and Sorry DIMs.
He takes on the Liberal Media unlike any other Republican in the past.
He calls it like he sees it unapologetically.
He may just yet get a deal with North Korea. Time will tell and I would not bet against him.
He is a Pitbull that fights for the change I want to see.

I don't think there was one other cadidate running that could have this much success.
You really are an idiot if that's what you got from that. I'm telling you how the Dems can help themselves. The fact you can't see how they're hurting themselves slinging the BS speaks volumes.

They can’t , they went ALL in and there’s no way to stop it now . Logic and history would dictate they stop before they convince voters to give Trumps economy a chance ( the devil you know vs the one you don’t ) .
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Just remember Luth that President Donald J Trump just may go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever.

My taxes went down this year.
Unemployment is low, low, low.
The economy is doing well.
He is standing up against Abortion, which is one of the worst atrocities in the world.
Obamacare is dead with no help from the RINOs.
He is appointing Conservative Judges to the courts. Bigly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He supports our Military and Police.
He allowed our military to do what they do best without being handcuffed and kicked ISIS's butt.
He is fighting against illegal immigration with little help from the RINOs.
He is starting to get some of the wall built with no help from the RINOs and Sorry DIMs.
He takes on the Liberal Media unlike any other Republican in the past.
He calls it like he sees it unapologetically.
He may just yet get a deal with North Korea. Time will tell and I would not bet against him.
He is a Pitbull that fights for the change I want to see.

I don't think there was one other cadidate running that could have this much success.
He will go down in history as the worst, despite some of those things and because of some of those things.
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As I've been saying now for some time, the question to be posed to Mueller is whether the issue is the timing: Had his report been set to come out 30 days after Trump left office, would he have recommended charges?

I think the answer is likely "yes." And that is because Trump is guilty AF, and everyone knows it. The only thing saving him from charges is the DOJ memo. He can still be impeached over it. And he for sure should be run out of office in the next election if that is all that is left.
Superdelegates. There's a reason some in the Dem party want to do away with them.

Which candidate should the superdelegates have voted for?

Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

And of course the superdelegates had no bearing on the above votes cast.
Which candidate should the superdelegates have voted for?

Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

And of course the superdelegates had no bearing on the above votes cast.
So, the Dems choose their nominee by adding up all the votes from all the primaries? I wasn't aware.
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The Democratic primary was "rigged" because the superdelegates voted for the candidate that got 3.5 million more votes.
The Democratic primary was "rigged" because the superdelegates voted for the candidate that got 3.5 million more votes.
No the Democratic primary was rigged because as a condition of Killary funding the DNC they backed her unquestionably. Donna Brazille has already copped to this arrangement. Even with the deck stacked against him Bernie got 13M to Killary’s 16M.

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Which candidate should the superdelegates have voted for?

Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

And of course the superdelegates had no bearing on the above votes cast.
Doesn’t matter. Still got beat by the guy that helped out your constituents that you wanted to keep on the plantation.
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I absolutely agree. An outsider is what DC fears; someone they never wanted to see; someone who would have no qualms about disclosing their corruption and ineptitude ... or maybe just the boor who trips over it and is too "stupid" to avoid exposing them. I've thought that about Trump and DC since the beginning; they've got a cozy, incestuous relationship going (both parties), and they have no intention of seeing it wrecked by an outsider. Some in the GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the Dims have.
Drain the swamp isn't just a campaign slogan.

People need to wake up.

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