Mueller Report Imminent

Im guessing you're for high unemployment
Of course not. The fact that there is some good economic news in no way changes the fact that he is a horrendously despicable human that will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Of course not. The fact that there is some good economic news in no way changes the fact that he is a horrendously despicable human that will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Sure you are. It is in every one of your posts. And no one cares how you feel about Trump the man, no matter how many times you say it. He's still a better PRESIDENT than any of the morons that you are currently running.
Just remember Luth that President Donald J Trump just may go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever.

My taxes went down this year.
Unemployment is low, low, low.
The economy is doing well.
He is standing up against Abortion, which is one of the worst atrocities in the world.
Obamacare is dead with no help from the RINOs.
He is appointing Conservative Judges to the courts. Bigly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He supports our Military and Police.
He allowed our military to do what they do best without being handcuffed and kicked ISIS's butt.
He is fighting against illegal immigration with little help from the RINOs.
He is starting to get some of the wall built with no help from the RINOs and Sorry DIMs.
He takes on the Liberal Media unlike any other Republican in the past.
He calls it like he sees it unapologetically.
He may just yet get a deal with North Korea. Time will tell and I would not bet against him.
He is a Pitbull that fights for the change I want to see.

I don't think there was one other cadidate running that could have this much success.
He will go down in history as the worst, despite some of those things and because of some of those things.
Of course not. The fact that there is some good economic news in no way changes the fact that he is a horrendously despicable human that will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Care to point out the "because some of those things" from his list?
Care to point out the "because some of those things" from his list?
You have to ask?

He is standing up against Abortion, which is one of the worst atrocities in the world.
Obamacare is dead with no help from the RINOs.
He is appointing Conservative Judges to the courts. Bigly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He supports our Military and Police.
He allowed our military to do what they do best without being handcuffed and kicked ISIS's butt.
He is fighting against illegal immigration with little help from the RINOs.
He is starting to get some of the wall built with no help from the RINOs and Sorry DIMs.
He takes on the Liberal Media unlike any other Republican in the past.
He calls it like he sees it unapologetically.
He may just yet get a deal with North Korea. Time will tell and I would not bet against him.
He is a Pitbull that fights for the change I want to see.
No the Democratic primary was rigged because as a condition of Killary funding the DNC they backed her unquestionably. Donna Brazille has already copped to this arrangement. Even with the deck stacked against him Bernie got 13M to Killary’s 16M.

So how many Democratic primary votes were changed because the DNC hired a Clinton staffer?

If that's a fair question to ask regarding the Russian influence on the election, it's a fair question to ask here.

And if you don't recognize the similarity of logic, there's no point in carrying on about this any more.
He saved the republic in much the same way as a severe head injury saves a person because when at the emergency room they discover he has a brain tumor. They remove the tumor and warn the man that another head injury would be fatal.
He saved the republic in much the same way as a severe head injury saves a person because when at the emergency room they discover he has a brain tumor. They remove the tumor and warn the man that another head injury would be fatal.
He saved the republic by keeping a corrupt traitor out of office and allowing her to cover up the corruptions that have been going on for too long. He's saving the republic by allowing the Washington establishment to show just how disgusting and careless about the rule of law they actually are.

Declass is coming. Get your kleenex and collection of SSRIs ready.
I think I read the report, cover to cover. I read the law. I read the facts. I read the analysis of the law and the facts. I read the justification for not reaching a conclusion. All of the considerations you’re raising were reconciled, so I reached a conclusion of my own.

Then, a couple weeks later, 370 people with some degree of subject matter experience more or less agreed with me, independently.

Haven’t needed to defend against a substantive rebuttal, either. It’s all been, basically, trying to cherry pick things Mueller has said or done (like this) or unsupported conclusions. Or the 3 days that we’re spent whining about why Mueller didn’t tell you what to think... ironically the same crowd doing the most of that are not satisfied by this, either.

Was it not Meullers job, the entire reason for the Special Counsel, to find evidence and make a prosecutorial decision to indict or not indict?
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He saved the republic in much the same way as a severe head injury saves a person because when at the emergency room they discover he has a brain tumor. They remove the tumor and warn the man that another head injury would be fatal.
His policies are simply better for America. And for that your side hates him. Therefore, you suck donkey balls.
So how many Democratic primary votes were changed because the DNC hired a Clinton staffer?

If that's a fair question to ask regarding the Russian influence on the election, it's a fair question to ask here.

And if you don't recognize the similarity of logic, there's no point in carrying on about this any more.
Look. Killary bought her party lock stock and barrel during the last election cycle. That was established. She had ultimate control of their advertising strategy and finances. We’ve told you that the Russians didn’t change any of our votes. So now you want to split hairs on how many Killary or Bernie votes were affected based on her buying the DNC? Yeah I agree that “logic” won’t hunt.
I mean, I guess if you need something to cling to, that’ll work.
You are the one clinging. The amount of prosecutors who signed that letter is similar to the percentage of engineers and architects that are 9/11 truthers. I actually think its lower, but it's hard to find numbers for either
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How many voters do you think changed their votes because of DNC efforts to influence the election?

Then do Russia.
The Russians spent less than half a million. Willing to bet the DNC did more than that. Heck that money is 1/2800th what Hillary spent. And 1/1200 what trump spent. Its laughable it even comes up.
He saved the republic in much the same way as a severe head injury saves a person because when at the emergency room they discover he has a brain tumor. They remove the tumor and warn the man that another head injury would be fatal.
He showed that the Washington establishment, as bad as it might be, is still far more preferable than a horrendously despicable outsider.
No one will ever again make the ignorant correlation of outsider = good .... insider = bad.
His policies are simply better for America. And for that your side hates him. Therefore, you suck donkey balls.
It has little to do with policy, how you guys can remain blind to that fact is amazing; yet the need to remain blind is understandable.
Of course not. The fact that there is some good economic news in no way changes the fact that he is a horrendously despicable human that will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Being a crap person doesnt make one a crap president. Being a good person doesnt make one a good president.

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