Mueller Report Imminent

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I don’t get it either, tbh, but I haven’t followed it closely.

Seems about as necessary as holding Barr in contempt over roughly 1 page of redacted words.
So I’m gonna guess there will be “retaliation” investigations and this might be one of them. That kind of action has to be weighted heavily or it will backfire I think. Or in this case the new sheriff in town got the lay of the land and wanted something different in the look. But why not work within the IGs framework? Don’t know. Wonder if there might be different policies governing the two looks? 🤷‍♂️
Also... what have you got to fear? What’s wrong with an investigation if you did nothing wrong? “Stop acting guilty”. What were the other BS retorts you idiots used on the Muell’s witch hunt?

I don't fear anything. If procedures were disregarded, let's hear about it--from the OIG, not the conspiracy nuts.
I don't fear anything. If procedures were disregarded, let's hear about it--from the OIG, not the conspiracy nuts.
So Durham is a conspiracy nut now? Didn’t take long for the monkey poo slinging to start on another individual with an impeccable resume to complete the task he was appointed to do 🤷‍♂️

You Dims be you though.
This is even better in that they waited two+ years before even starting the investigation.
When all of them running the investigation are political affiliated hacks you have to let it come to an end before you release the hounds or it would just be something else you or LG would start a thread over.

Taunting over why the delay while it's barely started after following a fake investigation for almost 3 years is rich.
So Durham is a conspiracy nut now?
I'm mainly talking about Trump and MAGA nation.
The Inspector General is like internal affairs for federal government agencies.

What would you suggest they do?

I suggest they do their jobs. The reason I cited that was because it was incorrectly stated that nothing the FBI did could be reviewed until the Mueller report was done.

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